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Everything posted by jayleann

  1. jayleann

    Drinking bugged?

    I paused playing for a while and when I played on experimental today, I wasn't able to satisfy my thirst from ponds and lakes. Is that a known bug or am I doing anything wrong? I mean the animation is there (I cannot click multiple times, I have to wait until the animation ends) but it doesn't seem to add anything.
  2. jayleann

    Drinking bugged?

    I know, didn't find it there. Thanks for the answer.
  3. I have a rather hypothetical question for you (the community). Right now I am not playing Dayz anymore because I don't enjoy it in this unfinished state. Nonetheless I am thinking about it. I have seen that most games that started recently have payment models that guarantee them a flow of money over a longer distance of time, while Dayz is a "one payment" model. And if I remember correctly the developers said that they are thinking about ways to change that without turning their payment model upside down or disappoint people. After I heard that I forgot about it until someone explained "phasing" to me. Basically phasing seems to be a way where people who are in the same MMO enrivonment experience different things depending on their skill, progress and things like that. And then I thought why I like zombies in gaming, that the most intense feeling to me is always the outbreak. I mean in every movie this is the moment where it is most thrilling to me and in series like walking dead the events consist mainly of different repetitions of this outbreak scenario to give the story a new drive. So I was thinking: What if Bohemia invented a DLC or event-payment model which puts people back to the outbreak? Lets say, you buy the DLC or something like that and you are able to trigger something like a time leap/dream etc. The place is the same, the zombies are the same, but it is a more story driven experience. It allows you to experience live what happend before Chernarus became what it is now. And with phasing you could either include it into the existing game or if that is easier make an independent DLC. Would you buy something like that? Does this idea sound like something you would support? I mean, it is not taking anything away from us.
  4. jayleann

    lore driven payment model

    Both is possible I guess. I had a mixture of both in mind but thats not important to me because I have no knowledge about gaming development. I was just curious if people would buy this, not only out of loyalty but because they actually like the idea. I have spent 80 euros for the sims plus extention and 50 euros for an unfinished f2p title and I wonder how long this model can work.
  5. jayleann

    Random crying noises

    That sounds cute. :lol:
  6. jayleann

    underwear in different colors

    Hello, would it be possible to allow us to choose different colors for our underwear? I just don't like the stripes. It makes more sense to choose underwear than shirts in the main menu, since this is the only thing you won't change in the game.
  7. jayleann

    Your fetish item

    At the moment my favorite item is bluejeans, but it will be 3/4s when I find them. And yeah it is kind of fetish because I wear them always.
  8. jayleann

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    That cannibalism thing is not thought through. I do not laugh like this, I do not cry like this, my voice sounds completely different. So... raw human meat causes split personality?
  9. jayleann

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    I don´t want Wehrmacht-uniforms in the game.
  10. Hello, I have a suggestion for bandaging. At the moment a bandage completely stops the loss of blood and keeps it stable on a certain level from which you can recover quite easily and without worrying about it anymore. My idea is to change that in the following way: Once you start bleeding, you can use the bandage to reduce the loss of blood but not completely stop it. The bandage has a certain duration which is dependent on its quality (pristine, damaged, etc.) and the type (rags, medical bandage, etc.). So from the point you put the bandage on your body it only reduces the amount of blood you loose (this happens when the bandage is damaged, badly damaged and the like) or it deteroriates the quality of the bandage until you reach that point. When the rag/bandage reaches the level of "soaked through" or "ruined" it is not reducing blood loss anymore, or only to a very small extent and with increased risk of gangrene. As a second improvement the wound itself should have a duration/intensity value. Depending on the intensity of the wound there could be a chance to recover completely without bandages. Especially when you are physically in a very good condition it should be possible to heal by yourself. I sometimes watch WOBO and other youtube-guide people and I recognized that DayZ is measuring the amount of blood you loose per second, depending on what caused the damage (melee weapon, bullets, zombies, etc.), so I think it should work. So from my point of view the process of stopping the damage should last minimum as long as the actual recovering process when you eat food to gain your color and resilience back. Since this idea sounds like a lot of other people may have had it before I apalogize if it was mentioned already. I write ideas down as they appear and I am not very good with the search function. :)
  11. My suggestion is that slow walking shouldn´t hurt your feet at all. The reason to walk slowly is in fact to avoid everything that might cut your skin etc. I´m crazy enough to walk bigger distances in slow motion and I´d like the (experimental) game to appreciate my efforts more. :P
  12. jayleann

