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Everything posted by rydekk

  1. In theory, everything you carry is in your hitbox. Thus, in theory if someone shoots you in your backback. You take damage.
  2. You should instead focus more on harmfull individuals on random servers instead of those who don't do harm
  3. I Ignore this on purpose because i'm certain that private server don't do any harm for US. You can kill these people when they come to you, no matter what guns or loot they might carry from their loot server. And PVP. I'm sorry, but dayZ SA Alpha has nothing else to offer at the moment. And that'll remain there for a long time. In the meantime, why focus on harmless PSH(Private Server Holders)? What about glitchers, hackers and exploiters? The more time we nag in here, the more people become victim on others who do more harm than these people.
  4. Explains stuff :) Gutentag ;)
  5. Oma? You write it the same way as it is written in dutch. I'm confused.
  6. Nacho's + cheese =...
  7. Are we playing games so we can follow the rules? Do we get a manual that has a list of rules we MUST ABIDE AT ANY TIME? If these people spend money on a server they want to keep for themselves, who cares? Why are you so upset about it? WHY is this thread made in the first place? We need to spend our times tracking down glitchers, buggers, hackers. Not this shit.
  8. So? Who cares, their money not mine. If i see a server that says don't join or kick, then i don't give a shit.
  9. And what exactly do they break in term of rules? That they prefer safe looting? I don't mind that.
  10. rydekk

    Recording DayZ gameplay

    Not sure, I've been having this issue since the game was released. Already adressed the issue at the Nvidea support. Still have the issue.
  11. rydekk

    Recording DayZ gameplay

    Unfortunatly, Shadowplay doesn't support this game. I've had Mayor issues with recording sound and video at the same time ( Microphone) Here's an example (6:51) I recommend OBS. Open Broadcast Software; https://obsproject.com/ with the right settings, it can record your game better then fraps with less data required for the job!
  12. rydekk

    Good Ol' Kill-Ban

    You actually see them alot, I think One third of all those servers are " experimental" Facepalm
  13. DARE ME RIGHT? The fact OP hasn't send in any sort of footage of these claims makes me wonder in doubt. Heck, the fact he can sum up so many encounters which he found " hackers" in such a short duration makes me doubt his claims so much Mr. Sarcasme couldn't resist himself any longer
  14. Yeah man, I can tell you. People hack in this game! I was walking up a ladder, and BAM DEAD! Curse those hackers man! CURSE THEM Now for real, shut up about it.
  15. rydekk

    The stash man, A strange night in zelenogorsk

    Didn't know that man! maybe because she's dead for quite a few years now brother. i'm reporting you to the police aswel.
  16. rydekk

    The stash man, A strange night in zelenogorsk

    Who cares
  17. rydekk

    .22 Rifle found Pics!

    That jacket :o So stylish :D
  18. rydekk

    DayZ SA Stories; "Karma"

    nothing to see here
  19. rydekk

    DayZ SA Stories; "Karma"

    I've given up that's what's wrong. I'm not going to answer the first question because i never said i'm self entitled. But then, i got mad about the GD which counters that so nvm on the subject. I piss and moan because things go to slowly after 3 years having the channel. close to just 600 subs, Uploaded over a hundred videos to the channel in total, and all the views i recieve come from one source. A fucking people raging video. Takes up 2/3rd of my total view count. Everytime i make a new goddamn video i have to drag in some cursed forum like this one, spam my links in the hopes i get a hundred views in the process, WISHING the series i'm working one gets a steady viewer base. And hope that those few nags my arm to make another video. It's frustrating to see that, the only video i made as an experiment late 2012 is my most watched and most commented video. A video i made in 5 minutes, from content i do not own, or have any affiliation to. You don't have to tell me to have patience, i had enough for the last couple of years. And promote myself? The way i did before me moaning about something stupid as the GD? Or now? Tsss. How can i promote myself between big sharks like Pewdiepie and all those other retards who have a living making videos, while i just do this as a hobby? Forums? No, this is the result. And threads, fuck threads. I make a dozen threads per day on different forums and people read them and wander off. what accomplishment is behind a thread? For christ sake. CCSD? I did that aswel, what did i get in the process? People had their share fun. True, and i'm happy they did. But did i gain something from it aswel? Not really. I've given up, end story. Done with everything for now. As usual... Thanks for trying to understand, and eventually i'll just smack my head against the wall for this behavior people seem to dislike so much. I'm a fool, always been. And to those munching on the popcorn of this "heart breaking" story, I hope you choke on it. And keep the fucking meme's out of here.
  20. rydekk

    DayZ SA Stories; "Karma"

    Please don't describe the interwebz for me. I know how it works, Awww, Chucky not nice of you. Why don't you go to bed now and weep you're not chuck norris but a fat slug.
  21. rydekk

    DayZ SA Stories; "Karma"

    Been making videos since i was 12. been on youtube since 2007. I've been representing myself both ways, When i'm nice. People don't bother either, it's genetics and the internet taking over. And feedback? You want to know how many times i've asked about feedback on my videos? In here? A dozen of times. Did i recieve feedback? Perhaps three times. I don't need anyones feedback anymore. I've spend years of my life trying to be good at something i truely love. Never seemed to get the rewards for it, and i will never. I need "partnerships", thus meet quota's, meet specifications ( that i meet btw) in order to get that recognition, to get the reward but i'm not doing it for the money... I'm just tired, all this work for virtually nothing in return. i never did this for the money, and neither will i do now. all i wanted is a decent viewer base that loves watching my videos. And if i can't get that audience here on a forum or reddit ( it's the same though, bastards only like watching highly favored videos such as those from frankie or jackfrags, ect) Then i will never do later. i've had enough for now, Now please get lost and let this post sink deep in the inactive posts... I've grown too impatient to continue this bullshit any longer.
  22. rydekk

    DayZ SA Stories; "Karma"

    i have issues with life true. And i usually have manners but today is one of those days i'm not. Problems?
  23. rydekk

    DayZ SA Stories; "Karma"

    I had that mentality once aswel. Views do not matter for me aswel in the start. But they do know. Views and earnest subscriptions. And oh sure, people in the gallery like watching videos, that's why i usually get 500 views on the forum and just a mere 1/3rd in video. Who said i was crying? And boring? well, thank you for the feedback but i'm not convinced you actually mean that. Especially when you said "vids". Nice try though. Now piss off lady