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Everything posted by symptom

  1. Ok, I get the whole "real" concept of this game, but night time is too dark. If I start a game with no flashlight, road flares, or glow stick, how am I suppose to actually find that stuff in game? Yes, I can server hop. However, most of the daytime servers are full at night. This is becoming more and more of a problem. I dont see why you just don't make it full day time till you're about to bring it out of Beta. I swore I wouldn't complain about this, but its frustrating only getting to play dark servers.
  2. symptom

    Night Time Removal Petition

    might need to be under dayz control
  3. symptom

    Make it more REAL

    Here are my suggestions to add to the game: **Zombie Child- You never see kids in zombie movies or hardly ever in harms way. However, children are a fact of life and exist. It would be very cool to see a little girl zombie with pigtails and holding a doll walking around towns. **Zombie Disease- If a player dies by a zombie bite, the corpse should remain able to be looted for 5 mins. After 5 mins, the body should stand, and become another member of the undead. **Head Shots- If a player gets shot in the head, it should be a real head shot and kill the player in 1 or 2 hits. If it takes 2 shots, then the player should be rendered unconscious for a small amount of time. **Start Items- Players should start with at least the following items: matches, pocket knife(hunting knife), bandage, drink, food, and a melee weapon. **Melee Weapons- Players that run out of ammo should have the option to pick up a pipe or piece of wood, or maybe fine a baseball bat and use them to protect themselves from the undead. **Animals- Chicken, Deer, Boars, and all the rest in the game, should have the ability to aggro a zombie and be eaten(another form of distraction). Also more animals should be in the woods. Thanks for reading my suggestions.... Let's discuss your opinions them.
  4. symptom

    EpeeNoire s opinion on 1.7.1

    Are you guys trying to bait me? No. Trying to help you.
  5. symptom

    EpeeNoire s opinion on 1.7.1

    Some people don't understand simple game mechanics. :)
  6. Brighter lunar cycles would help.
  7. symptom

    EpeeNoire s opinion on 1.7.1

    There are tons of ways of being unseen by infected. For instance, you can LOS them now. Just don't make a lot of noise. Slow and steady is the key. I hate it when people have a hard time figuring out how to outsmart a games AI and make posts raging about how the game developers made it too hard. What if this was a real scenario and you didn't own a gun? Then where would you be? Probably complaining to god and saying its too hard and not fair. Try learning to sneak better. It's easy.
  8. symptom

    Give back guns

    This game is a masterpiece and will only improve.
  9. symptom

    Clean up some unrealistic areas..

    You should probably re-think this. All awful ideas.
  10. symptom

    Give back guns

    I don't understand why everyone is complaining. It's easy to get a gun and travel around zombies.
  11. symptom

    Make it more REAL

    There is a debate whether a zombie and infected are different or one in the same. To me they are the same. Here is why: 1) In movies like "28 days later" and "Dawn of the Dead" any one bite will turn into a zombie or the infected. Both types of creature attack in the same way, hitting and biting. Hate for humankind as well. 2) Zombies and Infected have a very similar look. Eyes are usually jacked up and they're both usually bleeding, from suffering from an attack themselves before the change from human. 3) Zombies never came from graves as a few horror movies in the 80's tried to do. The idea was only an illusion to create fear back then. Think about it, zombies escaping their caskets and digging through 6 feet of packed dirt. Awfully strong Zombie. So whether you call them infected or zombies or undead, they are all the same. There were a few cases in 28 weeks later, where a human was attacked by an infected, then died and reanimated. I personally call them "walkers". I referred to them as zombies in my post due to the many people who never reference zombies to infected. It's all the same either way.
  12. symptom

    Best idea for balance in the beginning

    Starting with no weapon will force a player to survive and force him to interact within towns and cities. When I first started playing, I was hesitant to go in towns cause I started with a pistol, ammo, food, and drink. There was no rush to search for what I had. But now when I respawn, I find the game more a challenge and more fun. Now if they would only add melee weapons. Chain Saw! Run Zombie!
  13. symptom

    Kicked from EVERY game

  14. symptom

    Kicked from EVERY game

    Any fixes yet? I am having the same problem.
  15. I can't seem to use Global Chat. I only have access to "group", "vehicle", and "direct" chats. How do I enable Global? Thanks in advance.
  16. When i log in to DayZ everything seems blocky. I set all my setting to the lowest possible and no fix. When I log into ARMA 2 I have no problem with the graphics. I am using an ATI Radeon HD 3400 Series video card. Any and all assistance will be greatly appreciated.
  17. symptom

    Bad Serial Number given in Setup

    Ok I found a fix. Use the Six Updater, then run Six Launcher. Everything should be fine after that.