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Everything posted by Shogun_1

  1. Shogun_1

    So is this game just about Griefing?

    I'm one to share in the opinion of a few others here. DayZ is about survival. Survival vs the elements, zed, starvation / thirst, people, and whatever is thrown at me. There are bandits, heroes, and somewhere in-between (like a Michonne or Daryl Dixon type). It`s about the experience, and let's face it, survival is going to be tough, expect to die. Heck, we can`t even name our characters (if we can, then please excuse my newbieness), and if we ca't name our characters, it tells you something... "On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero". Remember that, and you won't care about bandits. Shogun_1
  2. Shogun_1

    I apologize for this question in advance...

    Not cool, I`m a Canadian and DL`d it fine... :p @phamilton - Loving it. I get the heebie jeebies playing... USP, Grade A, unadulterated, concentrated doses of paranoia and primal fear (especially since my first log in was at night...). Haven`t had that special feeling in a game for a long time... A long time.
  3. Well said. Hell, I just started DayZ last night and understand "what`s up". The fact is, if society really did breakdown and humanity was brought to it`s knees due to a bacteria, virus, war, whatever, there would be a good portion of the population that would "turtle up" and guard what is theirs with lethal force. I would even bet dollars to doughnuts that quite a few people would go out of their way to kill others for supplies. Not that I`d participate in wanton violence or kos "fun", but in this style of game, you have to kinda expect it. You got my beans. Shogun_1
  4. Shogun_1

    I apologize for this question in advance...

    Yup, easy as pie. I downloaded it off Steam last night. Good hunting! Shogun_1
  5. Shogun_1

    about to purchase zomibies gone?

    Zombies are already in game, but not in massed hordes. You will bump into a few, find an axe :) Shogun_1
  6. This thread really needs to be stickied. Full of win, have my beans!