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Everything posted by CrashBoomK

  1. Alright I've seen several times where people say they are starving and no food is spawning. I want to figure out if there is a actual bug with some servers/restarts or if the loot is just somewhere else but I need the communities help to figure this out. Anyone is welcome to participate and this should enable us to provide some solid feedback to the Devs on CLE. Here is the deal. If you are a veteran player or pretty skilled at hunting for items/food and can't find anything on a server you are a freshspawn on then post the info in here in reply to the main post. Include the ServerName, IP address (these have changed in the past on some resetting of servers), Version (since this changes), Date and Time you started and also what Town you spawned in/near. Other Veteran players will respond to the posts listing the server info etc and indicate what they found and where (town) on that server including date and time. What this will enable us to do is verify if it's just one persons experience or if there really is a bug causing some servers to quit spawning loot. Plus being able to identify specific servers to the Dev team if this is the case will enable them to more easily find the cause and fix it by reviewing those specific servers. Hopefully people will participate. Thank you for your Time. For my take after doing this earlier today on another site and spending a huge chunk of hours on a server someone said was devoid of loot, I feel that items aren't respawning at all just it's leftovers other players didn't need, want, or find. The longer before another patch I think this will become more obvious. I'd be interested to see a map of where items are respawning for those servers that we manage to identify as having issues.
  2. CrashBoomK

    The Great CLE Loot Experiment (Starving Players)

    So you played on private hives and experienced the fact that CLE was broken which the Devs confirmed that it wasn't working at all on Private Hives btw but your still gonna tell me it was working? As for restarts they don't do crap. What I'm talking about is when they take down the server and actually reset it which happens whenever they make tweaks or patches. Private Hive servers were given the ability to do this after a fashion by the Devs because CLE was broken so they would actually be playable.
  3. CrashBoomK

    The Great CLE Loot Experiment (Starving Players)

    No Lootsplosions are not proof enough. They actually happen as well when the server is first brought up and is full of items. A perfect example would be today I was in a Small cabin with the Yellow on one side. It was completely empty. The servers are brought down to make some tweaks etc. I waited and kept refreshing and was in during the first 5 minutes or so. I get in and there is already a lootsplosion of clothes already there and there were very few people on at the time and none of it was there before. Now did you play before the latest tweak/fixes that they took the server down for earlier today or after? Maybe their tweaks fixed it and you played after it's hard to know since bringing servers down refreshes and changes the loot. It's honestly hard to really know without Developer confirmation but as we saw in the past it's hard for them to know as well because it took alot of people saying something for them to realize yes there really was a problem with private hives with CLE and this feels like the same thing. It's made harder by the fact that the past week we've had multiple patches/server tweaks which cause a refresh of loot. Characters have been wiped of course at those times so people start all over. These make it hard to get an accurate picture if CLE is in fact working correctly. The only real way is extended testing on a popular server over a long time and to account for the players who just give up after picking the coast etc you need a large amount of dedicated players to actually reach NW pick it clean and then see what happens. Now think about the effect population has on servers. The more people that log in over time means the cleaner the coast gets picked. On a popular 75man 1st/3rd that prolly means the southern coast is barren and people either get discouraged and log off after grabbing whatever or server hop or whatever. Others will make it inland but it takes alot more time to travel to the NW the more barren the coast etc becomes. On a low pop 1st person server there is still plenty on the coast and even more when you move inland but you don't even notice if it respawns usually because there is just so much and fewer people to collect it. People's spawn point and migration also have something to do with it. How much time do people have to play and just how long will they play if they get discouraged because it's so hard to find something? Now someone who can afford the time to play hardcore to test my theory can go to a server and start out with nothing and slowly head all the way to the North West despite nothing being on the coast at all. So yes there is always going to be more loot in the NorthWest on a server like experimental where the characters get wiped frequently because not enough people have the time or equipment to make it there. If we could have a map of people logging in and tracing their routes on a specific server I doubt many would make it to the North West at all. That's not even mentioning that by the time most people reach the North West they have at least some gear that other people left behind. I imagine the map for what people actually take when compared to tracing people's routes would look about the same if they were heat maps. You'd be Hot almost all along the coastline then things would get progressively cooler as you approached the NW till it showed cool or cold for there. I could go on why CLE seems to be working but it's so hard to actually get concrete proof without a Dev giving us some actual data on specific servers or saying otherwise what's happening. There are just to many factors to account for and bar someone actually recording CLE in effect spawning a item in front of them on a server others say has a problem it's just to hard to diagnose. Again I'll point out what happened with CLE and Private Hives when first implemented which tons of people insisted that oh no it's working it's just harder and your to lazy to look etc..., but in fact it was actually proven and confirmed that Private Hives weren't working forcing some changes so that it would be playable again. I think the Devs are doing a great job honestly just that far to many people jump to conclusions about systems working or not without taking into account all the variables that should be seen before you can say that with assurance. Probably the only actual concrete way to verify if CLE is actually working would be to hole up somewhere burn and ruin everything at that location (probably one that has had a lootsplosion so you know it's likely something else will spawn) so it's devoid of loot and then wait for something else to show up similar to how people use to loot cycle things because on a server full of people at some point something should spawn there if it tends to have lootsplosions.
  4. CrashBoomK

