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About Kahmal

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  1. FactionZ..... You ask what it is??? Well simply put it is a massive PVP turn on the Dayz mod. We have factions that you can join in or if you think you can handle it, go at it alone. Weekly events where the admins get on and run amuck. See if you can get them alive; who am i kidding you find them and shoot them for their lootZ. Did I forget to mention? This is on Epoch also, so ya'll have base building which adds a nice twist. --------Warning-------- We do take cheating very seriously here. We have caught 2200ish people on our servers cheating. We have a server forum that you will need to sign up on so we can have IP tracking in case you are caught cheating, if that happens you will get DAS BOOT. Link is here for the Public/Private/FactionZ Server Forums. http://factionz.vigilantaddiction.com/forum/. Here's a quick list of what to expect: 3 Main Faction Locations to fight for and claim as yours!The more Faction members that are at the location the faster you'll claim!'Supply Dumps' will be scattered around the map for early/quick building!The most 'Built' Faction Castle at the end of the night will earn '1st Pick' on "Territory Attack!" night!
  2. Here's a quick list of what to expect: 3 Main Faction Locations to fight for and claim as yours!The more Faction members that are at the location the faster you'll claim!'Supply Dumps' will be scattered around the map for early/quick building!The most 'Built' Faction Castle at the end of the night will earn '1st Pick' on "Territory Attack!" night!
  3. Kahmal

    Dayz Epoch Namalks [FactionZ]

    Here's a quick list of what to expect: 3 Main Faction Locations to fight for and claim as yours!The more Faction members that are at the location the faster you'll claim!'Supply Dumps' will be scattered around the map for early/quick building!The most 'Built' Faction Castle at the end of the night will earn '1st Pick' on "Territory Attack!" night!
  4. Kahmal

    Dayz Epoch [FactionZ]

    Oh my Namalks here already
  5. Kahmal

    Dayz Epoch Namalks [FactionZ]

    Dont be late tommorrow the day we start namalks
  6. Kahmal

    Dayz epoch Squad

    Hey man we are about to start a cycle up on Dayz Mod epoch on namalks. good admins anit hack and all. http://factionz.vigilantaddiction.com/forum/ Check out that link and see if you wanna come on in. It is a Private server so once you register to the forum you will have to ask for access but it is really simple and we have lots plained.
  7. Kahmal

    So anyone wanna group up?

    well i dont know if you are iinterested but check us out http://factionz.vigilantaddiction.com/forum/. We run a dayz mod epoch on namalks right now. We will be starting saturday, we are on the CST time zone but there are pople playing most all the time. we would love to have you if you have more question just hit me up
  8. Anyone know how to make a single currency in Epoch?????????
  9. FactionZ..... You ask what it is??? Well simply put it is a massive PVP turn on Dayz mod. We have factions that you can join in or if you think you can handle it got at it alone. Weekly events where the admins get on and run a muck. See if you can get them alive; who am i kidding you find them and shoot them for there lootZ. Did i forget this is on Epoch also so yall have building which adds a twist also. We have a server forum that you will need to sign up with so we can have IP tracking if in case you are caught cheating you will get DAS BOOT. Link is here for the Public Server Forums. http://factionz.vigilantaddiction.com/forum/. ( This is for Whitelisting, this is a private server) I am also on steam name is Raven6969 please feel free to contact me for any questions. We have a close group of people who play already and we have lots of fun.
  10. FactionZ..... You ask what it is??? Well simply put it is a massive PVP turn on Dayz mod. We have factions that you can join in or if you think you can handle it got at it alone. Weekly events where the admins get on and run a muck. See if you can get them alive; who am i kidding you find them and shoot them for there lootZ. Did i forget this is on Epoch also so yall have building which adds a twist also. --------Warning-------- We do take cheating very serious here. We have caught 2200ish people on our servers for cheating. We have a server forum that you will need to sign up with so we can have IP tracking if in case you are caught cheating you will get DAS BOOT. Link is here for the Public Server Forums. http://factionz.vigilantaddiction.com/forum/. I am also on steam name is Raven6969 please feel free to contact me for any questions. We have a close group of people who play already and we have lots of fun.
  11. FactionZ..... You ask what it is??? Well simply put it is a massive PVP turn on Dayz mod. We have factions that you can join in or if you think you can handle it got at it alone. Weekly events where the admins get on and run a muck. See if you can get them alive; who am i kidding you find them and shoot them for there lootZ. Did i forget this is on Epoch also so yall have building which adds a twist also. --------Warning-------- We do take cheating very serious here. We have caught 2200ish people on our servers for cheating. We have a server forum that you will need to sign up with so we can have IP tracking if in case you are caught cheating you will get DAS BOOT. Link is here for the Public Server Forums. http://factionz.vigilantaddiction.com/forum/. I am also on steam name is Raven6969 please feel :D free to contact me for any questions. We have a close group of people who play already and we have lots of fun.
  12. FactionZ..... You ask what it is??? Well simply put it is a massive PVP turn on Dayz mod. We have factions that you can join in or if you think you can handle it got at it alone. Weekly events where the admins get on and run a muck. See if you can get them alive; who am i kidding you find them and shoot them for there lootZ. Did i forget this is on Epoch also so yall have building which adds a twist also. --------Warning-------- We do take cheating very serious here. We have caught 2200ish people on our servers for cheating. We have a server forum that you will need to sign up with so we can have IP tracking if in case you are caught cheating you will get DAS BOOT. Link is here for the Public Server Forums. http://factionz.vigilantaddiction.com/forum/. I am also on steam name is Raven6969 please feel free to contact me for any questions. We have a close group of people who play already and we have lots of fun.