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Trigger Hippy

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Everything posted by Trigger Hippy

  1. Trigger Hippy

    Remove Atmospheric Sound of Chain Link Fence

    Also...stop that butterfly following me around screaming like a zombie...and have it so when you hear twigs snapping in woods, it is because someone is there.
  2. Loot isn't 'fixed'. Loot map not entirely useful.
  3. Trigger Hippy

    How many of you can read/write russian?

    Only learned the phrase "Yob tuvoyu mat" from the Sven Hassel books.
  4. Go on a server with a very low ping. when you get to a building walk about a bit...don't sprint.
  5. Trigger Hippy

    Note This!

    Won't that wipe any note left on the server?
  6. Trigger Hippy

    Note This!

    *This server restarts every 4 hours without warning*
  7. Trigger Hippy

    Ever did something in dayZ you regret?

    Why? was it their fault? :P ;)
  8. Trigger Hippy

    Add more Zombies to solve KOS

    Surely, more zeds=resources are more valuable=more scavaging from corpses?
  9. Trigger Hippy

    Ever did something in dayZ you regret?

    Yes. Went on a PVE server. Got hit by a zombie. Ran into a warehouse and found an axe. A guy ran up the stairs towards me. He offered me a bandage. He had nothing for defence. I panicked and hit him with the axe. "What the hell!?!?" I felt like a turd and just let go of the mouse. He punched me unconscious. I couldn't stay after that. I just left.
  10. Trigger Hippy

    Got another odd one

  11. Trigger Hippy

    Bad community

  12. Trigger Hippy

    Bad community

    Maybe it's your fault. The game is at the stage where mechanics are being tested. You'll lose your stats and all your gear MANY times before even the beta. You're not supposed to be caring about your avatar; it is extremely transitory. You're supposed to be running around, finding bugs, seeing what is broken and what can be improved. That's actually what you 'signed up' for by joining the alpha. You weren't promised a complete game, a fun or fair game, or anything of the sort. You were invited to get in the sandbox and be a pioneer... Someone who may be able to look back and say 'I helped alpha test that'. So go have some fun finding out what happens if you hook up a defib-unit to a wrecked car...or does crawling off a roof whilst prone do any damage. THAT'S the sort of stuff you should be up to....but feel free to have some fun at the same time.
  13. Trigger Hippy

    Can't Respawn

    I get this a lot. Leave the server and rejoin/join another often works for me.
  14. Trigger Hippy

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

    Unplug other controllers (ESPECIALLY wheels!!) and gaming mice usually have their own control software...see if you can make adjustments in that.
  15. Trigger Hippy

    Updating the game

    You can choose to either get early experimental updates with Steam (select the BETA programme) or just let it update itself to stable 'versions'. If you're new, you'd probably be best just leaving it alone to update itself.
  16. Trigger Hippy

    Read first before you complain about other players

    Hoards? I've seen more people at an 'AIDS and sharp objects' convention.
  17. Trigger Hippy

    This is unacceptable. FIX IMMEDIATELY.

    Someone is confusing their ego with their worth
  18. Trigger Hippy

    I feel like someone is watching me.. wtf?

    Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're NOT watching you.
  19. Trigger Hippy


    Has anything been mooted about having the lot run on one big persistent hive?
  20. Trigger Hippy

    Ghosting Deathsquad

    Says who?
  21. Trigger Hippy

    So how does one suicide these days ?

    Try joining a server.
  22. Trigger Hippy

    UK based servers generally more enjoyable?

    Borders only really exist in the minds of men. I love all people.