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Everything posted by symptom

  1. symptom

    Does loot regenerate?

    I tested this on my server. It only about 5 minutes. As long as every piece of loot is remove from that spawn point.
  2. Didn't they already say they were doing this??
  3. symptom

    US204 possible hacker camp found

    Try and find a server admin and have them restart the server and tell them why. A restart will wipe that hackers base.
  4. symptom

    To the players on my server....

    It get's crazy. First, the players complain because the hackers are killing them and ruining the game. Then when you ban the hacker and reset the server to delete his spawned items, they complain some more. Doesn't make any sense. lol
  5. symptom

    Running a server

    I had the same issue when I got my server. Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done. At the very most you will have to wait 7 days for the server to respawn everything. On the 7th day, everything will respawn at once. So be ready for it. At the very east, it could be in a few hour to a few days, but more than likely, it will happen like it happened to me.
  6. symptom

    Ddos on dayz?

    It appears that the Hive is down.
  7. symptom

    Hive Down?

    Noooooooooooo!!! I need to get my Zombie Fix!! I'm going to die if I don't get to play. I think I'm getting light headed. Things....getting.....fuzzy. Can't do....anything. Must play DayZ.....
  8. symptom

    Buy Day Z now or wait until Standalone Game?

    Always BUY IT NOW!!
  9. symptom

    HELP ME!?

    Great loot huh?? 2nd life with 9 days and you don't know how to die and run back to your body?? Sounds like you're trying to attract people to kill. If that's how you wanna pvp, just advertise on the forums that you wanna trade something really cool, like a satchel charge.
  10. symptom

    HELP ME!?

    Just die and start over. Its not like you're going to live forever anyways.
  11. symptom

    What does it mean if a server is down?

    Or just play a different server.
  12. Why bother making this thread? As if anyone really cares.
  13. symptom

    Server Help

    When I got my server, most of the cities had a lot of hedgehogs, sandbag walls, and razor wire everywhere. I started taken it down with a toolbox an had other people on the server helping me. When I do a restart on the server, all the hedgehogs, sandbags, and wire re-appear. Why is this happening and how can I fix it?
  14. symptom

    Server Help

    Can someone else confirm this please?
  15. I've had my server for 5 days now and it still shows a grey map with a question mark in it on Six Launcher. I have searched everywhere for a fix with no luck. I would like to see the American flag next to my server, but I guess it'll never happen. Unless someone can explain what Im doing wrong or if it's even something I can fix.
  16. Is there a working Server Command List for Admins?? I know a few that work, but I can't get the #ban command to work. I tried #exec ban also with no luck. I read somewhere you can type #userlist and put the hackers ID# in ban.txt, but I have not tested it yet. Could I get a little help? If you don't wanna type, you can reach me by Skype. It's listed in my signature. Thanks in advance.
  17. symptom

    Have i looted a hacker???

    Probably hacked weapons.
  18. symptom

    An Apology

    I'm sorry I read this.
  19. symptom

    A future alternative use for tents

    I think once the tent owner dies, anyone should be able to take down the tent. However, in this case the tent would not go to the backpack. Instead it should delete. I see a lot of servers with tons of tents, because people unknowingly refresh them instead of letting them decay. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Tent
  20. symptom

    Atv issues!

    Yea, it probably bugged out. Go get more gas and try again.
  21. symptom

    No Sprite !

    Don't anger the Mountain Dew gods with this thread!!
  22. symptom

    Humanity idea

    Im curious....Do you know there is a way to heal yourself without blood bags and beans? It's called MEAT. Kill a cow, boar, goat, sheep, or any other animal and cook it up. I haven't used a blood bag in over a week, and I'm still at 12000 blood. Anyways, thought you should know.
  23. symptom

    List of improvements for the Stand Alone game

    I think you put too much thought into this. LoL
  24. symptom

    Night time on ALL maps?

    You have to look for daytime servers. You can use DayZ Commander to filter between light and dark servers.
  25. symptom

    Working command list?

    Sadly, the ban commands don't work.