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About Reflex121

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    On the Coast
  1. So I picked up a machete today and thought "awesome! I could really do some damage with this!". Boy was I wrong. The machete is way under powered. I thought it should kill a zombie in like four hits (a properly kept machete should be able to lop all of the appendages of a human body off at that point.) but I wasn't able to kill anything! At one point I just wanted to see how many hits it would take to kill one zombie. I lost count after 25.... Is there something wrong with the machete? was it not properly implemented or something?
  2. Reflex121

    Different types of controllers supported?

    That is one awesome looking controller. There's only one problem with it, it wouldn't be used much in dayZ seeing how most of the game is running around. Another problem is that this is a computer game, and most people will be sitting at their computer. I'm sure Dayz will allow other controllers in the future. I personally would like to use an xbox controller. I find it easier to aim with it.. oddly enough.
  3. Reflex121

    Water Bottle Volume??

    This probably isn't important at all to the game, but it's just a minor detail that I noticed. When you find a canteen, the maximum volume of water it holds is apparently 10 milliliters. Each swig that you take is only about 2mL. It works for the game, it's just not realistic.... 10mL of water is like one mouthful, or even less. For realism, I would increase the volume of the canteen to 1 Liter, or 500 milliliters and Each "swig" should be increased to 50-100 milliliters. Again, not at all important to the game play, it's just something that I noticed.