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Everything posted by woodydaocas

  1. You're overreacting :) You don't understand the development process (yes, I do) and actually you agreed that if need be, devs can take the money and don't add any single line of code. I'd like bases and other stuff first too, for now, this will do nicely.
  2. One thing is that we are in the alpha and "we should be glad for anything new", but I sort of agree with the pink Mosin cry.. Tbh I understand, that even the art guy need to have some job, so we have new colours nad that (not so hard to imagine that, right?), another weapon and balancing of spawn is very nice, but something else would be more welcome.. almost anything, but working in development(not the game one) I understand, that when you have 100 tasks ahead of you, knowing in advance how hard what task is, you will do some that might not be prioritized, before others, because you can't release something for two months, even if it's the most crucial thing :) Fixing the most annoying things won't be easy, so we can't get fixes 1+2/100 in two months, people would go mad.. then in other two months 3-100/100 :) I hope you see my point, so I am trying to be optimistic here ) To be honest, they could have taken the money and went to vacation :) You read the alpha thing, right ? ) Have a nice weekend
  3. woodydaocas

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    My screens so far ) http://imgur.com/a/s11De