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Everything posted by Elzilcho

  1. Elzilcho

    Stupid Bambis

    Me and my group are pretty nice to bambis for the most part. We wont shoot on sight, we'll be nice, and we might even give you some light gear. But today, we were going through electro and 2 dudes start shooting at us. They kill one of our guys, and break anothers leg. We kill both of them. I could have saved my buddy before he died. Right before I killed the dude that would later kill my friend, 2 bambis charge me and start punching me. Naturally, I kill both with my SKS, but before that I ask why they are doing this. They yell "Those guys were nice!! Y R U Shooting them!!!11!" Then my friend dies and our overwatch gets him and the fight was over. Bambis, People might be nice to you, but if you get considered a threat, then MOST (I'm talking 95%) players will KOS the hell out of you. If you hear a firefight raging, don't be a dick and charge one side. You look dumb, and you get people killed.
  2. Elzilcho

    Thoughts on the SKS and B29

    I love the SKS. It is really accurate even out to 400m if you have the PU scope. Plus 10 shot and looking sexy as hell, oohhh mama. I haven't used the B95 but my buddies have some, and they pretty much hit what they aim at every time, so it must be pretty good.
  3. Elzilcho

    How do you dress?

    I go for the hero look. If I have the option this is my favorite look Blue Beret Aviators Blue Check shirt Chest holster w/ magnum TTsko pants Blue Jack boots Hunting Backpack