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Everything posted by Hethwill_Khan

  1. Hethwill_Khan

    ...pile of guns?

  2. Hethwill_Khan

    Why the dayz formula will ultimately fail

    OP, you seem like a very judgemental fellow. That is a big mistake. Don't ever measure other feet by the size of your own shoes.
  3. Hethwill_Khan

    ...pile of guns?

    We do it sometimes, on the churches. Being the last place people go... hehehe I usually leave a makeshift back pack, overload ammo and a gun if possible, a canteen and some food and medicals. To be honest sometimes is just too much stuff to carry, better to leave it all there, in a safe place under the sight of the Al Mighty, so the worthy find it. So, next time, try to search the local church.
  4. Primary, long barrel shotgun. Secondary, revolver. Why ? Civilian types, big boom, excellent close quarter options.
  5. Hethwill_Khan

    Bounty Hunting System

    I know I've killed both good and bad guys. I am no avenger and died as many times trying to hunt down armed fellows. Please, tell me, what is wrong with it, especially not having some sort of stats board ? It is proper and fun. It is intense and intentional. You have no names and players change their avatar clothing a lot, while the other half all look the same with their military apparel and helmets and hunter packs. How you going to distinguish them ? Better thing to do, IMO, is setup a Bounty Hunter group similar to the system used by the The Medics of the Wasteland. With a TS and permanent players there to accept the requests. That way you can request a hunt, immediately, and give precise specifics and hope for the best. Their payment ? Fun for all and reputation for the Bounty Hunters. See there, I gave you an idea of how you can do it yourself... or start it up. No need to hope and wish the devs one day implement it. Regarding my gameplay, my pay is fun and comes in due time and anonymity is my friend although I like to show off the wardrobe a lot and suggest even more stuff that adds character to all. From apparel to collectibles to gun control.
  6. Hethwill_Khan

    Bounty Hunting System

    Go Bounty Hunter youself !?!?!?. You can do it already. Granted no onw will know but you, your group and the guys you kill. But indirectly you'll be buying time for new spawns and other travellers. No need to have a system to cheer you to the world. Don't wait for others to accomplish your ideas for you. Good luck.
  7. Hethwill_Khan

    Why not spawn players randomly throughout the map?

    Supported unconditionally.
  8. Oh yeah !!!! Now whom to blame for the spilled coffee on the laptop ffs....
  9. Most surviving mechanics are coming, including cold, warmth, disease, infection, and all that. It is great to be part of the progression.
  10. Hethwill_Khan

    New map.

    Oh yes.
  11. Only saw two games so far with horses implemented at a interesting level: Mount&Blade series and Red Dead Redemption. Hope all of the best for their implementation into DayZ. Plus managing to keep myself alive AND the horse alive will be excellent. Hope blankets are coming too. No way the horse will survive the cold after a rainstorm without a good fire and a warm blanket. Plus... fresh fruit for the horses will hopefully become a necessity. But first things first. Persistent backpacks are a great inclusion, same as the tents and campfires and cooking. Finally I can setup a proper saloon. No better place to look for trouble than outside a saloon.
  12. Hethwill_Khan

    I am a sniper now!

    Please do ! Always nice to read a good story.
  13. Hethwill_Khan

    To stop Kill On Sight, we should make life more valueble

    Go Bounty Hunter youself !?!?!?. You can do it already. Granted no onw will know but you, your group and the guys you kill. But indirectly you'll be buying time for new spawns and other travellers. No need to have a system to cheer you to the world. Don't wait for others to accomplish your ideas for you. Good luck.
  14. Hethwill_Khan

    The kneecapping pandemic

    You summed up what DayZ idea is about. Surviving along with other humans, whatever their dumbfuck ideas might be. Seriously, join a group. Learn together, Hunt them down, create yourselves a safe zone, protect the weak, go medic, go priest or Red Star guerrilla, but do yourself a favor, do something other than being a "out of character" average player. Role playing is harder than people thing, especially with other humans with their own ideas.
  15. Hethwill_Khan

    Purge them all

    It will not change. Groups will clean areas of zeds and then, eventually, kill anyone trying to infiltrate the area while they loot it.
  16. Hethwill_Khan

    The Rise (and possibly demise) of The Chernarus Revolution

    The Chernarussian Order of the Red Star praises the uprising. These so called snipers are members of the now extinct Chernarussian security forces and are a rock in the way of Chernarus future. Berezino has been liberated, most of the East did. Elektro must be cleansed of all Security Forces. CHARGE !!! ( nice video but missed the rousing speech !!! )
  17. The only aspect of this is that there are no two sides of the coin for these mechanics. Take for example, disinfectant, it has both sides of the coin. Can be used to clean rags and improve bandages. Also can be used to poison hostages. Poop and pee will fill only the shadow side. Therefore I must refrain from supporting it. Nudity, nothing against. Reckon it is the same as having extra outfits.
  18. Hethwill_Khan

    Cure for banditry...

    Or use the M4 for a makeshift mug more info @ http://www.geekosystem.com/tactical-rail-coffee-mug/ I mean, coffee is one of the social symbols since the late 1400's Coming from a country with over 500 years of coffee culture I shalt not give way to any carebear Tea Party.
  19. Hethwill_Khan

    New map.

    A map that is new and everyone has to explore. I like the tundra, alpine stuff enough, but wouldn't mind a more mediterranean scenery, rocky crags, cliffs, etc Important would be to be new and unknown.
  20. Hethwill_Khan

    Some people deserve to die

    Yep, sums it up. But I still wonder why the hell they all bunched up in that room... makes no sense...shows no tact...
  21. Hethwill_Khan

    The kneecapping pandemic

    NanoAnarchy, yeah sort of that. Been it the situation a lot of times and tried different approaches, from being an upstart to the point were I go along with the flow. Chances to walk away are slim but you can read their intentions. One tip is, if they are very short on conversation, all code word bullshit it will end badly, damn dirty mercenary scoundrels. If they chat a lot, chances rise a lot, albeit they are not safe. Impersonate your character and hope for the best. You'll be surprised.
  22. Hethwill_Khan

    Some people deserve to die

    Winners have the right to judge. Raw truth is, him and his buddy won the moment. If they say they were bandits, then by all means, they were bandits.
  23. Hethwill_Khan

    Which vehicles would you want to see in DayZ?

    Extinguisher powered shopping carts. ( also the bus, the pickup, the rover...) And a mule with a banjo as a bonus loot item.
  24. Hethwill_Khan

    The kneecapping pandemic

    We had a dude that read poetry like a pro reader. He sung a song IIRC as well. Was a good moment. Crew let him go unmolested, just a few wrist marks from the handcuffs and we still remember his name, or at least the name we gave him... Other times we just hunt dudes that have firearms... you know, the ones who really have lethal power to interfere with the normal state of affairs. Not everyday is the same and there's a fine line between being a hero or being a murderer. Anyone carrying guns deserves to be hunted. There's always good fun in a firefight.
  25. Hethwill_Khan

    The kneecapping pandemic

    Disease, infection, and more ways to die will be put in. Also more mechanics to help you strive and be a successful survivor. All of it won't change the fact other player WILL torture, cripple, kill and maim and steal. That or private hives ... if it ever comes to happen... hope not. Game is very challenging and damn rewarding to walk out of any situation alive to tell the tale.