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Wiggin Miller

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About Wiggin Miller

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Wiggin Miller

    Time for a break from DAYZ already I think

    I'm not sure if its just me, but rubber banding is way way worse than it was before.I hadn't played in about a month, jumped on a server to see the new guns, and ended up dying off a roof as I rubberbanded back onto it.
  2. Wiggin Miller

    Can we get an option to turn off the heavy breathing?

    Appreciate it Boneboys. While now the point I was making has been revealed, I am actually quite impressed that you re-opened, as I meant no harm by the post, and it was simply a stream of consciousness that went through my brain that I thought I'd share.
  3. So I know that you want to go for realism and such, but when my character goes for a run and then starts breathing like, super heavy, it makes ME think: "Oh snap, am I the one breathing super heavy?!" Then I start panicking and focusing on my breath, which leads to me actually breathing heavier. Then I start thinking, "Shit, if I actually am breathing super heavy, what if I have a heart attack?" Then, I think "Well if my character is breathing super heavy, what's preventing him from having a heart attack?" So now I have two heart attacks on my mind, and that's not doing good for my anxiety nor my breathing. Then I think, "What if it's the game that's giving me anxiety?" Plus, anxiety kills people earlier than normal? What if I just get a heart attack now and become one of the first victims it claims? Then, I get worried that makes me a weak individual if I'm like, the FIRST to die of a new killer craze or whatever. However, what if my death signals people to investigate it, and notice a correlation between DayZ and anxiety-related deaths? Am I still a weak person if my life does something like that? Anyways, please Rocket, give me a "turn off heavy breathing" option so I can avoid existential crises like the one above. That was just an abridged version. Let's just say I took a quick 10 minute break.
  4. I have 2 LRS, 1 ACOG, 1 PU all pristine. I'm attached to my guy for the bargaining tools he has.
  5. Wiggin Miller

    When does your "switch" flip during an encounter?

    It's funny how often profiling and honestly, straight up xenophobic views, falls into play in these situations. I'm guilty as well, but it just proves something about people as a whole.
  6. Wiggin Miller

    When does your "switch" flip during an encounter?

    Thanks for contributing. People sure do love to associate psych with some negativity I don't understand. I was merely remarking where I got my conclusion. I'd assume someone from a military background would have a different approach. Yeah, the inching forward thing is my least favorite. Its very hard to tell between something innocent or not when it comes to movement cause you don't know their familiarity with controls.
  7. Just as the title states, when is your big turning point to hostility in an encounter with another player? This is assuming of course we are not killing on sight here. Think "two men come across each other on the road with weapons holstered" scenario. Neither of you have the upper hand, backup, and are equally geared so gear isn't really a factor. So, once again, what certain, peeve i suppose, makes you just ice a fool? For me, being a psychology major, when someone's tone in voice or rate of speech fluctuates it ends there. 95% of the time, I trust my gut when it comes to being sketched out, as I use many context clues beyond "ah this fool sounds nervous", but that is one of the biggest red flags you can tell. Also, if someone is in a rush to get you somewhere, or in a rush in general, that's always a bad thing. Anyways, anyone else have any gems to share about their certain peeves that gets their trigger finger itching?
  8. Wiggin Miller

    Do you want firearms to be rarer?

    Of course everyone wants guns to be rarer. Except for them.
  9. Wiggin Miller

    What do a mute person do?

    This topic made me have a crazy self-awareness epiphany, and I thank you for it OP. On to your point: I would either look for a clan or a group of friends on here. While it may seem sketch to meet someone, if you are planning to spend some time with that person, they are probably legitimate if they friended you from the forums and took the time to seek companionship. Or a special brand of psycho. On that note (the companionship not psycho), feel free to add me on steam "wigginmiller". I may not be available often, but id love to be "the voice" for someone if I get the chance!
  10. Wiggin Miller

    Whats Being Done To Combat ESP Hacks?

    Hackers are pretty bad on high pop. Last night a sniper cleaned up SHOP in elektro. I'm talking at least 50+ mosin rounds off. The last 5 was me and my buddy. Also, to any naysayers, it was impossible for us to die unknown from where we were, but we did. People who keep saying "no hax omg you just raging" need to get their heads out of the sand. They are very real. Youtube that shit. There's a pretty popular DayZ video called like" Let's cheat on DayZ" or something. yes, its also SA
  11. Wiggin Miller

    I'm killing Bambis

    Honestly, the term "Bambi" is misused I feel. Bambi denotes innocence. Bambi means doe eyed bushy tail. Bambi was a fawn who later became a buck, but the word refers to the toddler incarnation. "Bambis" in DayZ aren't that. I assure you, 85% of all fresh spawn are disgruntled people who just died and they want to get geared ASAP. Who wants to run to NE/NWAF to get shit when I can just suicide run and "possibly" punch out a dude and take ALL his gear? Thats 5 minutes and I'm back into action vs 30 minutes or more. While killing new players isn't sporting, crucifying bambi killers is unnecessary as you learn that a bambi with nothing to lose is WAY more scary than a geared guy. Actively hunting bambis is a different story and is more akin to ganking lowbies in an mmo. Except with perma death. Those guys just enjoy an easy win. Also, almost all traps/ambushes/betrayals start with some guy being like "hey friendly, I just spawned". At least in my experience (Yes I hang out in elektro/berezino)
  12. Wiggin Miller

    The concept of killing has changed in SA

    You cite differences between KoS and banditry, but they are all internal reasons that no one can figure out for sure. Sure, he could of needed water. He could go to a well, or see if I have it, and maybe break my legs,break my shit, and move on. This thread has no point. You make no life-changing argument. Whether I'm killing you cause I'm bored or cause I'm hungry, the end result is the SAME. The devil lies in the details sure, but at that moment when your screen goes black I'm sure you're not going "man that guy was surviving"
  13. Wiggin Miller

    Thinking of taking a short break.

    Healthy to take a break. Took about 2-3 weeks off come back and combat logging is fixed, added sks/blaze and host of other goodies. Having 2 patches worth of stuff is like Christmas ;)
  14. Wiggin Miller

    Lets discuss what is 'Cheating' and what isn't

    The guy had a point honestly. While it wasn't cheating, he was a purist. Most games I play, I try alone for the first time, then if its fun, I invite my friends to play. While they are playing, I don't instantly give them excess gold/better gear/ etc. I worked my way from the bottom, so should they. The world is a harsh place.You aren't getting handouts here. Its like the teach a man to fish analogy. *Edit* You're bandaging argument is null because that's not getting something now which should normally take time to get.
  15. Wiggin Miller

    DayZ SA Event: The Elektro Peace Walk

    Even if we are slaughtered, more will join in solidarity. Our blood will serve as fertilizer, and out of the ground the flower of peace shall bloom.