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Everything posted by RUS_Starbuck

  1. Looking at how slowly DayZ mod has evolved, and how slowly DayZ SA is evolving, I wonder: when was the last feature update for DayZ Mod? It's been out for nearly 2 years and things like the melee weapons and zombie movements look like they haven't been touched up or worked on - well before SA came out. Even as an alpha, with as much time that the mod was worked, on how do melee weapons still shoot an awkward shotgun blast 2 meters away from you, then fail at working up close when zombies are in your face? Only a couple days' work could easily make those weapons much more fluid. I don't think the zombie animations or movement have been touched at all since the mod was made... and the male player model? What swamp did they dig that model up from? The texture must be 128x128 in size, looks like vomit. Another thing that was probably never been touched since release - It's what you look at almost all the time when playing, obviously there wasn't much time spent on it. I don't think the Devs have a very good track record with making their products evolve. Any veteran mod players that can touch on what WAS ever worked on?
  2. RUS_Starbuck

    Very bad FPS

    Does it happen with regular ArmA II without the mod? I have a less powerful system and can maintain 22-25 fps with lots of trees on very high settings. Sounds like something else is going on here. What kind of motherboard do you have? My old AMD motherboard couldn't deliver enough power to the CPU and it would throttle. Also make sure to defragment your hard drive after installing DayZ. Although that would be more stuttering problems than low average FPS
  3. RUS_Starbuck

    Reason behind your username?

    Wait, here it is, anyone else been to this site? She is in the process of taking it down though. http://www.angelfire.com/extreme4/kiddofspeed/chapter1.html
  4. RUS_Starbuck

    Reason behind your username?

    I like your avatar, and quote in your sig: "Capitalism is the worst invention ever, living on other peoples pain. " Anyway, My name is inspired by two things. It is my dream to live in Russia and I want to visit Belarus and be like that girl Elena Filatova who would drive through Chernobyl at night on a motorcycle and Geiger counter. Her website with 100s of pictures went down, damn, shold of archived it. The second part, is because I am much like Starbuck from the reimagined Battlestar Galactica. I love self-pity, think I'm better than everyone because I have a "destiny", and I always have the desire to pop people in the mouth. :D Offtopic: I notice DayZ attracts a lot of russians / people who are in love with Russia :) я тебя люблю
  5. RUS_Starbuck

    Playing the mod again..

    And before SA there were no real dayZ fans? Whatever man.
  6. RUS_Starbuck

    Non kos servers?

    Jesus christ... SHOOTING ZOMBIES But I guess now everyone thinks that if you're just shooting zombies and not each other, you're playing some cheesy kiddy knock-off game.
  7. RUS_Starbuck

    Day/Night cycle + few new things

    If you have all day to play....
  8. Seems like no matter how many suggestions people make, there is never anything to do in the game besides hoarding supplies, running, and shooting other players. Even the features that people have spent so much time making into mods like Epoch, they all fall flat. Everything you can build in Epoch, like houses, takes so long to gather materials and build it becomes just a tedious grind-ful nightmare. I feel lilke I'm playing an MMO when I go to build something or gather materials to trade in for gold, so I can buy a vehicle. Everything takes so long to do, and there's a reason why I don't play MMO's anymore. These things seems too fun on paper, but then are poorly executed... just like communism. I've been playing 4 days on one particular server and spent 2 days running from the coast to Stary trader to trade in gold. Sure I could ask another player for help but you know... if I loose my loot then I'm back to Day 1. Another 10 hikes for gold and I MIGHT have enough to run another full day and buy a car. Then, I can spend days foraging for wood to to build 1 floor. Then repeat for 1 wall, etc. I do enjoy playing this game, and doing these things but I spend the whole time running daydreaming of what DayZ could be if they spent less time boiling the fun out of the features. There's games that require patience, and then games that have hardheaded devs that are so diehard realists that they make it more boring than trying to survive in real life. DayZ falls under the latter category for me.
  9. RUS_Starbuck

    Character Value and Progression

    Sounds like if implemented it would take months of play time just to find the machinery or technology. Everything in DayZ sounds cool on paper but what little features that ARE in the stock game are so much less fun they they are tediously executed. Tedious! I think you're idea is excellent, but they cannot implement anything in a way that is fun or takes a reasonable amount of time to do :( Feels like I grind in the game now, but don't get anything for it. Like I said, you loose your loot, there went your entire "progression". Why even save your items and locations when you logoff? You've already won the game if you have rifles and can mow down other players. I don't think people want to make this into a boring RPG where you grind, they just want something to do besides.... run. .... and hoard supplies.
  10. RUS_Starbuck

