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Felony Inhibitor

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Everything posted by Felony Inhibitor

  1. Again, you just began by saying "most people do"... and yet, the title of this, with you being the OP, and I quote... again: Let's be honest we are all killers.. Choose an argument, and stick with it. It is better than spin. In my humble opinion of course.
  2. Being that the title of the post begins with, and I quote: Let's be honest we are all killers..I am uncertain as to how to even reply.... Is this an American political ad or something?
  3. Felony Inhibitor

    I can't see how 3rd person is helping this game..

    Why in the world would you play on a 3rd person server yourself... If you are complaining about 3rd person? 1st person only servers exist for this very reason, meaning, this argument is as invalid as Justin Bieber's attempts to be American.
  4. Felony Inhibitor

    Regenerate blood?

    Eat until you get the message saying you are full or stuffed (by eating food, not from drinking water), along with drinking a little water after that.... Sometimes it takes a LOT of food with the system the way it is currently, but everytime I have done this I have gotten the "healing" and then "healthy" icon within 10 mins of doing so, even with blurry or gray vision.
  5. Felony Inhibitor

    Why does everything get ruined when you get shot?

    TIL: When zombies get you from behind, expect your backpack, shotgun, 45 and magnum to be hurting. :rolleyes:
  6. Felony Inhibitor

    Why does everything get ruined when you get shot?

    On the subject of FA Kits... Just put the kit in your hands from your pack, it will let you access the items and use them without dropping it. Also, you can put bandages from the FA kit onto your hotbar and access them with the kit in your pack still.
  7. Felony Inhibitor

    Sad Survivor Diary

    I am unsure how to proceed now. All my attempts to approach humans have ended the same way. My game apparently glitches, because my screen goes black. In the middle of the screen small letters taunt me. "you are dead." I feel dead. Maybe this is actually a message. Perhaps I have died, and this is my hell. I would write my thoughts down, but even the pens will not transfer writing to paper. My thoughts are all I have, and they haunt me. Much like this can of beans. 3 days and I have found nothing to open it with. I have decided to avoid humans as much as possible. I pillage what I can find, but rarely keep any of it. Normally I lay it on the ground in the woods near bunny rabbits, so they will hopefully see this as a gesture of good faith... and come hang out with me. All attempts have failed. I have tried this also with zombies. Apparently they feel my gifts are beneath them, and angrily flail their arms in my direction. Even the ones wearing military gear sneer at my pristine scopes, M4's, and anti-stab vests. They hurt me. I run away, or log onto the next server and start the process over again. The world grow ever more gray. The houses that once held patterns of greens and reds, are indistinguishable from the rest now. Even the spraypaint seems to only create patterns of gray. 50 shades of it. Similar to my last encounter with a human, which ended with me in handcuffs and no pants. Violated, but how? It was a woman. I will ponder this as I "twerk sideways" as I was instructed to do by her before she left, supposedly this will free me. I do not feel free. The ladder again taunts me. On 7 prior occasions I have attempted to scale it, in the hopes of seeing the sun set, and try to find peace in this crazy world. All 7 times I fell to my death. Funny, I did not feel my hands slipping. I know it is insanity to attempt to climb again, but it beckons to me. I must know what is up there, even if I see it as I am falling. Perhaps the 8th try will prove better than the rest. My legs are broken. All attempts to stand have failed me, so I must crawl. I can see the hospital in the distance. It seems so far. The zombies have heard my cries of pain and anguish, I know I can't out run them. This should be the end. I do not believe I can go through this again, my soul cannot take it. This may well be my last thought. The shore is nice. I can hear the ocean, well and zombies. I cant tell how many, I accidentally dropped my flashlight battery, and somehow I am now a woman. I have to pee and I don't know how. Sigh.
  8. Felony Inhibitor

    Sad Survivor Diary

    Good idea... I'll ponder this the next time I find myself in a "burlap sack" incident.
  9. Felony Inhibitor

    Sad Survivor Diary

    Yah I saw pen and paper being put back in, on a whim I thought about my previous experiences and wrote the post, but I didn't connect it together, beans for bringing it to my attention! lol, This should be a "thing", people leaving journal entries scattered about, would add a nice player made dynamic!
  10. Felony Inhibitor

    Sad Survivor Diary

    Appreciated! Boredom can breed creativity I guess... maybe I'll write snippets ingame once its working again and leave them next to useful items lol.
  11. Felony Inhibitor

    Sad Survivor Diary

    LOL I didn't think about that... THAT sounds like something I would do too.
  12. Felony Inhibitor

    If your going to KOS....

    Having a timer for character logout doesn't mean you die if your computer crashes.... If you're running along in the woods and your computer crashes, no worries, you can log back in and all is fine. If you are in combat with a zombie or a person and your computer crashes... whoopsy most likely you lose your shit. If you have issues with the game crashing your computer, troubleshoot the issue and find out why, it has never crashed for myself, as well as a lot of people, so to say DON'T implement a logout time to help ease combat logging because some people have game crashing issues, doesn't make any sense to me at all.... I would rather lose my toon 5 times in a year due to a storm or my ISP fucking off, than 5 times a month due to combat log ghosting, and I'd rather lose it 1000 times to those things than to have a bead on some asshole that failed to kill me firstoff, only to see him disappear to combat logging.
  13. Felony Inhibitor

    New Police station????

