Just had my first questionable engagement last weekend. Spent the night meeting up with 2 buddies who had to make their way from the east coast, while I ran down from the NW part of the map. After finally grouping up and handing over my spare magnum to 1 guy and ammo for the blaze rifle he picked up. We hoofed it toward Novy Sober but on the approach decided to try and zoom in on the town to make sure it was safe. As I'm looking down at the town through my rifle my buddy starts shouting about 2 geared guys heading up the road. I thought he ment in town....they were on the road we were standing just off of though. I toss out a courteous "Just keep walking" to our new friends, oh no they hit the dirt. One guy disappears in the grass and the other I couldn't see due to bushes. We engage Blaze rounds BOOM BOOM then 1 buddy is shot down, I take a round to the jacket while starting to flank; later finding out it ruined my ammo can, Bastards!!, BOOM BOOM BOOM my buddy with the revolver is engaging, I opened up with the M4 at that point and take out the 2nd guy that had gone prone on the road. As we start looting I found that the first guy was just knocked out, I put a few more rounds in him but wished I would have cuffed him instead in hindsight. It was great actually seeing the people shooting at me for once, usually My screen just fades to black from some evil sniper.