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Andrej Dudev

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Everything posted by Andrej Dudev

  1. Aren't scheduled restarts related to BEC? If I remember correctly it has been deactivated here due to auto-lock feature issues.
  2. Oh well, that's better then. We feared that our theft was against a poor soul storing his findings inside the tractor; I can say that the tractor was a bit hard to spot, I was really lucky to spot it while running randomly with pod/roberto podeira. We are totally newbe in terms of hiding vehicles so, for now, we have some sort of new objective. Anyway, I never used a M4 Holo, thanks for the leftover About the vehicles issue, I understand we're just unlucky but sometimes it's sad to not being able to ride everywhere with your mate in a car because of the limitations. I noticed those threads too, it's good that the dev team is working on this matter. Maybe in the next days we will see more vehicles all around... I hope.
  3. Yeah GMT+1' date=' I was confused because here in Italy we have some strange daylight time change every few months. I'm not blaming you of course but I know there are individuals storing all sort of vehicles (nearly all of them). In fact today, out of pure luck, we found a tractor filled with everything inside (even a Mountain Dew), at his place we planted a tent with the mountain dew, some painkillers (for the obvious pain that this theft will cause) and planted two tank trap near the tent and finally moved the tractor away. That's maybe the first time that we (me and roberto podeira) found a vehicle (except for an old bike and a stuck tractor we were forced to leave behind). But, I know, such is life of a small team (2 players).
  4. On this alpha test, in my opinion, our aim is to fix bugs and add features. First is the need of bug fixing, then add feature and fix feature-related bugs and repeat. You are asking for features, just wait, it's an alpha.
  5. 16.00 GMT+2 I'm reporting a shutdown of the server and it appears that is not autorestarting.
  6. The Leeroy Enfield is a great weapon for medium/long shots but it will alert every infected in a 500 meters radius. The crossbow is great for zombie stealth kills but: 1. every shot requires one inventory slot 2. without the crosshair it is near to impossible to aim.
  7. Andrej Dudev

    Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

    Great news, thanks devs! @the haters:
  8. Andrej Dudev

    US74 server's Admin banned me!

    May I suggest you to use the Ban Appeals subforum? click: http://dayzmod.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=16
  9. Andrej Dudev

    US233 Vehicle Spawns

    It seems that your servers suffers from the usual virus: a small team has collected all vehicles and stored them off map. Until one or more vehicles are destroyed they will no longer spawn in the map. Yes, it sucks.
  10. Andrej Dudev

    Server for low people.

    No, there are clear rules about new servers: 40-50 slot and 30 for low bandwitch areas, no password protection.
  11. Now it's getting ridiculous, it is clear that someone just stored all vehicles somewhere off-map. Except for an old bike in 10 days we were unable to find any kind of vehicle. I sincerely hope that a meteor hits your camp, dear Mr-I-have-all-of-them. I hope rocket will be able to find a better solution for vehicles because there is totally no fun on having zero vehicles avaiable in a server because someone stored them all in hide. I agree that anyone can do whatever he wants with a vehicle but I feel like vehicles are being stolen from the server. Ah yes, I am mad at the moment. Well, actually this http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=29123 may help solve the problem.
  12. Oh boy, i was there... he's so sad because the zoom does not allow for CQC.
  13. Andrej Dudev

    epic car chase with me on the motorcycle

    Great video and... oh WAIT WHAT?! ESC+ABORT+YES ?! There is no way to be mistaken here, if you wanted to respawn you missed 3 button above your left click. Man, you lost every bit of respect here.
  14. Great, I was going to report the inability to enter one hour ago.
  15. Andrej Dudev

    Seattle 154 - 70 player madness!

    Wow, I hope you won't get any sync problems. I wish you luck and fun :)
  16. Andrej Dudev

    Chicago 57 Admin abuse [GSG] Clan

    Impossible because the player he killed should have been autokicked the moment he "received" the illegal weapon. Anyway, if it is true then it's really awful. Thanks for the footage ShiZaNkY, I think too that you were kicked for the reasons you mentioned; it is rare to have some sort of clear video capture of those events; generally everyone just post here yelling at admins with no proof.
  17. Well, at least you didn't died of falling from a second floor TEC building by simply turning while in the catwalk.
  18. Andrej Dudev

    vehicles not spawning anymore?

    I have a noob question for you: if a group of players amass every vehicle in a single spot will they disable every other vehicle spawn until those mentioned vehicles are destroyed?
  19. Understood... uh... those longcats...
  20. Andrej Dudev

    No competent player should die

    This kind of threads are equally useless as the supposed "carebear" threads.
  21. Andrej Dudev

    So I died with all my good gear!

    Go get 'em!
  22. Andrej Dudev

    hackers invaded seattle 103

    Damn it, why no screenshots?
  23. Andrej Dudev

    Day Z Urban Legends

    There is a legend about Chernogorsk and his citizens, one day someone asked if there was "anyone in Cherno" and suddenly died. Clearly fiction because Cherno is empty and no one will try to kill the poor soul passing by. Asking won't hurt.