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Everything posted by MrEpicX

  1. MrEpicX

    further communication

    I'm not looking for across the map because i know we have globle chat(which not sure how to use) but i dont like having to be within 10 feet of someone to speak to them. give me some distance so im less likely to just shoot because talking is to dangerous. i REALLY love the unsure aspect of meeting new people, but if you can never chat, then its the m4 thats going to do the talking. thoughts, comments, dirty jokes?
  2. MrEpicX

    further communication

    seriously? i was 30m away and didnt see his chat till i moved up like 10m nvm direct voice. what about direct text?
  3. MrEpicX

    further communication

    alright, well thats beside my point lol didnt really care to have that in the first place. just want to see a 50-100m range or something on the chat. i know i can yell that far lol better then a warning shot.
  4. MrEpicX

    Server jumping quick fix.

    more this. you shouldnt have to die to play with friends. its already hard enough to find people to play with lol plus with 4 hour cycling and such. youre going to get kicked if your timing is bad anyways.