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Finn (DayZ)

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About Finn (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. I really like spawning without weapons. It fixes the coastal bean wars a little and makes me focus even more on survival. Ran into multiple survivors with weapons on the coast and to my surprise i wasn't shot. A simple salute and everyone was on his way again. The only thing that could be nerfed a little is the spawn rate for ammo. After half an hour of playing, my backpack is full of shotgun ammo and i got 6 makarov clips. It would really be nice if we were forced to make every shot count and think twice before shooting. I really dig the new hiding mechanics. Works pretty well for me, as long as you only got a few zombies on you. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DebZTIQA_0Q )
  2. Finn (DayZ)

    When is the next update?

    Well he was at E3 so he may not have started. Should have bolded that part.
  3. Finn (DayZ)

    When is the next update?

    Just use some common sense. It's coming when it's ready and of course is rocket working on it, as much as his schedule allows him to.
  4. Finn (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    Alright, this is my story. First of, this game is pure emotion. Since day 1 of my life in Chernarus, i've always been the friendly guy. Most of the time i traveled to the north, exploring and looting towns. When i heard gunshots i always asked who is there and whether help is needed. On my journeys i've met a lot of people, exchanging supplies and sometimes banding up with them. On numerous occasions i wasn't aware that there was someone else scavenging the place. Sometimes we carefully looked at each other and went our ways without speaking a word. Sometimes i had to shoot and kill someone because he obviosly sneaked up on me. But after lots of people came to Chernarus, life changed. I can't count anymore how often i've been shot on sight, even by non-bandits. Sometimes without even seeing my killer. I've gone mad, really mad. I've wanted revenge. So i got lots of food, soda and a trusty CZ. I've made my way to the outskirts of Cherno, getting in position to kill some people. Bandit or survivor, it didn't matter. Then, after waiting some time and trying to locate all the gunshots in the city, my first target appeared. A survivor. A survivor with a makarov and a group of zombies on his ass. Finally, i thought. Finally i can spice this game up a little. Finally i got a target in my sight. Finally i can get REVENGE. *BANG* Fffffff. My shot missed. Alright, breath in and aim one more time. Suddenly someone writes in global: "Cease fire! I'm friendly!" I put my finger away from the mouse button. Now that guy i just tried to kill has a name. And a personality. I now feel guilty. "F**k, he is bagging for his life" i think. I remember myself being fired upon and fearing for my life. I really felt that it was wrong. F*ck it. The guilt is overwhelming, disregarding my own safety i tell him to walk south, where i'm hiding at and that i won't shoot again. Then suddenly another *BANG*. This time it wasn't me. Again he pleads for mercy. And another shot. I see him. He's dead. Lying on the ground. Blood is pouring out of him. I didn't know what to do. I searched the treeline through my scope for the shooter. Nothing. Then i look back at his corpse. Now there's a bandit. Looting this guy i just tried to kill. Then i realized. That's what i want. REVENGE. Killing those merciless people, feasting on the blood of innocent. *BANG* A single shot. Right into his head. I've killed him. I was confused at first what has happened, what i've done. But then i realized i've killed the kind of person i was looking for. I've never felt this kind of statisfaction ever before in any game. A few moments ago i nearly became what i despise the most. Such is life in Chernarus. Edit: The backpack next to this guys body is the dead bandit.
  5. Finn (DayZ)

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only, studio developed, community and studio servers. Kinda like Counter Strike and Team Fortress were community made mods for Half-Life 1 and later on became independently sold games. It would be awesome to see DayZ become a standalone game based on the ArmA 2(or possibly ArmA 3?) engine. As you see with the huge influx of players willing to buy ArmA2:CO just to play this mod, there is a big genre gap to be filled. Heck, i wouldn't even mind if you give up this mod to willing modders and work with BI to develope a standalone DayZ game on the ArmA3 engine. I think it would really be in the commercial interest of BI. tl;dr: