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Everything posted by symptom

  1. symptom

    End game suggestion - holy book

    I think he watches too many movies.
  2. symptom

    1000 infected headshoots

    Screenshot or it didn't happen.
  3. symptom


    Yea, that doesn't give us enough information to ban him on our servers.
  4. symptom

    scared the **** out of this guy LOLOLOL

    It woulda been better had you been wearing one of the custom skins. He would have immediately thought...HACKER!!
  5. Or is it so you can add a scary sound the next time youre hacking someone? Like in those videos of the hacker wearing the Jason Vorhees skin playing the kid music in the backround.
  6. symptom

    A Funny DayZ Compilation

    Recruit servers huh??
  7. symptom

    I found a generator...

    That may be a hacked item in the game. Get rid of it. You might wanna try and blow it up by shooting it.
  8. I doubt it will take 6 hours. You'll starve to death before that happens.
  9. symptom

    Zombie : Player Ratio

    Yea, I have tested this. Just over 200m is the spawn distance. So it's like 200m - 215m to spawn zombies.
  10. symptom

    Is this a decent build?

    He should be fine to run DayZ if that's what he's asking.
  11. This was kinda biring till you killed yourself.
  12. My server is based in the eastern time zone, however I cater to the night players of this game. Beings i mostly work during the day, it only leaves my nights available for game play. My server time is set to +12 GMT. It gets light on my server around 2pm or 3pm eastern time and gets dark around 5am or 6am eastern. You are more than welcome to come play.
  13. The log file is located in ctgdayz/Battleye/remoteexec.log <--- Will tell you if anyone is hacking. Does not log who kills who. All vehicles need repairs upon spawning in the game. The helicopter however spawns in with no repairs needed(or at least that's how I keep finding them spawned in.)
  14. I was kicked off a server for killing an admin, and his friend. They were landing a heliccopter and I killed both of them. As i was running to the chopper they kicked everyone off the server and locked the server till they got the chopper back. I made a thread about it a while back with a screenshot. Nothing was done to them. They should've had their server blacklisted. I have my own server and I respect the players. If they kill me fairly and loot my tents or vehicles fairly, I dont get mad. They need to blacklist servers that do that shit.
  15. symptom

    Zombie : Player Ratio

    Yes, to zombies spawn when a player is in a designated area. The count is random. I ran into the industrial side of Elektro on a server with 0 zombies and spawned 6, but then on another server logged in near the east fire station in Elektro and spawned 14 zombies. I think its randomized based on the buildings. Here is some helpful info: http://www.dayzwiki....s#Zombie_Spawns http://dayzdb.com/map Click on a building in the map and it will tell you the zombie spawn chance per area.
  16. symptom

    Friend made meme

    I was laughing so hard that I couldn't even finish thi
  17. symptom

    vehicles no saving?

    This is a known glitch.The DayZ team is working on it.
  18. If I wanted to wear one of these custom skins from http://imgur.com/a/FAWIn#7 I get kicked from my own server and it says "file to big" What do I need to change in the server to make it so I can wear these skins?? Thanks in advance.
  19. symptom

    Custom Skin Fix Needed

    You mean 160,000??
  20. symptom

    Rocket Seriously

    What part of this game being in ALPHA do you not understand?? Stop crying and either play, or don't play. Glitches and bugs are bound to happen. But just so you know....the stand alone wont be out till close to Christmas.
  21. Why a M249 SAW if you don't mind me asking??
  22. symptom

    Script Restriction #40 ?

    Battleye did an update. Unfortunately it did a false global ban again. They are currently working on fixing it. Should be unbanned shortly, if not already. Now give me credit, or beans, or a thank you.
  23. symptom

    Free as50 + other epic gear!

    Snipers get ready....
  24. What?? No directions on how to get to his base??