    Character Value and Progression

    As it stands now IMO, there really isn't any character progression. Except from hoarding loot, but once you die you start from the beginning with nothing. For this to be a "persistent" game as it is advertised, it needs to have something other than loot to be worth all the time that you end up putting into it. DayZ is not an open world sandbox, because there isn't enough to do for it to be qualified as a sandbox. Take out the human interaction and play on an empty server... what is there to do in this sandbox that you cant do in Arma? You can hoard supplies, go into 0.0001% of buildings that actually have doors, and buy a vehicle. I'll just go play Arma III for that. The zombies don't really make it worthwhile and people have shoved it down people's throats that the zombies are not the point of the game. Why are they even it it? The Dev;s want DayZ to be a slow paced running simulator when it could be a truly persistent, changing, character-based world where you actually team up to fight the hoarde and rebuild human kind. How about some kind of feature where you can build new looking buildings in cities once the infection is cleared so you REALLY feel like you're rebuilding humanity? Naaah, the dev's don't want any features that make this game fun besides the adrenaline rush from being shot at because you don't want to loose your backpack full of useless crap.
  11. RUS_Starbuck

    Non kos servers?

    I had the same issue with people not answering questions. I came to the DayZ website actually to find documentation and found next to nothing actually useful. For example, if you're new you're not going to know that coughing means you've become infected and a broken leg needs a morphine injector to fix. Nowhere is this stuff documented... the newbie guides on the forum are not helpful, as much as they could be. When I first started playing and dying a lot, I was confused on how to save my progress. It isn't documented anywhere that aborting mission will actually "save" where you are. google search on the custom bindings in DayZ that u can't see in the ARMA menu... all wrong keys listed for too old or too new versions, etc etc. Also a question to you Tobias: You say there's still not a lot to do in alpha... how is it still so unfinished if the mod version of DayZ was out for years prior... feels like people are waiting on features to make this game more interesting that isn't something they are even planning to put in the game. I haven't been convinced by anything being said about SA on the forums to buy it over DayZ mod.
  12. RUS_Starbuck

    Playing the mod again..

    Me too. I ran all through Elektro, not more than 45min after server restarted and there were few zombies, and no cars. I then ran N past the dam, eventually hitting Mogilevka and saw one player owned SUV, period. Servers always have stuff customized maybe they reduced amount of vehicle spawnes? Or the people who made Epoch really, really want you to have a hard time finding them. You're forgetting DayZ before SA was in alpha for over 1.5 years (never going beta), and from what I hear SA is very similar feature wise to the original DayZ mods, simply more polished. From what I've heard sounds like aside from polishing things there hasn't been very much evolution. I just rebought Arama II recently to play DayZ so I don't have the money to spend on SA right now so I apolgoize I can't comment more on how SA plays. But from the youtube videos, a still very unfinished alpha that isn't much more finished than the original alpha mod They must be flashing y'all with those MIB memory erasing pens. Because overall DayZ has been around for so long, I feel at least we should see a little more feature wise. Which is why I say the team must be small.
  13. If you include the DayZ mod, it's been alpha for nearly if not more than 2 years.... I don't know if the funding has changed anything, but I wouldn't suggest anyone here hold their breath.... If it takes 2 years for alpha, maybe in another 2 it will move from beta to complete? I really, really DO like playing DayZ, but the team has got to be far too small or they think it's closer to completion than they are letting on. *EDIT* Just came across this... some of you interested in PvE might want to check out 7 days to die. gather resources for the purpose of building barricades to survive the zombie horde... all the buildings are voxeled so it's all destructable http://store.steampowered.com/app/251570/
  14. Well if it has been from the beginning what's with the games description? "A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population, now infected with the disease." They need to change their description on the webpage then. Because they aren't marketing it as a pvp sandbox. It clearly says you will be figting the infected.
  15. I agree with OP. All I'm going to add is I think the Dev's didn't really want it to be a co-op or team game. There are no advantages to working as a team (besides sharing loot). Sure everyone can play DayZ how they want but because of a lack of goals it's like a GTA game without missions. The lack of direction by devs is why the game is played the way it is.
  16. RUS_Starbuck

    Is It Necessary?