    The Great CLE Loot Experiment (Starving Players)

    For one what is your proof that loot IS spawning? Two you can say that but if you'd taken the time to read what I wrote in my 2nd reply I criscrossed the southern half of the map and went north later on then later on in the evening when the population dropped off I should have found more stuff inland but in fact I did not. despite knowing the coast was picked clean. So how do you explain that?
  5. CrashBoomK

    The Great CLE Loot Experiment (Starving Players)

    Server: DayZ SouthCentral 0-1 IP: Version: Latest 0.56 Spawn Point: Edge of Elektro Time: 1330-2100 Mountain 5/15/2015 Server Pop: Fluctuated from under 75 to 75 to way less later on. Results: Someone said this server didn't seem to have loot so I went and checked it out. Around Elektro I found pretty much no loot except a hardhat and a hayhook and moved on. I observed at least 10 other people doing about the same thing on my way out. I ate apples and berries and kept moving. Made it to Mogli found a wool coat and killed a cow several times and some chickens (Server crashes allowed me to kill more than normal) and ate up and made a bow and some arrows. I then began crisscrossing the map killing animals and eating them and drinking from fountains. Server Population later began to drop off. I checked the whole southern half of the map and then headed up north through Polana, Gorka, etc since the population dropped off and had kind of remained steady I wanted to see if I could find more stuff in Berezino that up to the East Airfield and Novo. There were about 14 people left when I logged off. While I found some of the stuff I needed like matches, ammo, rope etc... It definitely feels broken. What it seems to me is that the same issue private hive servers were having is present on this server. Items aren't actually respawning what people are mainly finding is leftovers others didn't touch. Was I able to survive? Yes by living off the land. I didn't find any actual food items except two sodas in deer feeders. I did manage to find more stuff as I went westward but not near as much as you would think if I logged in right after a server restart. So yes I don't think it's working at all we are experiencing the same thing as before but how visible it is depends on the server as on another 1st person server I've got tons of gear etc but I'll check that one in a few days to see if things are more scarce. TLDR- I think it's broken (at least on this server) but isn't easily visible except for on High Population/Visited servers due to the sheer amount of loot that spawns when they update patches and the remaining gear in the west there is only more because it takes more to reach there. It will become more obvious the longer we go without the servers being wiped is my guess.
  6. CrashBoomK

