Scrolling. DayZ [ELITE TEAM] Clan member only 1/40 Scrolling. RUS36 Clan Server (kick all non abuse) 0/40 Scrolling. DayZ PL 1-054 - Hosted by Persistanse Enabled 0/50 Click-click. You are not in the White list, and were kicked. Scrolling. Friendly RP Server 10/30 Click-click. You are not in the White list, and were kicked. Unreal play. Seriously, this is a game of "find a server without whitelist". Even if you choose Public server, ignoring Private, still 2 of 3 will be with whitelist. At the off. forum advised to put in the filter "Hosted by". Now the probability whitelist 1 of 3. Not a panacea, unfortunately.