    Plus you wouldn't have anything to do otherwise... no point in shooting the zombies most of the time....
  17. RUS_Starbuck

    Is It Necessary?

    Yeah people think the Battlefield netcode is bad (not to imply it's similar really) but the engine DayZ is on handles netcode in an odd way, in that no matter your ping it is still delayed, and works on going backwards and calculating where your hits registered after the other guy started shooting too. Sounds like that's what happened with your stomach shots. I've seen a lot of games handle netcode like this; Battlefield, Delta Force and Joint Operations games in particular. Sorry I went off on a tangent there.
  18. RUS_Starbuck

    Is It Necessary?

    Yeah it went downhill real fast. Kind of mad I even bothered making a reply that took some thought. And some people here still play DayZ without fists (if you're jobless and too poor to buy SA :P )
  19. RUS_Starbuck

    Why do YOU play DayZ?

    I play for the PvE aspects. I go from city to city, looking for loot and "cleansing" each city. Since I learned about the Epoch mod (for non SA) you can painstakingly build a house piece by peace, and need to log in every 3 days to "maintenence" it so it doesn't crumble. So now my mission is to spend weeks of real game time building a tiny house. That will crumble. lol. I agree with you though Lamboing I can't play on an empty server... but I hate PvP in this game so I just talk to other ppl in side chat then jusst pretend I'm alone. That way I'm alone but not lonely! Barricading would be an awesome feature, for the mod or SA. But despite 5,700 servers for the Dayz mod, there hasn't been feature update in 1.5 years. Example: the melee weapons still awkwardly shoot out a mouthful of shotun pellets at 6ft range. And have no effect at 1-0ft. So if we want new features, we need $$$
  20. RUS_Starbuck

    Playing the mod again..

    The idea of a more finished DayZ makes me want to buy the SA. But IMO the inventory was good enough in oringal dayz mod... and SA doesn't touch any of the other core problems of the game that show up after a couple days of playing. No goals to orient players, tedious repetative tasks that make what should be fun frustrating, no real need to survive, no real threats from hordes of zombies, etc. Just more of the same except now they're making money on something that will never be finished. :( I had no expectations of DayZ before playing and the one trailer I watched of someone hacking zombies was enough to dissapoint me at how the game really plays. But, I've still learned to love it for what it is... whatever that is... :)
  21. RUS_Starbuck

    Playing the mod again..

    Epoch mod for regular DayZ is great because it adds some long-term goals like building a house wall by wall and of course having a secret stockpile of guns and vehicles. But it still has the problem of just loosing its point after a while. First, zombies aren't in enough numbers to be a real threat. Second, it is so tedious to do ANYTHING in this game.... example: In my newer server, I have to figure out how to walk all the way north to the trader to sell gold to buy a vehicle. But it will take me so long to get there I just don't bother. I have to make multiple looting tips obviously so it basically turned the game into a running game. Even though the Epoch DayZ mod is awesome, in general DayZ suffers from too much running, not enough transportation, and you need too much time to do simple goals. I play it every day and I do enjoy it... but the image my brain gets in the head right before I logon in play is "Oh boy oh boy oh boy!" and the once I login my brain says "so boring so boring so boring."
  22. RUS_Starbuck

    Is It Necessary?

    I agree with you man. If you boil the game down to basics, you have to "survive". If it wasn't for the asshat players that think it's a deathmatch arma mod, you can literally run into the middile of the woods, never EVER see a zombie, and sit there. No need to light a fire, you just need 1 can of food per day. So, you don't really need many resources to survive, and zombies are hilariously thin in numbers. So there is no excuse for looting players for food or guns, either. You don't need guns, or much food; you don't need to shoot zombies, or anything really to survive. I am actually thinking of making a server to play on just for myself so I can play a more single player "zombie survival" match myself :)
  23. RUS_Starbuck

    Non kos servers?

    Can't believe this crap. Maybe people want to play a large-scale zombie survival game, not a "pvp deathmatch rare resources because some zombies no one ever sees whiped everything out" game. The fact that you guys don't allow PvE servers is proof that this was fasely advertised as "zombie" survival. Im at a loss for words that the admins actually shut down those servers. They clearly don't want to encourage any kind of teamplay it seems.