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Everything posted by symptom

  1. symptom

    Can't equip/loot anything? (Please Help)

    Very odd. Your charector may be bugged. Try dying and getting back to your body for your loot. If that don't fix it, I don't know what will. It sucks, but at this point when else can you do? <_<
  2. symptom

    So, Anyone has cooked rice successfully yet?

    Be patient my young padawans. All in good time.
  3. symptom

    Forum Sections - New Player Discussion

    Not a bad idea.
  4. symptom

    Can't equip/loot anything? (Please Help)

    May be the server you are on. I was on a laggy server a few nights ago, and I couldnt jump, arm a weapon, or pick up loot. Try another server.
  5. There are windows you can jump through. I've done it already. Couple of buildings in Electro with windows like that.
  6. symptom

    Possible hacker or just very unlucky ?

    It's fine. Try fighting a zombie with your fists and you'll change your mind. Against other players is fine too. I've knocked a guy out in one punch, so it's based on realism. Just depends where you land the punch.
  7. symptom

    Hunter backpack or Mountain backpack ?

    Someone posted this same exact poll a few days ago.
  8. symptom

    How do you stab with bayonet?

    I've also heard you can open cans of food with bayonets. Haven't tested it though.
  9. symptom


    Some ponds you have to walk out into the water to get the menu to appear.
  10. symptom

    Possible to know my health?

    They're adding indicators. Just don't know when.
  11. symptom


    So they're in affect. Dont get HIV.
  12. symptom

    NCP survivors

    NPC area would be camped by bandits anyway, there's a ton of pros and cons. However, I don't see them be added to the SA. If you want those NPC's, go play epoch.
  13. symptom

    Theres nothing to "do" in this game...

    What?!? There's a ton to do in this game. I suggest you quit complaining and play. Experiment with things. Try crafting traps, or other items.
  14. symptom

    How do you stab with bayonet?

    I'm looking forward to this feature.
  15. symptom

    cant communicate with direct chat

    I haven't experienced any problems with direct chat. I'm about to log on, so I'll test it out.
  16. symptom


    You'll be fine for now. I don't think blood types are in affect yet.
  17. symptom

    Why has no trains been added to dayz?

    How many train engineers do you know in real life. I don't know any. Besides traveling down the coast doesn't seem much fun to me.
  18. symptom

    Epoch in SA.

    Why not just play DayZ mod Epoch servers if you like them so much? No need to mess with the SA.
  19. symptom

    Possible hacker or just very unlucky ?

    Yes, you can be punched unconscious.
  20. symptom

    Looking for group

    If your searched the forum for posts like your own, you would find a group to play with.
  21. symptom

    In-game Physics. Explain?

    You'll have to email the game designers. This is something that goes with every game. Something always acts funny. I'll doubt they'll respond though.
  22. symptom

    What time do servers restart?

    And that's the 50 million dollar question. It appears to be randomly.
  23. symptom

    SA - Is the blood regeneration working?

    You could be sick. I suggest you try and find antibiotics or an epi pen.
  24. symptom


    Yea I don't agree. I've bumped into several people without fear of dying. Everyone so far has attempted to be friendly. I'm sure I will see the bandits soon, but for now everyone is still exploring/experimenting.