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About stsu*eromusha

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    On the Coast
  1. stsu*eromusha

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Some point to the bow and crossbow. Currently the range of crossbow is isuffisante. This model is an equivalent of 180 pounds should be raised to 150 meters. Power should be reduced but the range increased. The quiver is useless, because it only contains 5 blots for 2 places and the 5 combined bolts occupies 1 place in inventory. I think the quiver should contain up to 15/20 bolts for 2 boxes. Would be the equivalent of the round box for arrow :-). When it is found it may be empty or contain 5 bolts but its total capacity should be 15/20 bolts. The skin from the arc contains an arrow (false arrow) should not be apparent because in reality it does not exist. This is corrected urgently before it is usable.
  2. Nolim a french player to post on a forum an interesting respawn idea to make the gameplay more RP: The respawn should have a period of 3 to 5 min and a quick 1 to 2 km radius of the area where they are then grouped. So that we could clean an area and have a minimum of time before you receive a new wave of Z. . It would strengthen the hand RP with infected who walk to a city hoping to find some fresh meat. This system will be even more interesting when the number of zombies will be increased. --------- For my part I would add that from the moment the zombie no longer pass through the wall and doors. It will be very interesting it may broke a door with a delay from 30 sec. to 1 min. It will leave just enough time to organize his defense or even out through another door. That reinforce the atmosphere. We see often in films zombies together, screaming and hitting for enter where is located their target.
  3. stsu*eromusha

    What should be a zombie in DAYZ

    Are you sure? Dean Hall speaks well of zombie in his interviews and not infected.Is this an abuse of language on his part?I confess that at present and even more since the update it looks more like infected . But it would be very valuable to really know if have zombies or not.If a dev could respond on this point it would be nice.
  4. stsu*eromusha

    What should be a zombie in DAYZ

    Firstly Thanks for your work, which is still remarkable that already we are only in alpha. It seems to me that we DayZ sum in the presence of infected zombies as those described in the books of max brooks and in the Walking dead BD and series. But in Dayz The zombies do not yet represent a real danger. I think that adding a few points along the Z correspond more to what we want and be more dangerous and unpredictable. So players can keep more bullets for zombies and don’t for conspecifics. 1. Zombies and damage: In DayZ the zombies die no matter where you pull or hit. A zombie must have destroyed the brain to no longer exist, thus in the reference cited above and many more. Should the zombie dies by head shot. Body blows that should slow them down. Blows to leg should, as soldier of Arma 2 and 3, forced to crawl but not kill them. Whether shot or stabbed it should be the same result, with more or less rapidity Head = death with one or multiple strokes according weapon Light object (kitchen knife, hammer, shovel) 3-4 shots Heavy blunt object (Wrench, baseball bat, crowbar) 2-3 shots Sharp object (bayonet, machete) 1-2 shots Sharp object heavy, firearms or arrows (crossbow, axe firefighter or lumberjack, firearms) 1 shots Chest and arm = deterioration of their strength. Their strength is expected to decrease happened to be near zero Leg = change of velocity and displacement of the form Running> Walking> Limping> Crawling 2. Player’s detection - At present zombies do not smell the arrived player. We can arrived behind a zombie and to kill him( without he is react. Except zombies smell their preys he should thus react when we approach. The creation of a radiation around the character representing its smell would allow the zombie in case of detection to put it in search of this smell. Reference: the episode of walking dead or they cover themselves with entrails for unnoticed. - When zombies spot a prey his cry must attract others. It’s can be already but i don’t see that yet. 3. The damage are zombies Zombies should do more damage to their meeting is synonymous with danger. Two shots of a zombie received without a helmet should always be equal to bleeding, taking care to share before a zombie can not hit us when it is 2 meters from us. When wearing a helmet should deteriorated over the helmet (already exists), our clothes and create wounds to be treated (broken arm or leg) it would make the use of splints and more frequent analgesics. And transmit diseases like you've already provided. 4. The zombies Movements and their spawn points. Day Z zombies are too static. To make them dangerous they must be unpredictable and they can appear in places where they are not expected or more. In the state are still audible zombie before we see them and are almost always alone. They should pass completely through the map, completely autonomously in order to find prey and not remained static in their spawn area. Permettrais find it in the drill. It would find in the forest. This would allow some zombies fall on campers waiting quietly on the outskirts of a city that another player passes for be shoot him. They should allow them to market group if it occurs, for the horde effect that makes it even more dangerous. The choice of following the path that is being made ​​by a grade as compared to the soldier in Arma. It is certainly possible to give them a grade invisible to us but whose AI consciousness. And two zombies in the same grade who can match perfectly to ignore. Urban areas should have more zombies than the countryside but must still meet the horde is possible for the rural routes more dangerous. For more hordes proposed above grouping system. Be little need there be spawn group several zombies, which will begin to move together as the principle of patrol soldiers in Arma. Ideally also include zombies spawn in buildings, finally not that it is inconsistent with a made ​​to evolve in the whole map it must absolutely can not cross more textures this is the condition that will keep them in their walls. I think the meeting of several zombies in a building would be an additional source of stress that would make much more interesting exploration. Example: The floor of a hospital infested with ten zombies, A family still present in his country house Or 4 or 5 zombie fireman in a barracks and its surroundings. STSU EroMusha I very much hope to see some of these points in the future, appear in DayZ. Sorry for my bad english. He’s very poor. :(