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About jellypawn

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ok so if you're like me and like to read random day z stories read on! So my character has now been alive for nearly 6 hours (which spans over the course of a week or two, so feels maybe like they've been alive longer to me) - i don't get to play much just an hour here or there. anyhoo, i started this spawn in the outskirts of elektro on a sparsely populated server. i run into town, aggroing several zombies but somehow manage to get to the firestation unbitten and unhurt. I have lost the zombies by this point but there were a few zombies in the fire station compound and i aggroed one of those whilst running in. I found a fire extinguisher on the second floor, so i strafed round the zombie woman whilst hitting her over and over again with the extinguisher (which is great for keeping them at a distance) until she finally died and i could loot it in peace (found a fire axe about 2 ft away from me /epic fail) so equipped with an axe, i found a weapon holster and an FXN 45, with some bullets but no clip, and this was before the patch so no way to load it. I geared up, found some cool stuff including a backpack in elektro on my way to the hospital. I got to the hospital and upon reaching hte second floor came face to face with my first human player in this playthrough. he had a fire extinguisher and not much else, whereas i had a stocked back pack and a fireaxe. he looked at me and i looked at him. he did the wave emote to which i also responded to the wave emote, and I proceeded to the first room to look for loot - little did i know he followed me, to which i saw a blur on my screen and instinctively pressed attack and i swung and missed the guy. he then ran out of the room and i never saw him again... Got to the top of the hospital and found my first gun, the SHOTGUN. I'd picked up a hacksaw in a construction site where i found my backpack so i remembered you could create a sawed off shotgun. VOILA, a sawed off shotgun. As i wanted to try the weapon before i died, i used it on a clsoe zombie and started my way towards Cherno. looted some things towards cherno, and started to make my way north, not seeing another player but occasionaly fire axing a zombies brains. I decided to head to Green Mountain as i've heard that was a military base. Got there, raided it and found a clown mask but nothing else really, some ammo and a medikit. i continued north and came across the military base below the airfield. looted that and obtained the tactical vest with 8 slots. i was now practically geared to stay alive anywhere so i wondered what i could do. I made my way east to avoid the airstrip and eventually decided to make my way to Devil's castle. I found a bottle of alcohol i na town on the way and isaw the option "clean wounds" which i did, and i got hte fright of my life because it told me i was now sick! noooooooo. anyhoo, turned out to be a bug and i was ok after about half an hour. I shot off a load of FXN 45 rounds (found the clip in the military base) and killed the zombies. i Decided since i'm here, i'll go look at hte NWAF for the first time in the game (yeah, that's right, first time!) ran there, saw a load of zombies so thought, fantastic, i'm ok. Killed a few zombies, found an M4A1 with no ammo. found the ammo to which i empied the ammo out and lost the bullets (doh!) and found a gas mask and a ballistic helmet. I had a canteen, and loads of weapons, food and ammo now (except m4a1 ammo) I have a FXN-45, a sawed off shotgun(fits in the backpack) and the m4a1 over my shoulder with the laser sight. i got a bit greedy, and thought i'd run towards the very north of hte airfield, where all the tents are. I was randomly hearing bullets land by me, and panicing, then when nothing else happened, i figured it was a bug or something (has happened to me before, or someone is a REALLY bad shot- also sometimes happens when you try and hit something iwth a fire axe. in the distance i saw a zombie running perpendicular to myself and stopped and thought... sh*t maybe there's someone up there. again i didn't think any more of it and looted one of the aircraft buildings, found some more good stuff. As i came out i heard BAM..... BAM RIGHT NEXT TO ME i'm thinking SH**************T there's someone shooting at me. i had my fireaxe out so i changed to my shotgun and looked round, there he was a fully geared guy trying to reload his shotgun but moving so he wasn't doing it and bugging out. I followed him with my crosshair and bang. he crumpled and died. then I hear MORE SHOTS and SH****T this guy's got a friend! so i hightail it out of there without checking his corpse. i ran right for about 5 minutes and hid behind a tree outside the airfield. then logged for the day. (check it out, i DID NOT COMBAT LOG BECAUSEI LIKE THIS GAME TO BE PLAYED THE WAY ITS SUPPOSED TO BE!) I logged in yesterday and looted the tents and am now hiding in the trees north of the airfield, and am going to go back today and see what i can see / communicate with who i can communicate with. The guy' still alive, and i can't believe he missed me twice point blank range! i turn and one shot boom, he dies. great adrenaline rush. shame he jsut wanted to shoot, as i've not agressively shot anyone since this started, only reacted like so. and anyone who's nice to me, i'm nice to them! hope you had fun reading. sorry for the wall of text, hopefully someone somewhere gets some enjoyment out of reading this, as i enjoy other stories similar. thanks. see you in the game! (don't shoot me!)
  2. hi guys, i'm very clsoe to devil's castle, and on the way i found some alcohol which i thought would be great to clean my wounds - upon me doing so - i got SICK!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this characters been alive hours! i have great gear and a good survival kit and i'd love to prolong the same. i've tried vitamins, consuming two injection vials and eating, but nothing. Does anyone have any charcoal tablets or cures for sick? If any kind person will help i'd love to keep this character alive (can you get well again without anything?) - do you definitely die from being sick? I will try and get onto the teamspeak channel - please anyone let me know if they are close to this location. can't do it until after 5pm GMT(in work)
  3. many thanks for the video, i'll view it later. I ate a load of food last night but nothing happened, i guess i need a bit more! as i'd ran out of water but found a canteen (!) if i'm still dodgy i may come back and attempt to utilise you good people. thanks for the info
  4. hi guys - just some advice first please - i'm currently ok, bandaged myself after fist fighting with a zombie, i've ran away, picked uip some decent gear and now am on my way towards elektro... but my screen is totally black and white - i heard (or read) that if you eat a lot then you start "rejuvenating" blood - is this true? does the colour come back? if not i might have to attempt to utilise your medics :) thanks for the response if i get one :)
  5. jellypawn

