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Everything posted by Hethwill_Khan

  1. Hethwill_Khan

    Suggestion from a survivor!

    OP, you can play the Survival game without big risks. Map is quite big and there are many hidden treasures in the mountains, up the north sectors, and damn, you can play a week without crossing anyone's path. Good luck out there.
  2. Timer should be intimately connected to any given server population. The more players in the server, the less waiting time. a 39/40 would connect you in 2 minutes maximum. a 0/40 would take you 20 mins.
  3. Hethwill_Khan

    Will they make any of the zombies faster than us?

    When they remove the silly "fists up shaolin sprint" and add weight and encumbrance effects I reckon so.
  4. Hethwill_Khan

    Take Shots Like a Pro

    Seemingly blunt attacks provoke way less bleeding than before. Firearms and axes and other similar cutting and stabbing ( SKS bayonet is awesome ! ) didn't really notice a difference.
  5. Corner Pub. Has a good mix of everything. If one has the food and the ammo, the other will have the guns and the clothes, and the third the booze and the tools.
  6. Hethwill_Khan

    Would you approach me or KOS?

    I would definitely howdy day ya salute
  7. Hethwill_Khan

    How I Fixed FPS

    BTW items that you carry over servers provoke it... across servers... and can affect ALL players in regular or hardcore. IMO a full reset of the database would solve this once and for all.
  8. Hethwill_Khan

    Where do YOU go to find pvp?

    Full server. Patrol Berezino. Ful server. Road block Kamyshovo. Full server. Elektro vigilante. Full server. Rify wreck looter.
  9. I suggest the following: Mechanics: - remove the "hide body" mechanic completely - no need to replace it with any system ( for the time being ). Plus the body stays there in the open, not hidden, just uncountable for looting, when it is not hidden it vanishes... I know a similar thing was suggested here, link, but I prefer to see a simple removal of the mechanic instead of a replacement. - weapon jams and misfires - make them linked to the weapon and attachments condition. Make it possible to use tools to unjam them and even fix damaged parts. - infected attitudes - by priority order ( blood, gun fire, sound, line of sight ) - make them attracted to these, especially blood and gun fire from way farther then now. For example, a gun fight at the lumber mill in Berezino should attract all infected as far as from the T34 Plaza, a true magnet to a whole horde of zombies. The more chaos the better the apocalypse feeling. _____________________________________________________ Equipment and similar: - add more civilian guns, drastically remove military guns - the correlation between quantities should be 1 to 20 regarding military versus civilian. Civilian weapons comprise mostly shotguns and revolvers and should really make up 95% of the firearms available. - add specific security forces equipment - police jackets, batons, anti riot shields, rubber shells.
  10. Hethwill_Khan

    A few suggestions - mechanics and item reviews

    Some testing was run with using only civilian gun types only resulted in some of the most awesome combat situations ever. Was impossible to Rambo ( no auto M4 to spray ), and even the occlusion of sniper rifle and SKS use was a bonus. Not at all against the present status but damn, the fights with shotties, revolvers and the double rifles require good teamwork and that is always a plus for a game, especially this one. Also, the whole horde of infected on center Elektro was massively following the combatants which resulted in further confusion ( with the odd situations of zombies coming through walls and attacking through floors ). Hope the devs look into this very very soon.
  11. Hethwill_Khan

    Base Building - What would you like to see?

    For bases you need: - stable loot - meaning you can hoard and server restart keeps the items database - tents & camp fire - this is the most basic base type - workbench & item combinations - on top of this all a new layer of UI - interaction with environment Hope it comes, hope it comes properly done. There is nothing worse than a pile of junk as seen in Rust and other similar projects. Not saying it cannot be done, but keep it simple and non disruptive, fallout style - existing structures with elements added around - spikes, barbed wire, sandboxes.
  12. Hethwill_Khan

    Loot vs. server hoppers = main problem in DayZ-SA

    Timeouts helped a bit. Complete revamp of loot, giving a balance of 5% / 95% for military / civilian, respectively, would benefit the whole scene imo. Would ensure a time consuming trips and discourage the silly gun runs. Fire fights would be more intense and prolonged.
  13. Hethwill_Khan

    High CPU usage when ingame

    Odd. My CPU charge goes up to average 30% across all cores ( i7 here ) and also using a saphire, albeit the 7900 series. Memory is usually on the 1,900,000 mark, pretty acceptable. Graphics usually around 40% - 80%. Try to update all drivers, directX, and make sure no strange background programs and interfering - some MMO's and other games install services that keep on running in the background even if the game per se is not running.
  14. Hethwill_Khan

    Does my character look friendly?

    You look like a survivor and that's it. Friendly looks, agreed.
  15. Would be awesome to have the kids around the place here making all sort of noises and adding LIFE into a ghost town heh ? Sorry but no, not going to "stream" my home life into open comms :)
  16. Hethwill_Khan

    How I Fixed FPS

    OP has it completely right. Tested through with our group. Although painting the M4 ( apparently one of the items bugging the FPS ) solved it. Other item we checked being bugged was the tactical shirt black. Using the sewing did not help given it was worn already. so had to be dumped. Problem is, IF anyone picks it up the FPS problem remains and the "infection" passes onto another player :)
  17. Hethwill_Khan

    Double Barrel Rifle

    No. In Svet two of them spawned in the same piano house.
  18. Hethwill_Khan

    Did something with the lighting change ?

    Raining heavy with thunder here.
  19. Hethwill_Khan

    Premium loot -- A balanced proposal to "gearing up"

    2 words. Private Hive. Public will always reflect the Developers vision. Private will have all sorts of player's wishes. I'd rather have way less loot everywhere in every server and way more zombies than going to the extent of just giving away the loot in a silver plate. BUT... ... it can become an interesting idea.
  20. Hethwill_Khan

    Th1z G4m3 B4DD N33D R3FuNDZ PLzzz

    hehe, nice eye catcher there OP. Thing is... the product is not released... therefore out of bounds of refunds.... except in very specific case or at Publisher discretion.
  21. Hethwill_Khan

    1 in a 1000 scene o.O

    Well, more than not they pay the highest price for their arrogance. Seen it happen before. Well played. Each situation is unique, no second chances. Glad you made it.
  22. Hethwill_Khan

    Combat Logger Didn't Know It Was Patched

    Very funny :beans: . Good and not abusive trick of the bugs - ricochet sound.
  23. Had to reconnect twice yesterday, first time due to AFK and came back into same server after some 10 minutes. Second time I just jumped into a more populated server and had to wait from 150+ at the first look of the counter and it didn't bother me at all. The 30 secs is perfectly acceptable. I mean, even on Elektro i did find a safe haven to log out and back in. Same with the roads near the ship wreck. Actually, if they include the view and timer reset it should be increased to 45 secs
  24. Hethwill_Khan

    Abandoned Olympics

    Yep. If you travelled to the the open stadium in the north wastes you'll see there is immense space there. Actually zones are marked for future structures already, simple tarmac squares and structure position plans all around that area.
  25. Hethwill_Khan

    How I shat my pants over nothing

    Classic line on TeamSpeak... "I am going paranoid or do I hear someone eating ?" Great moment there man :)