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Everything posted by craftykalon

  1. craftykalon

    Anyone want to play Overpoch?

    pick me =D my steam is CraftyKalon
  2. craftykalon

    LFG To Play DayZ Overpoch

    im interested don't got a server that i play on though add my on steam or skype ( craftykalon steam ) ( justinherns55 skype )
  3. craftykalon

    UGAlliance Epoch Server w/ Overwatch

    come on people lets shoot some zombies
  4. craftykalon

    UGAlliance Epoch Server w/ Overwatch

    Attention to all who have scrolled down this far on Sunday at 8:30 pm Est 6/15/2014 we will be hosting an Admin Event if we can get at least 18 people on the server Mission : Rescuing The local mob boss One of the local mob bosses has been captured by a rival gang and is going to be taken to be executed. You have been asked by the second in command to rescue their leader and take him to the airport to get him to safety if you compete your mission you will be given a Surplus of guns ammo and building supplies to an area of your choice.
  5. craftykalon

    UGAlliance Epoch Server w/ Overwatch

    come on people lets have some fun here
  6. craftykalon

    UGAlliance Epoch Server w/ Overwatch

    its been fixed
  7. craftykalon

    UGAlliance Epoch Server w/ Overwatch

    the server seems to be blanked out on dayz commander for some reason but it is there so just join and have fun people
  8. craftykalon

    I want someone to play dayz overpoch with

    im looking to play with som1 im 21 and i got a mic my skype is justinherns55