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About Rob1969in

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  1. Rob1969in

    Dean Hall please sort it out...

    Ooooooooooh I've been WARNED, I called Caboose a prick(for that is what he is) because he added nothing to the thread, but is one of the little fanboys that waits for posts like mine ,so he can try and score brownie points off whoever he is trying to impress ,his post was pointless and pathetic, okay so I have moaned about the game but isn't any feedback better than no feedback, I know all the devs etc want is praise but surely they also need to see what people are finding annoying, no?
  2. Rob1969in

    Dean Hall please sort it out...

    Yes true , I seriously don't understand peoples need too hack, I don't understand what the fun is in being good at a game due to buying a bit of software that does the work for you? I also feel that a lot of developers increase their monetary returns on games by making their own hacking software ,selling it on a third party site and knowing that if they ban these saddos who bought the hacks, they will inevitably buy the game again ,thus the developers making more cash!
  3. Rob1969in

    Dean Hall please sort it out...

    Caboose You're a prick. . The rest of the normal people who have answered constructively , on further inspection I have come to the conclusion that the guy who killed me was glitching in the wall of the building next door from the glass tower building ,so not hacking just taking advantage of the terrible programming of this game where it is possible to glitch through walls, there are videos on youtube showing how its done! you run up to a wall with your fists up and you can see through walls, obviously this guy has also managed to hold a gun whilst doing so, I do indeed know it's a Alpha and on the whole I can forgive all it's faults I am just at a loss that major faults are ignored but new features are added that bring more faults, I don't understand the logic of it, surely fixing the problems that exist should be the starting point? but then I am not a programmer. I ,like the the 2nd guy who replied want this game to be great and although it is already a superb game in many respects and certainly better than the god awful War Z/Infestation it is still frustrating when there are school boy errors made on every update.
  4. Rob1969in

    Dean Hall please sort it out...

    Well yes I can understand that, but was just venting my anger , I should've checked the forums before posting I guess
  5. I know it's an Alpha , I know that ,and I know Dean Hall is implementing some great things, but one thing he does not mention is hackers which in my eyes are the biggest problem in this game ,I have just been killed yet again by two guys that were blatantly cheating ,I recorded it but what is the point ,with no idea of the names of the players, what can anyone do? Surely the first thing that should be fixed is getting the hackers banned? Maybe I am just unlucky, but the game is getting boring now, because there is no incentive to it when you know you're getting geared up just to lose it to cheating lowlifes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeCUKhI9Kq8 Another thing is that if you're dead quiet hiding in a bush, but there are people close to you shooting moisin rounds after moisin rounds , yet the zombies come for you ,you've not moved a muscle or shot a bullet, but you get chased by this zombie giving away your position to the obviously invisible (to zombies) players, I despair of it and again I know it is a alpha, but instead of adding loads of stuff ,fix the existing problems, zombies walking through walls anyone? What do people think about this video, how are these guys ignored by Zombies? Yet it has come for me? http://youtu.be/6TuxDPH53uw
  6. Rob1969in

    What I would like is...

    Well from those 2 experiances I don't blame you, there are complete tools playing games from all over the world of course and I should not really had pigeon holed the USA players I was just going by what has happened to me today, but yes I think I will take a leaf out of your book and kill all Americans and Brits from now on! if you can't beat em join em, I just need to find a gun first though!
  7. Rob1969in

    What I would like is...

    Cool man, I didn't intend starting a bandwagon, it's just what has happened to me and a few other guys I have spoken too.
  8. Rob1969in

    What I would like is...

    Thanks man, I'm not saying all Americans are like this I just haven't been lucky enough to bump in to a helpful one as yet or even one that has let me just get on with my game without shooting me in the face and calling me a fa**ot
  9. Rob1969in

    What I would like is...

    I think this game is coming along nicely and it is already very addictive and much more playable than the awful War z(Infestation) but one thing I would love is if we could have servers for Europe etc and separate servers for USA ,I have been playing a lot today and I have come accross many other players on my journeys ,and I have been killed 4 times whilst having no gun and after I have said hello I'm just passing no need to kill me, and everytime I have been killed it has been an American player, then I have said why did you do that? the answer is normally something along the lines of'F**k you ♥♥♥*ot' now this may well upset a lot of Americans but it seems to say a lot about that nation , they wait until you say you're unarmed and not a threat ,then they kill you, I have bumped in to Russians, Polish ,czechs ,UK and Swedish players and they have been helpful, giving me food and water, but 90 percent of Americans have called me a ♥♥♥*ot and killed me, so let them have their own servers and let them kill eachother and call eachother ♥♥♥*ots and let the rest of the world play the game as its meant to be played, I have no problem with gunfights with other players with guns etc, but see no point in Americans killing people just for the sake of it, they are not even getting anything ,3 out of the 4 times I have been killed by Americans I haven't even had a backpack!. So lets just let them have thier own servers eh?