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Everything posted by symptom

  1. symptom

    What the actual fuck?

    Sounds like you got glitched. Time to start fresh!!
  2. symptom

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    They should look like the skin on this picture....3rd from the right. http://meta.filesmelt.com/downloader.php?file=arma2oa_2012-05-30_17-22-45-37.png
  3. Sound a bit proud there huh? I remember my first kill on DayZ.
  4. I was on US 632 sniping players from my secluded spot near elektro. I see a player running from a few zombies and facing them as to take them out as he is running. So I instead of killing the player, I raise my AS50 and take out the 3 zombies chasing him. He turns and faces my position and puts on a pair of binoculars. I put my crosshairs on him and zero in. While he is scanning my general area, I fire a shot into his chest. He was probably greatful that i saved him from the zombies, but it my way of adding insult to injury. No zombie is stealing my kill.
  5. symptom

    Silly little player....

    Maybe I shoulda said when I killed him, he exploded and candy fell out of his body.
  6. symptom

    Silly little player....

    Who said anything about a hill?? ;)
  7. I'd like to meet the hacker that spawned parachuting cows and buses.
  8. symptom

    Global ban

    Try going here.... http://www.battleye.com/support.html
  9. symptom

    Traders and Traitors

    Same to this guy...easy trade with no suspicion to being sniped.
  10. symptom

    Traders and Traitors

    Yes, the trade went very well
  11. symptom

    Selling two ( 2x ) Satchel Charges!!!!

    If the Satchels are still available, I would like one.
  12. I know there is endless posts about logging in on a server and immediately being unconscious. However, every time I played today or last night and logged in, I have been unconscious. I have 12000 blood and everything seems to be fine with my character. Is there any reason why this happens EVERY time now??
  13. symptom

    Unconscious AGAIN!!

    Yea, maybe tomorrow it will be different.
  14. symptom

    Respawned on an island

    You do not lose your gear when you swim now. There are quite a few posts that explain it.
  15. symptom

    Unconscious AGAIN!!

    Yea, that's what I've been doing. It' a bit nerve racking wondering if a player will run by while I'm passed out for those first 5 minutes. There needs to be a better fix.
  16. symptom

    New guy

    Hop around from server to server. You'll find a home.
  17. symptom

    How rare is the L85A2 AWS?

    List on DayZ Wiki as Extremely Rare. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/L85A2_AWS
  18. Looking for an AS50 and some ammo. I have a few things for trade. - L85A2 AWS - M16A2 M203 - Night Vision Goggles - Range Finder - Large Coyote Pack Hit me up on Skype. My username is in my signature.
  19. Good fight. Too bad those guys in the chopper were terrible shots....lol
  20. symptom

    What to du against hackers.

    Log out when you see anything suspicious.
  21. symptom

    Hacker in Cherno.. Raining buses and cows

    LoL. I actually enjoyed watching that guys hack. Nice job on recording.
  22. symptom

    Is it Bannable off a Server?

    Kids say the darndest things....
  23. Will trade some items for it if someone is willing to trade. I have the following: - DMG with 6 magazines - Large Coyote Backpack - M16A2 M203 - Night Vision Goggles - GPS I have some other things, just ask if you are looking for something else. Hit me up on Skype if you want to trade. My username is list in my signature.
  24. symptom

    So I just got banned?

    What cheatengine scripts did you get caught using?
  25. symptom

    Get rid of tents and storage

    You know, when I'm out exploring and find a tent or 2..... ....It makes me happy. Almost like finding buried treasure. Tents need to be left in game. I know of 5 or 6 camps with 2 - 3 tents per camp. I try to visit 1 or 2 a day. I even left loot in a tent for the guy I have been robbing these last few days.