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About CommandoKain

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. CommandoKain

    Player Action Sounds

    Currently the sounds emitted by preforming actions in the game IS WAY WAY WAY to loud. I should not be able to hear a player walking around, loading mags, unloading mags, opening doors, jumping, loading/ unloading/ racking weapons ect. from across the street or even in the next house over. As of 1.02 these sounds are set to a range of 50. I feel like that should be around 15 or 20 and the volumes of the action be cut by 50% or so. I am looking into modding this to fix it. I just need to know if you guys plan on balancing that. Because the sound.hpp is 320,019 lines long 🙂
  2. CommandoKain

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    In regaurds to Small Object Manipulation. I would !LOVE! to be able to move furniture in the houses to block doors and make baricades with.
  3. CommandoKain

    Experimental & Recent update troubles.

    Already tried it No luck.
  4. CommandoKain

    Experimental & Recent update troubles.

    im glad you said that I use avast. but i dont see how it is causing it. i've used it for years with Dayz. But such is the way of Programming.
  5. CommandoKain

    Experimental & Recent update troubles.

    The strange part is It does the same thing on stable now as well.
  6. CommandoKain

    Experimental & Recent update troubles.

    I too am having an issue with my dayz not launching. When I click play in the steam library, The BE launcher starts like normal and when it minimises the game never launches.... HOWEVER. when i got to my Task manager, it says the game is open/ running, but only using 180 to 197 K of memory, and is not doing anything. When i right click on dayz.exe in the task manager under the processes tab, because it never shows up in the applications tab, and try to end process. It does not end the process, but i can teminate the BE client. cdm taskkill don't work either. When I try to end the process. steam changes my status from "playing dayz" to "online" as if i exited the game. So steam thinks that the game is not running, but Windows does. This i also preventing me from Turning off my PC, through normal Windows shut down as it Never logs out of the windows Account... Just sticks at "logging Off" FOREVER! Forcing me to Hard Restart Every time I try to fix this Issue and test it. Things i have tried.( I'm Running Windows 7 64 bit) (not in this order) - Uninstall Dayz / Reinstall with restarts.-- To include Eraseing All left over files. I.E. Document and Appdata Dir. As well as the Dayz file under my steam folder. (I did this 3 times) - Swapped back and forth, from Experimental and stable. (did this 3 times) - Tried cmd lines to kill the day.exe task that will not Kill. - Hunted for hours on Google for alternatives and i see alot of people having the Issue but to solutions. - Run as admin (tried both Dayz.exe and BE ) - Reinstalled Graphic Drivers for My GTX 980 - Restarted Steam. - Reinstalled BE from their Site. *Note I am running Steam from a hard drive that is not the same hard drive that my Operating system is on. I use a second SSD for my steam install. *Note I use Avast *Note I have never had an issue with this game in this manner, Untill the 2.1 MB update on the experimental branch they other day. THAT IS WHEN THE PROBLEM STARTED. I was playing experimental just fine before that patch. Any Suggestion would be Helpful Thank you.
  7. CommandoKain

    Experimental & Recent update troubles.

    I too am having an issue with my dayz not launching. When I click play in the steam library, The BE launcher starts like normal and when it minimises the game never launches.... HOWEVER. when i got to my Task manager, it says the game is open/ running, but only using 180 to 197 K of memory, and is not doing anything. When i right click on dayz.exe in the task manager under the processes tab, because it never shows up in the applications tab, and try to end process. It does not end the process, but i can teminate the BE client. cdm taskkill don't work either. When I try to end the process. steam changes my status from "playing dayz" to "online" as if i exited the game. So steam thinks that the game is not running, but Windows does. This i also preventing me from Turning off my PC, through normal Windows shut down as it Never logs out of the windows Account... Just sticks at "logging Off" FOREVER! Forcing me to Hard Restart Every time I try to fix this Issue and test it. Things i have tried.( I'm Running Windows 7 64 bit) (not in this order) - Uninstall Dayz / Reinstall with restarts.-- To include Eraseing All left over files. I.E. Document and Appdata Dir. As well as the Dayz file under my steam folder. (I did this 3 times) - Swapped back and forth, from Experimental and stable. (did this 3 times) - Tried cmd lines to kill the day.exe task that will not Kill. - Hunted for hours on Google for alternatives and i see alot of people having the Issue but to solutions. - Run as admin (tried both Dayz.exe and BE ) - Reinstalled Graphic Drivers for My GTX 980 - Restarted Steam. - My BEservice is Running *Note I am running Steam from a hard drive that is not the same hard drive that my Operating system is on. I use a second SSD for my steam install. *Note I have never had an issue with this game in this manner, Untill the 2.1 MB update on the experimental branch they other day. THAT IS WHEN THE PROBLEM STARTED. I was playing experimental just fine before that patch. Any Suggestion would be Helpful Thank you.
  8. CommandoKain

    DayZ Standalone Won't Launch

    ME TOO.
  9. CommandoKain

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Yes the VSS is in. Found it at Mi-17 Chopper crash. Used it. Still like SVD better.(I know the VSS is not comparative to the SVD). However the Dev team, like always did a great job on the modeling of the weapon.
  10. Not gunna work Maybe I just want to shoot Peeps in the face..... And that will never change.
  11. CommandoKain

    16 hours in, met my first player!

    BAAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Don't count on it.
  12. CommandoKain

    Randomize house interiors

    I would love to be able to Move the furnisher around with my character. To do things like Barracade a Door or Block a window.
  13. CommandoKain

    ArmA 3 Stances in DayZ

  14. CommandoKain

    Suggestions for weapon attachments and tactical clothing

    I think Backpacks with Attachable hydration Pouches would be a nice addition as well. There are a number of tactical and Civilian Back packs that have built in hydration systems that do not take up Storage space. They also have removeable bladders so you can refill them. http://www.bikeexchange.co.nz/dbimages/ArticleImage/53/53/display_camelbak_banner.jpg http://shop.camelbak.com/store/ProductImages/details/1101_multicam_l.jpg http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n498/HydrationTubeCovers/ANTIDOTE_zps73777cd7.jpg
  15. I think there should be Scope mounts for weapon optics, they would make you able to attach an optic to a weapon that should be able to support it. For Example, I own an SKS and if I wanted to i could mount a high powered Optic to it ALL DAY LONG and BI pods for that matter. Also they would Improve the AK family because you could then attach the Acog, M68, and RDS to the them. Yes companys do make Rail systems that allow AK varient rifles to mount Acogs, And yes Trijicon does make Acogs for 7.62MM. I think More realistic customization is needed for weapons in the game I.E. If you can do it in the real world it should be alowed in DAYZ. The more options the better. Search under google images AK Mount http://g03.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1FIcaIXXXXXcAXpXXq6xXFXXXG/MI-Quick-Detach-Picatinny-Style-Railed-font-b-Scope-b-font-font-b-Mount-b-font.jpg SKS Mount http://www.foresightfirearms.com/images/products/200-tapcofusionsksriflesystemwrail.jpg You guys do a really great job on all of your object modeling and textures. So im thinking Leg holsters. The mechanics for them are already there with the chest holster. http://www.airsoftoutletnw.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/p/a/pantac-versatile-holster-black-drop-leg.jpg NOTE: Companys also make Leg Holsters for SMG's http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c138/am94pm/MP5KTH1.jpg Maybe Tactical Waist Belts? Could work like the plate carriers with attachable pouches, hoslers and Butt packs. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v509/topgunpilot20/Guns/belt_rig_01_web.jpg http://www.armorytechairsoft.com/media/product/59a/ur-tactical-ops-padded-molle-waist-belt-a-tacs-91a.jpg