    CrashBoom's List of suggestions

    Well I started typing this then lost it all so I'm redoing this. First my big ticket idea.. Water Proofing Spray. - A spray can that is used up in one use and able to only be used on clothing/backpacks but not Ghillie stuff etc. It should be a rare spawn but it opens up a whole new world for people. Ya'll have added so many clothing options it stinks that people can't rock whatever they want due to weather sometimes. This gives those people an options but an expensive one depending on just how rare the spray is. After all even if you do spray your favorite Green Check Shirt yes it's waterproof but can still be damaged and destroyed and the pockets are still limited to 2 or whatever and not to mention you still have the heat/cold aspect to consider. All this does is help expand possible choices for people to wear during the rain and make better use of the clothing if they can find the spray. Plus I think it would become a good trade item if it's pretty darn rare. It's used up completely after being sprayed on 1 item and the look for it should be same as the current spray cans just with a different graphic. Maybe call it HicksWax? lol http://www.nikwax.com/en-us/productselector/waterproofing.php Whetstone. - We can sharpen Axes already on Stones but only to damaged level. I'd like to see an actual Whetstone for sharpening all sharp items knives, axes, etc. It's a real thing and well it should function just like all the other repair kits and degrade with each use while only restoring an item to worn quality. It should probably be similar to the stones but be more rectangle or square and probably take up only 1 slot hopefully. Improvised Repair Kits. - Specifically at least Leather and Sewing Kits this combines several ideas into one really. If I can make bone Fish hooks then I feel I should be able to make bone needles out of small bones and some larger ones as well. Since one is required currently to craft the leather stuff I figured it would be nice for survivalist if they could make their own possibly to replace the first one used. Now I don't know what all you'd need but for a Leather Sewing Kit I guess I'd imagine, Leather Pouch, Knife metal or Stone, bone needle, hammer, pliers or cutters, leather strips/strings (which could be crafted by cutting tanned leather) combine everything into the pouch and boom Improvised Leather Repair Kit. Sewing Kit would be similar except only really a leather pouch, bone needle, thread/cloth (either could be harvested from rags/clothing). Cookpot Storage. - Since Cookpots are unique in the actual size of them in real life, and well the fact that they take up 4 slots and have 4 slots of inventory. I feel that you should be able to put anything you want into the 4 spaces inside them. This will make it more realistic instead of only being able to put food into it currently. This would also be a way for people to put the Gas stove into the pot saving storage space instead of how it currently works where attaching cookpot to stove reduces it to size of the stove. Basically it'd be more like a backpacking stove setup in a way. Slingshot. - It could be similar to the .22 in power but similar to the bow and arrow in aim. Not sure about crafting one but I was leaning more towards the professional high speed types. It could be used for Hunting or creating distractions it would be useful for killing rabbits and chickens but only be capable of knocking out larger animals with a head shot. Against Humans it would be a knockout in the head and a rare possibility maybe for a death with the right conditions or strictly non-lethal. The ammo could be ball bearings, marbles, or small stones gathered up (Which would need to stack). Improvised Shoes - Duct tape and Rags combined to create some really crappy shoes that wear out super quick. They would be really ugly and all but would give people a way to make some spare shoes if they ruin their boots somehow due to bugs or stupidity etc. Just a thought. I've had tons of ideas and thoughts but I forget to write most of them down unfortunately not that any of them will go forward just figured I'd throw it out there anyways.
  7. CrashBoomK

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    Actually I think the new tapping sound bug is actually a issue with the physics. I think it has to do with something bouncing over and over rapidly.
  8. CrashBoomK

    is the longhorn really useful?

    I'd actually like to find one but no luck so far. Where did you happen upon them? I don't think it's useless certainly great for hunting. I enjoy using the crossbow but for scouting things out the longhorn (had on on exp) since I haven't seen any Binos in awhile.
  9. CrashBoomK

    What should be the civilian 5.56 rifle ?

    Yeah well part of why I'm for it isn't just the interchangeability but it also means the models already exist along with all the functionality just one major difference the selection of fire needs to be between a three round burst and single shot. Not to mention then people have to wonder... is he carrying a full auto M4 or just a single shot/burst AR-15.
  10. CrashBoomK

    What should be the civilian 5.56 rifle ?

    I'd prefer to see an AR-15 honestly to help compete with people toting M4s.
  11. CrashBoomK

    Shotgun most worthless weapon the game?

    Really you have to start thinking here about what type of projectile your firing and it's ability to penetrate things. So yes shooting someone in full gear with something that will absorb damage or save their life in their vest and Jacket Pockets is highly probable. Plus you have to consider the randomness of the pellet spread in addition to that. While some people may fire a spread and get lucky that one of the pellets tags someone right in the eye of the face and kills them in one shot or causes a knockout others may experience where the majority of the pellets fly out to the sides. Not to mention people tend to not specify if they are firing both barrels or just single when killing people. Really to conduct conclusive weapons testing we need a separate hive with some fully loaded dummy servers that basically have every item spawned multiple times with 1 hour reset so people could gear up try different configurations of shooting things at each other with different ranges marked out on the ground.to get a really good feel for just how crazy the stuff is. A shooting range to help measure dispersion or practice shooting as well would be nice. While the hard numbers datamined are important I think seeing how it actually affects things in game is equally important. Plus a few non aggressive respawning zombies would be great for this as well. Not to mention this would make it easier to find some of the bugs with particular items of equipment or crafting recipie issues as well since you could actually attempt it multiple times rather than just once after having to search the whole world.
  12. CrashBoomK

    Bug's in the latest release

    *Sigh* That makes no sense at all to me about the Ammo Boxes since I own a few irl... but okay. I'll just PM you the Links to the other reports. If I'm doing them right then I have more to add on magazine duping, magazines being erased when reloading a gun, as well as ability to reload a mag while it's still in the gun. I try not to post things unless I can reproduce them close to 100%
  13. CrashBoomK

    Bug's in the latest release

    Actually I was curious how exactly does the bug tracker work? I submitted a couple of bugs for the new build but I haven't even seen an acknowledgement. What do they have to get voted up to get noticed or something? I figured more people would would have said something about the fact you can't put boxes of ammo into the ammo can anymore.
  14. CrashBoomK

    Solving problem of kill on sight - Vehicles.

