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Andrej Dudev

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Everything posted by Andrej Dudev

  1. After a massive desync the server went offline at 15.00~15.10, can't remember the exact time. Now it seems that it won't autorestart.
  2. Andrej Dudev

    Would you take the shot?

  3. About glitches, bug, content I hope alpha and beta stage will solve a lot of things. About the community... well... there is no patch for it.
  4. Andrej Dudev

    A serious question for the PvP-phobes

    Barely neuron user detected, I understand. I know I can die, I died because of glitches, bugs, other players and never complained. What I can't stand is this kind of retard-elitarism of those supposed "pro-snipers" with every legit justification about their behavior. You are using your own view and moral to do whatever you want (I never said that you shouldn't) but if anyone disagree you just call names and tell everyone to shut up because they don't agree with your ideals. It's like telling "killing for the lulz-sport is wrong" and you say "shut up" and you see only your opinion with a perfect tunnel vision of the entire discussion. Only your opinion is the law and everyone else is wrong. That's what i think is dumb. I understand your point of view but YOU HAVE to understand my point of view, that's how it should work and if you disagree then you are like every carebear whining because they died after two steps out of the beach. I really don't know where I wrote that I was running carefree in the middle of an airfield.
  5. Andrej Dudev

    A serious question for the PvP-phobes

    If a sniper with NVG kills you in the middle of a forest during night then what? Should I crawl every inch of the map because I have to be afraid that someone is hiding behind every tree waiting to kill me?
  6. Andrej Dudev

    A serious question for the PvP-phobes

    Sandbox survival horror game does not mean "shoot everyone on sight for the lulz-sport". Killing other people is ok but not for this.
  7. Andrej Dudev

    Is the ghillie suit not ingame anymore?

    4 days ago we shot a ghillie-boy in Cherno so, I think there are still ghillies.
  8. Andrej Dudev

    Want to join a tactical team. (EU)

    edit: nevermind, mod deleted the awesome pills spammer.
  9. Andrej Dudev

    M4A1 HOLO

    Yes it is, here is mine.
  10. This man is insane and requires mental health care. Anyway, I know that my hardware is not the greatest for Arma 2 but I can clearly recognize when it's my (my pc) fault or DayZ fault. <_< EDIT: and I don't know why image tags are not working here.
  11. A little notice: I tried to be kicked from the lobby after the usual 180 secods idle. The server kicked me according to the rules but when I reconnect the game is stuck to Waiting for Host. I had to restart the game to be able to join.
  12. I'll try to check at different hours; notice that in DE 10 I entered low-fps mode only twice since I joined.
  13. I know, there are so many variables to even being able to point something to blame. The low-fps mode after 10 minutes was LU 173 fault because of 50 players (when it's nearly full the server lags alot) but, in general, I am confident with my "server requires restart" detector. I understand it may happen because of the massive amount of players accessing the database but I am 99,99% sure that when I enter the low-fps mode it's because the server needs a restart. Also, this is not science or fantasy but this is what I noticed after it happened an indefinite number of times.
  14. Ultranoob question: under the filters, what does ARMOR means?
  15. Unfortunately yesterday night wasn't the best at all. For some reasons my computer is a "screwed DayZ database" detector and when entering any server during peak hours the game enters in a low-fps mode. I switched from different servers to check if was a single server fault but in fact I encountered visual stuttering either in DE 10 and LU 173 (the /vg/ eu server). At times it's server's fault or database's fault but I noticed that around midnight GMT+1 (00:00/24:00) I was helping a friend in LU 173 to recover his body (with of course the massive fps loss) when suddenly the server autorestarted; after relogging in everything was perfect but, after ten minutes the fps stuttering/low fps-mode returned with all my rage. I noticed that in DE 10 this event occurs in minor occasions but, for me - I do not represent anyone here, this is my experience, not the one of the DE 10 playerbase -, it was really unplayable. Most of the times an Arma2 restart/server restart is required to fix this (based on my experience) but I don't really understand why this happens (and it happens only with DayZ). EDIT: reading what I wrote, I know, is hard. Sorry for my awful grammar but I slept only 3 hours tonight and I don't know what am I writing, it feels like being drunk <_< . I hope the overall message is understandeable.
  16. Or our trustworthy bike.
  17. This seems to be the only temporary solution.
  18. Andrej Dudev


    Then wait to recover then respawn.
  19. Andrej Dudev

    Remove the gay-5minutes-hourglass

    If it keeps happening then your character is bugged. The solution is to presso ESC and click on RESPAWN.
  20. Andrej Dudev


  21. New beta patch informations: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/34798-arma2-patch-build-94997-now-running-on-some-servers/ Based on information released by Ander here I suggest to avoid the upgrade to 94997 at the moment and wait for better feedbacks.
  22. Now that you mention it I'm curious to check the tent camp we usually raid for some supplies.
  23. In this case then, either it's DayZ fault or some sort of problem related to the hive.
  24. I don't know if there was vehicle problems but we have a bike and a tractor with equipment inside since 10 dayz, none of them has disappeared. Your "bug" is: someone stole it.
  25. Don't even dare suggesting anything, this bike is like a hero for us.