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About Kytampe

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  1. Kytampe

    Why does the game hate me?

    Now I tried to log in to the game, and I was kicked 3 times in a short row. The forth time I finally got in, and I was fresh again. *sigh* I give up, the game truly hates me today. I'll play tomorrow instead. Have fun all.
  2. Logged in this morning. When the black faded away and I was to start playing I found myself staring into a magnum revolver. "You are dead". Damn I thought, So I restartedm shit happens. But that was just the beginning of todays shit that was pouring my way. :( I found tons of food at water cantens, but no backpack, not even a bright yellow one with a bullseye painted on it. And ofc, no opener. :( I also found buckshots, tons and tons of buckshots. could've easily filled 3-4 backpacks with buckshots, but no shotgun. :( I did however find 4 mosin, but no ammo. :( I think I'll just climb that watertower there and commit suicide. Someone is desperately trying to tell me something. I better listen. :D
  3. Kytampe

    The players of DayZ Ruin the game

    At first I tried to be friendly and talk to people, but I just ended up dead more times than i can count to. So now, I just kos everyone. What else can I do? It's not that I want to, I'm just forced to it.
  4. Why bother? let the scared children "cheat" and turn up the gamma. Doesn't really affect you now will it? I mean, u'll propably die of dehydration or breaking a leg anyway ;)
  5. Well, this is "alpha" so it would only be logical they want to test out the nighttime playstyle too. You can't just do a game and say it's going to be realistic and then never try playing it during nighttime. Time to change playstyle. Not really worried about the sniper that much anymore. More worried about the zombies I can accidently run into. Verdict: Fun, scary and interesting.
  6. Kytampe


    Yep. Not coming up today I think. Looking forward to something BIG tomorrow. B)
  7. Kytampe


    We can't cook ingame yet.. or??
  8. Kytampe

    Rescue boat?

    Ah, thnx for the help. Pisses me off though. I'm currently looking at a mosin and I can't get it.. > :(
  9. Kytampe

    Rescue boat?

    I found my way on to a derelict ship. There are two nice looking rescue boats on board, and I can clearly see there are things in them. And there are ladders too, but there is no way to climb up and get the loot. I tried everything to get the climb action, but nada. What am I missing here? or is it a well known bug?
  10. Kytampe

    So I broke both my legs, or?

    My leg healed miracously, but I lost my weapon. >:( Oh well, lets do some more scavaging then
  11. Kytampe

    So I broke both my legs, or?

    Thanks for all the good answers. I just try and relog then, and hopefully my legs are pristine again :)
  12. Lulz. I was walking towards a window to peek out. Suddenly I broke both my legs. At least I think I did, because I can't stand anymore. people usually get this bug? And why doesnt it say anywhere I got one or two broken legs? I mean IRL I would know, right? But how do I heal myself now. I use intibiotics, bandages and then what? wait for 7 day's ingame. I think that whats it takes to heal a broken leg IRL, and realism is what this games about, right?
  13. Kytampe

    new player question!

    I finally managed to drink from a pond. But then there came the obvious question. Am I continously drinking or do I have to klick to drink several times? I Waited for quite some time but the "thirsty" never changed, and when I spamklicked I had to do it like 30 times. Always good to know how too do it properly. ;)
  14. Kytampe

    new player question!

    Nice, thanx a lot for that info. helped a lot. One more question about drinking. I have a big lake to my right. I can't drink it at all. Is it saltwater? because there are bushes groving in the sand next to it that kinda suggests it's freshwater. Saltwater should instakill a bush trying to grow there. :) Or is it just the makers who are bad @ biology. :D
  15. Kytampe

    new player question!

    Ah, nice thanks. Never found a canteen, nor a water bottle. Something to look for then.