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Everything posted by symptom

  1. symptom

    Please help

    I was about to suggest that.....lol
  2. symptom

    Will there ever be hordes?

    Don't get me wrong....I would love to see more zeds. Just enjoying exploring right now.
  3. symptom

    Will there ever be hordes?

    Does any ever read? Hello?!?!?! We are playing ALPHA people!! It's to be expected. I can't wait for more zed spawns, but I'm rather enjoying looting and finding out where certain items will turn up. I suggest you take advantage of the time we have with the low zombie count.
  4. symptom

    Loot is not respawning

    How long does it take for loot to respawn. I played on several servers today and could not find ANY loot other than what I found on dead players. I am thirsting and starving to death. I try to travel north to unsearched areas, and find rotten food, but that was it. Loot respawn needs to be quicker.
  5. symptom

    Loot is not respawning

    Loot respawning on restart can only mean one thing..... Time for everyone to be bandits again, and start killing each other.
  6. symptom

    Daytime servers???

    Are there there any daytime servers?? I'm not knocking nightime, but I'd like to be able to see the map. The first day we get the SA and we are all playing in the dark with a flashlight. I did get my first bandit kill earlier. Shovel to the face repeatedly. Took forever though. So when will the sun come up? Could someone shed some LIGHT on this??
  7. symptom


    Also, you can use the RESPAWN buttong if need to.
  8. symptom


  9. symptom

    unconscious state. HOW LONG?

    When in the unconscious state, you have option to use the RESPAWN button.
  10. I JUST WANA KNOW WHEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Rocket, please tell us WHEN....lol All this suspense is driving me mad!
  11. symptom

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    So when can we play it? Or help test it?
  12. Recently I have come to discover that I can not speak in game. I can not speak on any channel(Side, Direct, Vehicle, or Group). My mic works fine with TS3, Skype, and Ventrillo. For some unknown reason, I can't use the in game voice. If anyone knows a fix for it, please let me know. Thanks.
  13. symptom

    Using DayZ Chat system problem.

    This happens to me on every server I play on. I just want the ability to use direct chat(speak in game with my mic). No one knows how to fix this?
  14. symptom

    DayZ cinematic's by black bird :D

    2nd one is better. Could use some different music. On a scale of 1 - 10, I rate it a 6.
  15. I've been away in Japan these last 7 months. Finally I'm home and can start playing DayZ again. What's the word on a release date for the DayZ Standalone?? Any news on the latest update?? Please fill me in. I have missed a LOT. Thanks!!
  16. symptom

    DayZ Standalone Questions

    I was there training to be a samurai.... jk lol Was there on business with my company, training the Japanese how to run American style machines for tire building. I'm an engineer for Bridgestone Firestone. It's a Japanese/American company. Google it if you want the history....lol.
  17. Is there going to be a sign up for testing for regular players?
  18. symptom

    DayZ FPS Issues

    Unfortunately, if it is a sudden and steady drop in FPS....could be a bad Video card. Try blowing the dust off the card to see if that helps.
  19. Bad Serial Number given in Setup The above is the error I am getting when trying to connect. If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know.
  20. Just a quick question about DayZ Commander. I put up a new server and it is not showing on DayZ Commander. How long does it take to detect new servers?? I see my new server on Six Launcher, but I don't use that launcher anymore.
  21. symptom

    Arma 2 OA

    The whole thing. Why did you get banned?
  22. Doesn't sy anything about hacks there. Try posting your remoteexe.log. Anyone hacking will be in there.
  23. symptom

    Admin abuse- US 2830

    Just curious, but how do you know what his IP and GUID is when he didn't post them??
  24. symptom

    The worst murderer ever

    That was pretty bad. Too bad you ddn't have an axe or something.