    Question, haven't been able to play because of work, is the police station only in the new city or has it popped up elsewhere? *Sorry if this has been discussed, didn't see much in search, and on limited time.*
  14. Felony Inhibitor

    Dissapointed new player

    Which is absolutely fine by me. Guns in a zombie apocalypse, except maybe when silenced, should not be used to kill zombies. Even silenced, they aren't silent. Since DayZ zombies seem to be attracted to noise, melee weapons are the way to go anyway, so, in essence, guns would be more for killing people.... So they shouldn't be as easy to get ahold to in this game unless it is advertised as a "FFA PVP game... oh yah witth Zombies"... You wanna kill me? Lets go toe to toe.
  15. Felony Inhibitor

    Dissapointed new player

    They just put in a new patch, weapons spawn less frequently and whatnot, which probably needs to be balanced and will be, have you read articles/watched videos on what spawns where and where to look? Are you using an external map to help guide you as a new spawn? You say you understand this is Alpha and then complain about Alpha stage things occurring? Not really sure how to handle that, especially if you did your homework first, this just as any other MMO out there, has a learning curve, in Alpha, it is a very fast changing learning curve, what worked yesterday wont today, adapt and adjust, or dont. Don't let your first posts be flame..... Maybe ask for help, some of the people in the community will oblige, if you want help, if you just want to flame, you will probably get flamed, as a general rule.
  16. Felony Inhibitor

    Creepy Radio broadcast "explained"

    MISSED the post on this, due to spelling error while seaching! Helmet back on, I'm good now. Bury thread. I saw the post on the creepy radio broadcast, seemed like it was numbers in Russian... 0-3-7-0-9-4 A lot of speculation on this, but as coordinates, on the map, this would be Green Mountain.... Guess what is at Green Mountain? -A huge radio tower. Doesn't explain "why" it's being broadcast, but it definitely seems that the message is those numbers, as coordinates, to the radio tower.
  17. Felony Inhibitor

    Creepy Radio broadcast "explained"

    Saw the post on it just now, search didn't bring it up, spelling on my part. Shouldn't have taken my helmet off I guess...
  18. Whoops, search didn't bring this post up... I posted a topic on it :/
  19. Felony Inhibitor

    hi im am new to the game i have some questions

    Same for me... It's like those tiny rungs of death, are calling to me.
  20. Felony Inhibitor

    New Police station????

    Whew, I almost went up there too! Thanks for the heads up!
  21. Felony Inhibitor

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    Thanks, I just tossed my Walkie-Talkie in the ocean. :blush:
  22. I agree with you. The original post didn't seem to take that into account... It sounded to me as if it was a request for a finished product DayZ SA, to be a linear game, with "endgame" being, gear up, head somewhere, kill peoples. I was challenging that aspect of it I guess, in my mind it would be an idiotic concept.
  23. Felony Inhibitor

    New Police station????

    Much appreciated info, much as I want to see it, I haven't had the time to get up there, exploring is tiresome!
  24. I guess I'll be the asshat to say it... "endgame"... In a "survival" game? Yes, I understand it is a game. Yes, I understand the entire point of a game is to have fun, but, and this is my opinion and I welcome debate on it... How can you take the game this is turning into (open sandbox, random spawning loot and zombies), and turn it into a linear *get to the airfield-ship-CHOPPA! That be where the lewts are and peoples to kills and whatnots!*??? I'm sorry but if your toon in this game made it to the (insert where you spawn here), and that is where your story begins, you should NOT know that 2 clicks up the road your previous toon is there with phat loots where you fell off the ladder, you should NOT have a linear path to places where there are phat lewts and gathering grounds and people to kill, or befriend or buttsecks to happy places... Add more people and more loot spawns if you hate not running into people. I for one would love to see the military gear all over the place and NONE at the bases. Sorry, but if a Zombie breakout happened, those weapons and gear would be on the soldiers that would have been DEPLOYED when it happened, so it could be anywhere. Point being, if I wanted to play Contra, I would, and have, and loved it. "Endgame", hot spots and whatnot, should be a moot point if this game is done right in the end. Don't care what the mod was either, this is not the mod, that's kinda the point. This is Alpha. "Play", find bugs, watch it progress, and if this "Alpha" version of the game gets boring to you, play something else for a bit, or be constructive in your attempts to fix/update/expand this "Alpha" version of the game, and please don't hope it turns into anything with an "Endgame" that isn't a black screen with small letters saying (you are dead)... THAT is DayZ SA endgame. /end rant
  25. Felony Inhibitor

    Upcoming Items/Weapons?

    Could be worse... Could have bandits making fresh spawns play "2 survivors 1 cup" variants. :huh: