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About JoNYAlonso

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JoNYAlonso

    Problem 2 errors

    I can not play, I add these 2 errors in each server goes down, typical message that no message arrives and shoots me, any solution please can not play
  2. JoNYAlonso

    Problem 2 errors

    Good afternoon, I've been trying to play since yesterday, and I get these 2 errors every bit, and above him aadimos what happens that does not receive any message and stops working, can someone please help me, here I leave the 2 images, many gracais and forgive my English, I'm Spanish and I find it hard enough, a hug.
  3. JoNYAlonso

    zombie question

    Hello good evening, my name Jony and I am new Dayz, my Pegunta is some advice against zombies? I see very long distances and not as escape, someone give me some advice please, thank you very much.