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Trigger Hippy

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Everything posted by Trigger Hippy

  1. Trigger Hippy

    Breaking jaws and muffled voice chat

    Did anyone say that? Calm down, sweetheart.
  2. Trigger Hippy

    DayZ Squad wiped! [Singapore]

  3. Trigger Hippy

    Breaking jaws and muffled voice chat

    Most people probably use Teamspeak or similar and would negate any sound effect imposed.
  4. Trigger Hippy

    Bear Grylls on DayZ Parody

    Hardcore. He has a zip on his undies.
  5. Trigger Hippy

    The Mosin

  6. Trigger Hippy

    Two million units sold

    Can we have a reasoned discussion without your personal insults towards people? Surely we can manage that?
  7. Trigger Hippy

    Two million units sold

    Looks like you missed that all important word I used...WHETHER. Changes the context from the 'certainty that you are suggesting, to a possibility...a questioning. I never accused them of any such thing. You''re the one making half-cocked assumptions and unfounded accusations. Kettle. Pot. Black.
  8. Trigger Hippy

    Two million units sold

    So anyone who has doubts or concerns should just ignore them because you don't consider their opinions valid? I hope you never end up on jury service.
  9. Trigger Hippy

    Two million units sold

    Imagine you paid £20 to a kickstart campaign to develop a new game. Then imagine that the development was much slower than expected. Then imagine that if every time someone questioned the rate of development or voiced concern they were shot down for even asking..It's not unreasonable to expect a decent return for your investment. Just because you are comfortable throwing your money at something and you don't care about the quality of service you are getting, doesn't mean everyone is the same.
  10. Trigger Hippy

    Two million units sold

    Ah, good point. Sorry about that.
  11. Trigger Hippy

    Two million units sold

    couldn't agree more. It's no use having a board-room full of yes-men and people unwilling to look at facts. Blind endorsement is no use to anyone,
  12. Trigger Hippy

    Two million units sold

    2) Flaming: Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited, this includes the Personal Message Service. Use common sense while posting. Non-constructive comments are included. 4) Offensive Content: Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. This includes user pictures. Use common sense. We want to show this website to our mums. Plus...did you not see the pretty graph and links to Dean's interview? Factual data, not just a sweary rant like yours.
  13. Trigger Hippy

    Two million units sold

    We're discussing the units-sold situation. It is on-topic. If someone started a thread to discuss this it'd probably be locked and yarded, so people discuss where they can. How dare we take an interest in whether we re actually being conned or not,
  14. Trigger Hippy

    Two million units sold

    Didn't consider the bit about marketing, publishing costs and pre-made assets? Irrelevant? Biased, much? Maybe a vested interest??
  15. Trigger Hippy

    Two million units sold

    2,000,000 x £19.99 £39,800,000 Invest in more or better devs? AAA game costs between £10,059,172 and £11,834,320. considering the DayZ marketing and publishing spend is £0... http://massively.joystiq.com/2014/04/28/dayzs-dean-hall-says-steam-removes-the-need-for-publishers/ ...and lots off assets were already done...not like they had to design that map from scratch
  16. Trigger Hippy

    Add both traductions to the in-game maps

    Like road signs in Wales
  17. Trigger Hippy

    New hard drive, same steam acct= character wipe?

    If it's anything like ARMA I think it will create a client-side account file (ARMA ones are in your documents folder). You know when you join a server and it shows a client ID? That's the bit from your computer that tells the hive who you are. It doesn't go off your Steam account. Disclaimer: All of this could be bollocks in reference to DayZ SA....but just a thought.
  18. Trigger Hippy

    UberHaxorNova in DayZ!

    Laughed so hard. Great stuff.
  19. Trigger Hippy

    Why do my arms look like salami?

    ^ Win
  20. Trigger Hippy

    Why do my arms look like salami?

    Maybe goosebumps because you are cold :D
  21. Trigger Hippy

    Global ban and sometimes i can play.

    I was agreeing with you. It's crap...but due to it being in the Alpha stage stuff like this will happen. If you are only banned some of the time, then that points to some sort of crap code as opposed to you caught cheating. All I was saying is, if you have paid for a service, and you aren't getting that service, you could ask for your money back. You paid to test the Alpha, which means playing to test the code. You didn't pay to have a game you can't use. Why not write down your grievances, attach the rubbish BE response and complain to Steam. It's not acceptable to take someone's money and run, either figuratively or in the case of Hall, literally.
  22. Trigger Hippy

    Global ban and sometimes i can play.

    An Alpha you paid to take part in. If you can't take part, get a refund (good luck with that though). In the mean-time, you could play the mod. It's 'free' and is far more playable, has less bugs, and lots of cool mods.
  23. Trigger Hippy

    Clothing sizes

    You did. Too much realism and a desire for too much detail kills fun. That's pretty clear criticism of your idea.
  24. Trigger Hippy

    Fully Erect

  25. Trigger Hippy

    Clothing sizes

    Aye. Devs should be working on critical stuff like making button-holes in collars so we can wear a flower like a proper sir.