    Name of the game: Survival.

    this is pretty much what i posted earlier today, so sorry for stepping on peoples toes (please go check it out if you like, or maybe we could combine threads) - my idea was a kind of hall of fame type system where your "top 5" lives in day z could be commemorated and you'd have time spent alive and maybe the gear you had. Local only, and you could choose what lives were put into the top 5. obviously the first would be, then you would be able to choose whether you can add a life to the hal lfo fame once you die. i really like the idea of having a time alive counter, becuase lets face it - the idea of the game is to survive! let's atleast find out how long we're able to do that :)
  6. names is a good idea - and i agree a summary of ALL your characters would be ridiculous - maybe the option to add the character to the "hall of fame" upon death wuold be good - that way you could choose which ones if say, you already had a list of 5 and wanted this new death to replace an old one... there's lots of places this idea could go! would love to see something implemented in the future like this, thanks again for the replies guys, please reply if you like the idea - bigger thread - more noticed! :)
  7. I agree to the local only. Even thinking about it now there would be an informal leaderboard. someone on the forum would post a "post your screenshot of top 5" etc. I understand it would take the usual running the spreadhseets behind the game like in other shooter games, but i think with the right implementation it could be a great feature, as at the moment death is so..... PERMANENT :) thanks for the overwhelmingly positive response, i forget how people can be nice instead of killing you on sight (lols) now we just need someone who can do something about it to get involved B) boom.
  8. Hi everyone, first post so go easy Was thinking along the lines of simply a records section in the menu where you can view your longest life, with what gear you had for reminiscing of "the best character" - maybe a top 5 or something, similar to the deaths of characters in XCOM wall this kind of thing would make me love the game that bit more, because i find that i'm gutted when a character dies which iv'e put some hours into etc i'm sorry if this has come up before, but i did have a search round the forum before hand, and nothing with length of life or time life came up what do you guys think?