    Funniest thing I've seen all day. In reality this will have about three effects. 1. Gearing up faster for DeathMatches once you have a working vehicle. 2. Squishing Bambies like someone already said. 3. Carjacking other people for their ride. It would add some variety but most of it would just be a different variation on what people do now.
  15. CrashBoomK

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    Yeah and you shouldn't be able to wear other clothing or a vest (possibly a chest holster) with it just your weapon and pack. Oh and it should only have like two spots for stuff in the shirt and pants if your lucky.
  16. Actually a lot of Nagants are still in good condition. You should also view it like this if that's the only gun in certain buildngs it was most likely a trusted hunting rifle or something else and handed down carefully generation to generation so it is more than likely still in good condition. As for Surplus Ammo the weapon is pretty reliable no matter what you put in it plus it's bolt action plus it's a sturdier build overall. As for the M4... It may be newer with fresh ammo but you might need to understand something. I can assure you (military experience) the M4 was more likely to be abused and used rough and less tolerant of it to boot. It has more internal parts and components. Is a Full Auto and has way less tolerance for problems with the ammunition not to mention more frequent jams and that's not even mentioning problems with magazines. If ya'll want realism I'd like to see ya'll have to clear jams from your rifle now that would be hilarious depending on the severity of the jam/misfire. Hell lets add regular maintaining and increased wear and tear if wet. I have alot of experience shooting both weapons. The military and civilian versions of M4 and my own Mosin. The M4 can be accurate at distance if fired single shot with higher quality components but there is still the limitation on the bullet which no matter how much you improve a weapon the caliber will eventually nullify at a set distance. Where by the Mosin is single shot bolt action with a heavier caliber which translates to a harder hit but also better accuracy at a farther distance provided the shooter does the right things and having a good scope would help too.
  17. CrashBoomK

    The reason Zombie clipping isn't fixed.

    From what I've seen of most buildings with furniture etc, they all have exactly the same configuration. A log house is a log house is a log house. Only the loot inside is different currently. I would assume at that point that the Model for the Log House's are all the same and includes the furniture. If I remember correctly this is good because you can just modify the overall model and it propagates to all other Log Cabins that have been placed. If the above is true then they just have to sit someone down to go back and modify the "roadway" for each overall model and that will fix a majority of the in house problems. That doesn't take into account though the Leveling some structures have to raise them above the terrain of the map because it's on a hill or whatever. I don't think redoing the roadways would be that hard to do for the houses in fact if I was Dean I would go ahead and get those done so that part was finished but not implemented. I doubt it's that simple though. The other part of this though is that it's not just a 1 part problem of zombies go through walls. The other half is Zombie or AI Pathing. If the pathing which I think is still not up to where they want it is broken then what will happen when you implement the Roadway change is the zombies will run up to the house or whatever it saw you go in and just run against the outside unless it has a way to figure out how to go around in or over. I could be wrong though so take what I've said with a grain of salt.
  18. CrashBoomK

    It has happened...

    Honestly if there was just like a minute delay between respawns it probably wouldn't be near as insane but still difficult and you'd have to be careful. If you kept shooting you'd attract the respawns as well since I doubt you'd get all the zombies at once.
  19. I consistently see suggestions on here about how to fix server hopping and almost all of them have some sort of major restriction. Everything from timeouts to restricting server choices to seperate characters on every server. A big problem most of you don't think about is how do these suggestions impact a players ability to actually play? Timeouts currently cause delays and punish the innocent as well as guilty. Server Disconnect or Crashed several times in a row? Enjoy your wait. It only minimally slows down server hoppers/ghosting and isn't all that effective. Restricting server choices how can I play with my friends? Not to mention how can I find the best server for me not only ping based but general play style of other players who visit the server regularly? While the one character per server would be a decent solution it has it's own problems. First it means anytime I want to play on another server I have to start over. Plus what happens when the server I've been playing on for months goes broke or no longer exists? I lose my character and whatever else. The friend issue can crop up again. As I see it the best solutions are only two. 1. Timeout instituted with a server memory so that if you get disconnected or whatever happens as long as you connect to the same server again you don't get a timeout. This is the most likely solution to be enacted as it has minimal impact on playability for most players and still enables switching servers to join your friends or whatever else. The major drawback is it doesn't really address issues of ghosting or server hopping it merely implements a delay and forces it to take more time. 2. Position Reset would be the other. If you keep connecting to the same server it saves your logout position and you start there again. However if you jump to a new server your location is reset to a new spawn location. This basically does two things. People will tend to play on the same server consistently and while it doesn't completely eliminate ghosting or server hopping it will make it much more difficult as now you have to run all the way across the map again. It doesn't have any negatives as far as playing with friends other than having to run to meet up with them. Major negative is the whole spawning in a new location people would abuse this and switch servers until they got a spawn point they liked. It might work better if they added another set of spawnpoints out in the middle of the woods rather than the current new spawn points. Still pretty much it would all be abused for changing location. Granted a lot of what people want to do to prevent server hopping/ghosting will have to adapt with the introduction of persistent backpacks, base building, and vehicles. I don't think we can accurately determine what the impact those will have on server hopping/ghosting will be. Anyways just food for thought. If your gonna post all these suggestions try to analyze things. Think about what the Pros and Cons of your idea are and then post those along with your idea.
  20. CrashBoomK

