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Everything posted by Judopunch

  1. Judopunch

    Ybor Battalion server auto kicks when you join

    Im not positive, but that may not be part of the rules any longer. It was in a dev blog a bit ago.
  2. Judopunch

    Some question before buy

    That is by far the best description of the current state of the game I have ever read.
  3. Judopunch

    Why if I join a dodgy server....

    This. Also, dont get attached to your character. Its Alpha shit happens. Even if its 'accidentally' joining a miss-configured server.
  4. Judopunch

    Classifying Bandits

    No. This is something badguys themselves to feel better. Bandits steal, rob, murder, or any other type of shenanigans. Maby try the word mugger, though they will occasionally shoot people first too. I dont understand this need for 'definition of bandit's'. It seems to always be some kind of moral high-ground grab people are making because they dont want to 'be one of those guys'. In my opinion either your a good guy or your a bad guy. How good or how bad, for me, depend on the day.
  5. Judopunch

    travel more.

    Not anymore.
  6. Judopunch

    Why do I keep slowing down or stopping suddenly?

    And we have a winner! I ruined a gaming keyboard about 3 years ago spilling my screwdriver on it... Damn vodka....
  7. Judopunch

    Right click shaking since 0.52?

    About 10 threads on this already. You are cold, you need to spend about 10 minutes by a fire to warm up.
  8. www.izurvive.com www.dayzdb.com
  9. Judopunch

    Killed a combat logger...

    A hero is irrelevant. He chose poorly where he was logging out. Also read the story again. Your reading comprehension leaves something to be desired.
  10. Judopunch

    Please Fix FPS

    Come back in about a year or year and a half for beta. It should start getting better then.
  11. How adorable, you think your the first person to spawn in electro on that server. You also think that a great server is one with a lot of items, your so cute! I just want to squeeze those cheeks!
  12. Judopunch

    mp 133 vs akm for cherno pvp

    In what way? If your post is to imply that the devs are not doing a good job your vision is... limited....
  13. Judopunch

    mp 133 vs akm for cherno pvp

    Its a zombie survival simulation game. Right now the survival part is to easy so people pvp. That aspect will lessen as the game matures. At least until the "24zfreelooTZ spawn with gunzzz and car!AS" servers go up. Just because there is pvp doesnt make it the focus.
  14. Judopunch

    mp 133 vs akm for cherno pvp

    Neither, this isnt a pvp game and your setting yourself up for disappointment in the next few months as they adjust loot. I suggest Arma 3. I get it that thats about all there is to do in the game. But in the near future you wont have your choice of weapons anymore. At least not until they let people mod. If you want to tryhard on DayZ, I would recommend you use both and learn as much as you can so your not left clueless and experienced when you no longer have your pick of gear.
  15. Judopunch

    Player run speed, turn speed

    Disagree, thats why weapons have swing when you are going to aim them. This is also to combat 'instant turning around'. It maximum turning could probably be decreased a small bit. I would personally hope to see jog a wee bit faster, and the cap for dead sprint/extended jog relative to your health, status and gear load.
  16. Judopunch

    Ruining the christmas

    So thats how the Grinch stole Christmas...
  17. Judopunch

    shaking like crazy, cant stop

    Your arm is broken or your bugged.
  18. Judopunch

    Why am I so bad?

    I also assume he is playing in 3pp servers. Its laughable that people think they can be stealthy in any situation other then on top of the tallest building in the area.
  19. I find it adorable that he jumped 4 servers and expected out of the thousands and thousands of people that play this game that no one beat him to it.
  20. I think the pump is currently shooting rock salt :(
  21. Judopunch

    Should scopes in dayz have the ability to zero?

    Part of my OP. And as far as I know hunting scopes do not (often?) have mill-dots.
  22. Judopunch

    Should scopes in dayz have the ability to zero?

    Let me know if this is not the case but, as far as I know a hunting scope, like the one my dad uses on his 30-06, is sighted in at about 100-200 yards. You dont really want to adjust that in the field per say because its not designed for that and you wouldnt get a very accurate adjustment on the fly. Im sure the military scopes are better for this... but there are none of those in the game currently.
  23. Judopunch

    Stuck under a building, can't do anything....

    There is a way to post in the bug tracker that you are stuck and the devs will move you. Check under the announcements/sticky threads. I dont remember where it was.
  24. Judopunch

    Is firefighter axe OP

    If I were to make a list of things in game that I would least like to be hit with IRL the fire ax would be at the top of that list. So no I don't think its overkill.
  25. Judopunch

    Magazine and canteen issues

    Have you filed a bug report?