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Everything posted by symptom

  1. symptom

    Blood bags!!!

    This is a fair request..... I like to play solo, and if I need a heal I have to hunt animals and hope I have an ax, matches, nd a hunting knife. Then it only gives me 800 health per time I eat. I'm sure in a REAL situation, I could give myself an I.V. or a shot. Perhaps add mini bloodbags for the solo player.
  2. So don't troll the forums....problem solved B)
  3. Whats with the loading screen?? I've tried logging into about 20 servers and I keep getting stuck at the loading screen.
  4. symptom

    Server admins resetting vehicles?

    What server did this?
  5. I was in Electro today and took out a hacker. He had a mean ass looking sniper rifle and was wearing a skin I haven't seen before. He had no hat and was black with long dredloks. I shot him with a Lee Enfield in the ribs, then once he fell I shot him again in the head. I was about 10 steps away and walked up to loot and his corpse vanished. I know it was cause he disconnected. Rocket needs to fix this so we can loot players after killing them. This has happned more than I can count in my 3 months of playing DayZ. Would've really liked to get that hackers sniper rifle and see what other gear he had on him.
  6. symptom

    Sniper Kill Forum

    Either way. it's a waste of time.
  7. symptom

    Fix disappearing corpses!!!

    I know that he knows Asshat. Just saying what happened and how hackers shouldn't be able to get away with it. But thank you for reminding me how long it's been going on for. I already knew how long it had been happening, but good job for pointing it out again. I guess to sum things up for you so you know the meaning behind my post....I am hoping that Rocket adds a delay to logging out rather than insta-log.
  8. symptom

    Just killed two hackers

    Grats on your first hacker kill.
  9. symptom

    Sniper Kill Forum

    This is pointless. Why would someone wait for you to be on to post where a sniper is when tey can be in game searching themselves?
  10. symptom

    Chopper Crash Sites

    I've done 2 helicopter crash sites in the last week. Got a buttload of nice gear. Even got me a SAW and killed a bunch of players with it. I love this gun. Both of my sites were found around Green Mountain.
  11. symptom

    Vehicles... Rediculous

    I dunno man, I found 5 vehicles in the last week on my home server. I shot up a tractor, my friend wrecked a hatchback, another friend blew up another tractor, we have a military jeep, and a military truck. Also found an ATV, but theyre crap. Keep lookng dude.
  12. I have a friend who keep getting kicked from all servers when trying to log in. The error is telling him there is something wrong with anims_e.pho How do we fix this? As always, thanks in advance.
  13. I logged into a few servers recently and found that the server warning have changed their color. They use to be RED and now are WHITE or an ICE BLUE color. When did this happen?? Or is my color screwed up??
  14. symptom

    Need fix for an Error please.

    It's actually a pic of me. I just used an app on my iPhone 4s to zombify me.
  15. symptom

    Need fix for an Error please.

    Thanks for pointing out the obvious penis breath.
  16. symptom

    Vehicles... Rediculous

    Wait a day or 2 for them to spawn. Just because you put a server up doesn't mean EVERY vehicle spawn will have a vehicle there. You may have to wait longer. Some players will server hop vehice spawn locations to get one. That could've happened too. Other than wait, there is nothing you can do but get lucky.
  17. symptom

    Bad version, server rejected connection?

    Can't I play DayZ without getting a bad version?? B-O-O-H-O-O!
  18. I've been on other servers and seen this feature: Open your map and it shows you where you are and the direction youre facing with a small blue icon. I would like to activate this on my friends server hosted by vilayer.com How do I do this?
  19. symptom

    Server Editing Questions....

    Please explain
  20. Could someone please explain what I need to do to make a clan in DayZ? Thank you in advance....
  21. symptom

    How do I make a clan?

    Didnt know I could use brackets....like this: [uOG]Symptom
  22. symptom

    How do I make a clan?

    I basically would like to start a clan with a tag with my friends. Someone please explain how.
  23. symptom

    How do I make a clan?

    So how does it give me clan tag?