    So many Suggestions on Serverhopping/Ghosting

    That is a good point on people being able to raid bases by switching locations on servers. I hadn't thought of that when it comes to base building. Still I'd like to have something that prevents server hoppers from just switching servers over and over and being in the same vicinity so they can keep raiding the airfields or whatever. Granted I think this will be much less useful once item respawning is implemented. It will be interesting to see how that works. I know they can't do it the same as they currently do zombie respawning instantly in the same area or spots.
  21. CrashBoomK

    where are you finding .22 magazines?

    I've only found them at the Airfields so far. I almost think the 22 should come with the standard 10 round mag considering the low damage of the 22. I agree they should spawn in more residential areas.
  22. CrashBoomK

    The New Hunting Rifle And Pistol

    I'd say both are under-powered. Against players for the most part I'd say the shots are about right to the body. Against Zombies it's a little weak. 2 to 3 shots to the body should drop the zombies and 1 shot to the head not two. I spent about 500 rounds testing the Headshot thing. Also the Magazines for the 10/22 should be available in more than just the airfields/military installations in both 10 and 30 round as it's more of a hunting/civilian style thing and the gun is pretty much useless without one. The MkII is fine being Military only. I did notice something else that pretty much makes the .22 weapons pretty much useless despite it being one of their biggest perks. The noise made by the .22s are the quietest out there but only for human players Zombies still treat it like you fired a regular Mosin or whatever. It was one of the biggest things i was excited about with the MKii was that I could finally shoot zombies without alerting all of them nearby. However despite the noise simply being a hammer click they all still come running just like if I shot the FNX45 or bigger. So maybe it's just a placeholder thing with the zombies but it seems they treat all the weapons gun shots the same. I forgot to add also you can't change the distance on the 10/22 you should at least be able to crank it up to 200m instead of it being stuck at 50. Suggestion: I don't know how hard it would be to do but it would be nice if you all could add in a shooting/zeroing range somewhere on the map possibly near the Airfields with spinning or some sort of reactive targets. No extra loot or anything like that just people could risk going there and test firing their weapons at the tragets at various marked off ranges to get better with them. I figured spinning would be the best you could just use a ding noise similar to what you have now for when you shoot a metal building and then the Target spins around for a few seconds plus their low maintenance I can see them still being there still sitting out forgotten. Considering most military outposts would probably have at least something similar to this it's not to far out of reality. (Well they wouldn't use cheap spinning targets but I digress) Plus it would be useful for us to test various weapons this way as well while your still designing the game and give you better feedback on the accuracy at different ranges and might help to reveal if everything is working as intended. The predesignated range distances will take the guess work out how far we are actually shooting. Also I'd recommend something similar for archery butts or throwing weapons as well though those could just be set up at a couple of towns or just in a field and less formal and non reactive since I assume the arrows and such are going to be sticking out of whatever it is. You could just have one gun range probably the best placement for it would be either at the NEAF or NWAF, though the NWAF has a almost perfect open area just outside of the walls past the tents on the North West side. Or somewhere else in the center of the map.
  23. CrashBoomK

    3 New pistols in DayZ Standalone Experimental

    The new Suppressed .22 sounds good and shoots nice but the Zombies still come running as if it was a regular loud gunshot. I'm pretty disappointed right now.
  24. CrashBoomK

    Farmer Clothing

    I could see it as farming wear depending on where your from or live. While for some it's hipsters for others it's other stuff. It reminds me of an Irish Farmer actually.
  25. Problem is server load item numbers since the laying zombies would be counted in that too. Otherwise nice idea.