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Everything posted by aggathor

  1. For those that want to know more about the new throwing update in DayZ. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0tFLUgi93k What's your opinion on throwing?
  2. aggathor

    8 Steps to PvP in DayZ

    Hello again guys o/ I made a PvP guide about gaming in general. I think these 8 steps apply greatly in DayZ however.
  3. Hello DayZ fans! Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9bVhzDt5q4 Part 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTSKNdi80RE Feedback welcome!
  4. aggathor

    How to run at maximum speed

    Hello DayZ fans! It's been a while since I've conducted an experiment and I've noticed some rumors about running popping up recently, are they true or false? Only science knows :)
  5. aggathor

    Hyperthermia Guide Exp. 0.49

    Hello DayZ fans! I dedicated some hours into finding out how Hyperthermia works. Enjoy :)
  6. aggathor

    Hyperthermia Guide Exp. 0.49

    No problem. Yeah I hope so too. Maybe a wind gauge too if bullets get thrown around by wind.
  7. aggathor

    Hyperthermia Guide Exp. 0.49

    No problem. I think the mechanics are nearly there, just the numbers need refinement in my opinion.
  8. aggathor

    48 Tips For 0.48

    Hello once again DayZ fans :) Here's the 5th in the series of tips, 48 tips for 0.48. Thank you for your continued support for this series <3
  9. Hello DaZ fans! As requested by WOBO followers, the medic playstyle(things get emotional).
  10. aggathor

    The highs and lows of playing a Medic

    I wasn't really sure how to play a medic before I started, so that didn't help :p I guess there are various forms of medics; ones that will try to help everyone, ones that help only the needy, etc. What I think it all boils down to, is how much you're willing to sacrifice in order to help someone. In this playstyle... I was obviously ripe for slaughter :D
  11. aggathor

    How to run at maximum speed

    Thanks! :) Anything under 100 meters is weapon out, anything over 100 meters is weapon away. If you're taking fire, wait until you have full breath before sprinting to your next piece of cover with your weapon out.
  12. Hello DayZ community! :) Here is my new gameplay series called "PlayStyles", where I play by a set of rules based around a theme. In this theme, I play as a Hobo :lol: Feedback welcome!
  13. Hello again DayZ fans! :) below is an AK101 guide with M4A1 and AKM comparisons. Thanks for watching as always!
  14. aggathor

    47 Tips For 0.47

    Hello DayZ fans! The 4th in the series: 47 tips for 0.47 :) Enjoy!
  15. aggathor

    47 Tips For 0.47

    I know it's a bit of a silly answer, but were you out of breath? :P I haven't noticed bad sway in 0.47 unless I run for a long time.
  16. I think this is what he meant: Stable - Not experimental. Smooth - Zombies smoothly travel through walls. Simple - Spawn, gear up, die, respawn, gear up, die, respawn, gear up, die.
  17. aggathor

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Amazing patch guys! Keep up the great work :D
  18. Here they are! Tents!
  19. aggathor

    A short guide to tents in DayZ Exp. 0.47

    To answer both of you. The tent has to be empty or you don't get the 'pack tent' options.
  20. aggathor

    A short guide to tents in DayZ Exp. 0.47

    Yeah they're bound. But you can pick it up and take it to a new server.
  21. aggathor

    Looting loot means more loot

    So the more loot there is in an area, the more loot that will spawn in that area? I've found hardly any loot so far.
  22. I'm pretty sure the devs aim is to make guns + ammo harder to find. I like the current system as it's very difficult to get an OP gun in non-military locations.
  23. Hello once again DayZ fans :) Bullet splashes are back and weapon sway isn't so bad, time to make the PSO-1 guide!
  24. aggathor

    How To Use The PSO-1 Range Finder In DayZ Standalone

    Thanks Ace! :D A lower quality level doesn't make it seem cracked no, but you can't attach a ruined PSO-1 to an AKM or AK101.
  25. Hello DayZ fans! I had the opportunity to make a mid-week video this week and decided to explain how items become deleted when logging in/out.