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Everything posted by Hethwill_Khan

  1. Hethwill_Khan

    Option to close your own thread.

    As a mod and admin myself in many official forums, including games, I am strongly against. Rules are always clear, so think before you open a thread as opinions from the community may vary
  2. Hethwill_Khan

    The God Tier Look

    Sounds great and better. Can't wait!!!!
  3. Hethwill_Khan

    Character development and passive skills

    Your avatar is as intelligent as it can be. No need for passive skills. He will do the stuff and craft and fix and shoot, as long as you play it doing that stuff.
  4. Hethwill_Khan

    Lol story

    I read the story twice. Still can't find the Lol part. Thanks for sharing though.
  5. Hethwill_Khan

    The God Tier Look

    You missing the Anarchist punk combat boots. Press vest, got mine at the ship wreck.
  6. Hethwill_Khan

    why good samiritans irritate me

    OP has a fair point. Some groups are interesting in their approach, like if they want to force one to kiss their boots for their kindness. I must say I find top notch folks that help but do not enforce the help. Now, this brings me to a complete different and strangely similar scenario. Why gear up and then act superior in face of new spawns ? Gearing up means you going to challenge the strong groups right ? Make sure they leave town and leave you in control. Think about it. Seen plenty of groups, all military jingle along just evading each other like the plague, while others, for good or for bad go in and risk confrontation. And no I ain't talking about controlling just a airfield or a base. I mean towns, roads, passes, etc. Forcing help is just as bad as avoiding confrontation. Is a way to show off with no consequence. Carefree help is the deal that matters. Same as not running off when you get faced with similarly geared up players. Salute!
  7. Many fear the dark. A ratio of day/night should be a server admin decision, but I agree that the cycle MUST exist, even if 1:12 at the low extreme.
  8. Hethwill_Khan

    Day counting

    Day counting = day + night cycle, right ? Other than that I think hours counter like: - daylight hours / night time hours
  9. Hethwill_Khan

    TrackIR (head tracking)... essential hardware!

    As a flight simmer, it is used into Infantry combat sims as well. Curves are so customized that the "drunkness" feeling is no more. Just takes time to adjust it. ( if you guys wish I could share the presets ) 2 settings, one for flight, one for ground. Couldn't really get back to click look. P.S.- FaceTracknoIR works as well, and I think Freetrack as well so no REAL need to acquire the more expensive solution. A webcam is enough ( and patience to set all stuff up )
  10. Hethwill_Khan

    Freezing in game and on the main menu

    Update AMD catalyst drivers. IIRC version now is 13.12 One of my game buddies had same issue, especially the detail of no temperature raise, and updated them.
  11. Hard one. In all honesty, from the experiences I've been trough, IF they intend to kill you they will on the spot. End of story. IF they intend to rob, the approach is more careful, ring around, distance, rearguard man watch cover. IF friendly they also adopt a safety distance rule. All of these are rules because of the exceptions. Best advice is go with the flow, even if you getting handcuffed, and give them a nice talk instead of raging, getting killed and rage more because you have to start all over again. Killed outright... well...not much anyone can do. Some guys just feel superior testing guns in the new spawns. Let them. Karma has its ways. Snappy salute !
  12. Wasn't today, but during the weekend. Redpunk boots http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=223740423
  13. - a cinema - a theatre - a primary school - a high school - a tourist resort - yacht dock As I have yet to travel to the capital city I'm not sure if these exist there.
  14. Hethwill_Khan

    I've been wandering a bit and have not yet found....

    A few more identified civilian building - would be nice if someone could translate properly http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=222573212 - some sort of Administration building, but cannot translate the rest http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=223515922 - same as above, just a different building type http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=221955511 - post office ?
  15. Hethwill_Khan

    Do you feel forced to use a Mosin?

    We should be able to use the scope as a monocular.
  16. Hethwill_Khan

    Fresh fruit is nonsense

    Pumpkins or burlap sacks... take your pick.
  17. Hethwill_Khan

    Fresh fruit is nonsense

    Fruit Santa does a 1 minute trip on all orchards to collect fruit and deliver it fresh to the survivors that behave good. True, no banana trees so far, so Bananas are suspicios. Oranges and apples are fine.
  18. Hethwill_Khan

    Ghosting Deathsquad

    Quality of weapon parts are essential. Seen a damage barrel do a crazy deviation shot, like 10m across a street.
  19. Hethwill_Khan

    Things you should not be able to disable.

    Post - processing the blur effects should be replaced with darkening of the peripheral vision, like tunneled - similar to the G forces effect on the air combat simulators ( see Rise of Flight for examples of tunnel vision and vision when hurt ). That way there would be no need to block any feature. Regarding the degradation of quality, render distance in a good design is always tied to the overall quality. I hope them to review this. Lower textures, lower model detail = lower render distance. Should fix.
  20. Hethwill_Khan

    Sick of the M4.

    Issues with military issued weapons is that they don't degrade, never misfire, and there's plenty of them. Quantity is not a big issue, but quality sure is. Everyone carries out of the factory stuff... I rather carry the shot + magnum for my characters, doc holliday style. Too many M4 hipsters.
  21. True. Exception proves the rule. Had to log out a couple times on the N field give to family though, but always at a distance from the perimeter, never inside or hugging the fences. Therefore the honest IRL logging in some areas won't be pissed about the new timeouts, where as the usual culprits will have a hard time ( and waste a ton of time ).
  22. Hethwill_Khan

    Gonna be some ragin'

    1. Logging timeout - no more running away from fights. Yep, love when they get into fights, 7 on 3, and once the first 2 drop dead the rest just combat logs. Plus another case of this bastard taking 2 buckshot in the back ( he never saw me ) and logging into thin air ( after playing good and killing 3 of my team ). 2. Hopping ? That is so last week.. Yep, loot sometimes comes hard by, so firefights ( even with the risk of ruining stuff ), axe ambushes and other fun stuff might become more common.
  23. Hethwill_Khan

    Berets more useful

    No. No MMO artificiality. NO !!! Berets add personality to your avatar, if you believe such virtual things. I believe some groups, like the UNSC boyzz will use the blue one ? the Kiwi boyzz should search for their green. While TRUE patriots should use the black with red star. Stats given by beret ? NO !!!
  24. Hethwill_Khan

    Killed=Temporary Server Ban

    Disagree with suggestion, agree with the issue exposed. instead of ban, why not: - delay spawn for 1 or 2 mins ? ( time for a coffee break !!! ) - force follow up spawn in the opposite end of the map ? ( a strain on the teams, but a price to pay nonetheless ) - spawn in a random heavy forest place ( so recognition of place is not immediate and player has to wander a bit to find out )