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Everything posted by Woody1888
Interesting, I thought the dsync had gotten worse with the new updates on exp. Hopefully if the dsync is getting improved they can push this to stable soon?
So are vehicle persistent? Had mine disappear after a restart?
Anyone in UK looking for help getting a vehicle up
Are servers down? I only see test and test1 https://twitter.com/dayzdevteam/status/674931813882687488 Any one looking to go vehicle fishing on a european server?
Buses and trucks have huge engines and have huge amounts of torque so pulling other vehicles shouldn't be a problem and they should easily be able to pull away on a hill. Was thinking the same for the helicopters when they come in. Like being able to airlift vehicles. Would be good for storing vehicles on the islands so no 1 could steal them
Going up hill you should go down a gear (if the vehicle is struggling to make it)... No?? I Drove the bus but never got a chance on any hills but I know what you mean it should defo have more power than it does currently. I think the truck and sadan have the same issues 2. Has anyone tried this patch to see if they are better?
I agree the bus had issues but it may have been exaggerated by you trying to put it in 4th gear to give it more power hehe
Jesus I feel for you Americans with your automatics!!! Going up gears will make it harder for a bus to get up a hill. If you are struggling going up try jamming it into 2nd or even 1st! Think ofit like your old bike gears, the higher they are the more resistance at low speeds
Are we gonna need to deal with this dysncy me till Monday
Will the lack or power/torque on vehicles plus the stutter when being a passenger (which is obviously a try for a fix) be fixed for stable
Can someone explain? I thought the new rendered was making am appearance this update?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's been a Hard DayZ Night, and we've been experimentin' like the dogz. Our hunt for tires continued. SO, to make a v3s run you need craft duallies now. We had 2 tires on the front, and the next tires automatically went to the back of the cab. When we found a 5th tire was when I discovered the "Make dual tire" option. I'm not sure if it matters (because we didn't get a chance to test) but I crafted the duallies while holding them in hands while standing in front of the tires attached to the back of the cab and then right clicking the tire in my hands space in inventory and then I saw "Make dual tire" option. It wasn't until we had a 6th tire that we got the truck running and ColdAtrophy got in the drivers seat to try to work the manual transmission. In our efforts to get 4 tires on the truck, we discovered that the lug wrench now has a purpose! You can put tires on with bare hands but need a lug wrench to take them off now! Here's how the inventory looked when in working order. The truck was performing strangely and it was difficult to tell if it was the condition of the tires or the Alpha state of the new vehicle build. I asked if we could pull over and try to remove tires and patch the front tire I knew to be damaged. The moment the front right tire was removed the truck began to pendulum on end in a scary fashion that reminded me of the old rubber truck physics that caused so much trouble long ago. As the truck rocked in the air, it made the small revving sounds they sometimes make when bouncing and almost as it settled ColdAtrophy announced flames were shooting from the front of the truck. I tried throwing a tire at it to knock it down, no go. I threw a frag grenade but my placement was poor and barely rocked as in a breeze. We tried taking the tires off we could reach, which only made it rock gently once more. My friend threw a wrench, which had better results. After HOURS of trying to build the truck, we had nothing to lose, so I emptied a 25rnd RAK mag into the cab. This started it rocking again, so I used the Red9.... It wasn't until ColdAtrophy put a few magnum rounds in it that it came down and we were able to remove tires and inventory but the battery and the headlight was ruined. We thought to try to stash the tires so we headed to Novo. Then ColdAtrophy decides to take a steep path down the rocks and died. When his body slid off the edge of the cliff, it looked like it was launched off a ski jump, jack-ass style. I searched in vain for his body and logged out to pen this report. In the time I wrote this though, he found his body and retrieved his loots! How was dysnc when you where passanger?
So do you guys think that there will need to be a change in the way updates come in after the new renderer is implemented? If we are to have a Beta by Q1 of 2016 that would give us a maximum of 4 months to get it done, Right? At current update rates we would prob only be on around 0.62/63 by March next year? However, will this be sped up once the long term goals are achieved IE rendered?
try pressing "shift" then "-" then type flush
hit "Shift" then "-" and type flush.... should sort it
What is actually new here? I played a few hours n can't really see any thing that is new? A few new buildings n the zombies are back but I thought player/vehicle dsync was a big fix for this patch however it seems to be worse for me
Played half an hour. First time I managed to get in was a US server so found interaction with objects very Laggy (4-5 seconds). Then got a memory error and crashed. Second stint was a UK server so response times and interactions where better but not smooth or at the standards I deem payable. Never seem any zombies in electro so can't comment. Had a few strange encounters with "dead bodies" as they where all up standing and looked alive when I realised they where dead (was trying to talk to the mudafookers lol). Seen a 2 people that where lagging about all over the place. Got killed when I ran behind a wall only to be shot through the wall by one of the guys. I seen him teleport right next to me just before I died.
so we have textures of beards....... blood on hands when cutting up bodies and the more things you gut the more meat and guts your get??? I get the feeling the SR's are rushed and the devs cant be bothered with them.
Why would I lie???? I couldn't get onto a high pop server and there seemed to be a lot less populated servers imho... All I am saying is the development of the game seems to have slowed and that tied with the everyone playing with no zombies has maybe turned people off the game AT THE MOMENT. I'm not saying that people won't come back when there is an update just for the time being there seems to be a lot less players on.
I was on last night for the first time in around 2-3 weeks. We couldn't find a full pop server to play on. We tried a few different servers only to have connection failure and any one that we did get into was a low pop servers, which are boring without Z's. I have the feeling that people are loosing interest in this game....
was there not ment to be a status report yesterday?
So where is all the action at these dayz? Me and my mate where on for 1.5 hours last night looking for a fight and seen not one single person. Ran from ber to elektro on a full 40 man server.?>??> Is everyone up at the NWAF now?
Where is the status reports/news on anything?
No... Because they never answer the questions that they are asked! For Example: @eugenharton @bitts_3000 what parts of the engine exactly?" - "Eugen Harton @eugenharton 19 Std.vor 19 Stunden @_t3hST4r @bitts_3000 All of them ;)"
Hopefully we get all that! However, iv noticed that the devs are vague when it comes twitter and the like. Someone asked Eugene when the hotfix will be out and his reply was "its the weekend!everyone will be back Monday!". They should be fucking politicians lol