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Everything posted by crowing

  1. crowing

    Are you happy with the current loot drop

    I haven't played that much, but I have starved on the coast in one life and had stuffed backpacks and bellys on the next. It certainly seems dependant upon how many people visit the server and how often it resets to refresh loot. I still haven't found a mosin. I do wish there were more low tier melee weapons spawning on the coast. It's no fun having to deal with a zombie entourage that can follow you into buildings.
  2. New to the forums and still very new to the game. Was trying things out a few days back. I had jumped into a server with a new start and it's pitch dark. Shoot, hadn't realized that I selected a server on the night cycle. Took me a couple of minutes before I figured out the flashlight and I'm creeping around slowly because I can barely see anything and I definitely do not want to bump into a zombie. Then I see some light reflecting off a building, and since I have nothing to lose I walk over to another new spawn. He starts talking on coms immediately: "Hey there, are you new?" ... "Hey, are you friendly?" ... I'm standing in front of him desperately trying to remember how to communicate, how to type or chat or anything, and I remember that I can wave or put my hands up with the function key. As I'm trying to do so I figure maybe I have to put up the flashlight first or something. I accidentally punch him and instantly regret it. "Oh so that's how it's going to be!" He starts chasing me around in the pitch dark. I'm freaking out, running into things since my gamma is not high enough and I can hear him close behind me. He get's in a couple of shots and I'm bleeding. "FIGHT ME! COME ON, FIGHT ME!" I'm panicked. I can't see without the flashlight up but I can't run when it's up either. And the guy chasing me like a lunatic isn't helping. "FIGHT ME! YOU'RE BLEEDING, YOU MIGHT AS WELL FIGHT ME!" So finally I make it out into an opening, and thank goodness the starlight is finally enough for me to catch an outline. I start pressing keys and find the space bar like a long lost friend. As the lunatic catches up to me I step to the side and mash like crazy. I must have hit him in the head because he collapses, at least for a few seconds. He start getting back up, but I'm committed now and finish the act with small remorse. "WHAT? How? I don't believe it...." So that details a few of my first minutes playing this game, my first interaction with a player, and first kill. If the rest of the game plays out with this much excitement then I'm going to have to take up smoking or something.