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Everything posted by Ajaxtu

  1. WoW, you guys are still feeding this thing? He wont fit under his bridge now.....Maybe he can go find a new one?
  2. Not worth the discussion.... I would have removed your post/link too, and this one.
  3. Ajaxtu

    Suggestions for the defibrillator

    Did you remember to put a battery in it? :huh:
  4. Ajaxtu

    New Guba

    Obviously there IS more to be done. Maxed them both and still MUCH darker than that. I wouldn't be able to see the stairs in front of me.
  5. Ajaxtu

    New Guba

    The gamma exploit was reduced/fixed in the patch that included the police station in the screen shot. So these night time shots were taken after the patch. Must know the secret! Gimme Video Config, cough it up.....
  6. Ajaxtu

    New Guba

    All i want to know is how in the beans did you get your night settings to look like that after the patch? That is all.
  7. It's the first thing i look for after a fresh spawn. With never being hit or damaged, I find one, use it, get sick status, sick goes away, I eat and drink, and get healthy status within minutes after the "Wounds are clean" message. I dont think its working as intended, but its the only way i've found to get my "Healthy" status even if i was never hit or scratched. I have to clean my non-existant wounds first.