    slow walking without hurting feet

    Yes and in that case the mechanic makes sense, but not for us slow walkers.
  13. I found a rangefinder in experimental, but there are no numbers or signs. How is it used correctly?
  14. Hello, it's time for a new laptop and I was wondering if a GeForce GTX 880M is enough to play DayZ in the highest settings? I suppose there are other important factors, but is this a good graphic card and would you recommend it?
  15. I will play what gives me the better feeling. If DayZ would stay a hunter & gatherer society I would go, if they can make the game more persistent and creative (in terms of building something up) I would stay. At the moment I long for DayZ (final), state of decay multiplayer and H1Z1.
  16. jayleann

    Anyone using the Blaze 95?

    I'm a runaway.
  17. jayleann

    Anyone using the Blaze 95?

    I love (!) the longhorn. I wish I could find one. <3 I would need nothing else.
  18. jayleann

    Anyone using the Blaze 95?

    I like the Blaze more than the SKS since it has the same ammo-type as the Mosin and I mainly use guns for hunting animals.
  19. jayleann

    GHOSTS CONFIRMED ! - DayZ Standalone

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbBX6aEzEz8 :D
  20. jayleann

    Crossbows being ignored?

    If I could take the bolts out of a zombie and use it again this was a nice weapon.
  21. jayleann

    Spawn System Suggestions

    Well, sorry. :)
  22. jayleann

    location bound item-relation

    hello, I had a nice little experience today and wanted to make suggestion out of it. When I was in a remote city, I found a pistole (C75) on the top of a little kiosk. I left it there because I had no magazine and in fact it is very rare that you find the magazine for a specific pistole within one gaming session if you don't play for hours and if you are not just hunting military locations. So I left the pistole there and went on to loot the city, hoping I would find something better. ca. ten minutes later I found the magazine in the upper part of a school building in the same city. This to me had two effects. 1.) I connected this finding to the previous one, I went all the way back, found it still carefully hidden on top of the kiosk and got a real "satisfaction" moment because this was something I had earned myself through looting the whole city and not just running through the most important buildings. 2.) In my head formed a little story around my findings. The pistole belonged to a guy who had children which were attending school or he was a teacher in that school, it could even be that one of the children had access to that pistole and the kiosk was a common place for them to hide things. So they owned both a pistole and a magazine and would have been able to defend themselves, maybe they would have been still alive, if everything worked out. But for some reason they were not able to put pistole and magazine together. Maybe they got evacuated or forgot about the whole pistole thing, or they had not enough time. Whatever, it was nice to have my thoughts flying around this incident. Although it is not "lore", it gave me the experience that my findings had a connection to each other and my imagination was doing the rest. I'd really like to have more of these intuitive cases, where people find the one thing and start connecting "Wait, there is a pistole. Somewhere in this city should be the ammo, it would make sense." Of course this shouldn't be the case for all items. But I would appreciate if there was a item-location-relation to some extent, so that people at least can try it and have a real chance of achieving something, which they wouldn't by just running from A to B to C. You could make "zones" in which there is a certain possibility to find related items, while other items are not related at all. I don't care if this is random or not, however it is made, it feels very organic and alive.
  23. jayleann

    fishing ain't easy

    hi, I wanted to fish and had to lay down my fireaxe after I crafted the improvised fishing rod... yeah, okay... but now I need worms and when I try to pick up a farming hoe, I have to lay down the fishing rod? Am I doing anything wrong? °-°