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Everything posted by ddrd

  1. Cool, seen at least 6 guys in the last 2 hours with the same gear. Seriously sucks
  2. Not sure if this has been posted before. The last few days i have been encountering a crap load of fully geared players with thousands of rounds of ammo, its clearly been hacked in. Can i get banned if i use the gear they have on them when i kill them? Thanks
  3. Cool, do you need the IP's or is the location fine?
  4. Hey Should the re-spawning of characters on every log on issue be fixed by now or should we still provide IP's? I'm still having the issue with all the South African servers thanks
  5. Hey Anyone here playing the game with a Radeon R9 290? How's your FPS? And what settings do you use? Im getting some terrible FPS
  6. ddrd

    Anyone playing with R9 290?

    cool, thanks for the reply