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About Babypuke

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    On the Coast
  1. I've been playing for a week or so, mostly doing just fine. At one point yesterday I thought I was just lagging but I basically could not perform any real actions on my screen except movement, like If I tried to pull out a weapon nothing would happen, I couldn't use stuff, put anything in my hands etc. (all I can do anymore is move around and look at my inventory) I just thought I was lagging but my friend in skype said he could see me switching weapons and everything according to whatever buttons I would press. I also can't see other players actions (or zombies) either, they're just all standing in place or looping one animation over and over even though I know they're moving / shooting at me etc. I've tried restarting the game, my computer, several different servers. I haven't been able to get rid of the problem since it started. I've checked my latency and am having no problems there. Do I need to re-install the game? And if I do will it delete my decked character?