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Everything posted by jurionov37

  1. jurionov37

    New hobby: working for others

    Hey Mugur, do you only play on regular? im in need of LRS on HC
  2. Me too, however it only happens when i play on regular, hardcore works fine...
  3. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Bump, anyone has TTsKO jacket? (worn, pristine) I can offer M4 and Mosin attachments including optics
  4. jurionov37

    Long range scopes?

    I need the jacket on reg, but have LRSs on both HC and reg
  5. jurionov37

    Long range scopes?

    Bad luck, if you have pristine TTsKO jacket its yours :D
  6. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Looking for pristine TTsKO jacket, RIS handguard, 5.56 ammo
  7. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Succesfull trade with irish, feel free to trade with him ^^ ;)
  8. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Another trustworthy trade, this time with Liege, cheers for that! and i Still need one ammo box :D
  9. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Bump for the good sake of trading! Still have every scope in game and looking for ammo boxes(pristine) or protector cases! edit: also looking for green MP parts for M4(can change them for black ones) and/or RIS handguard
  10. Hey guys, im a little bored of playing alone, Im looking for someone from Europe/Central Europe preferably to counter timezone issues. Can provide food,water, weapons, shitloads of ammo.
  11. jurionov37

    Mosin Spawns

    The piano house spawn SKS, Mosin, Blaze and Shotgun. Mostly on the shelf on the first floor, but ive already found like 3 lying on the 2nd floor. Also, LRSs spawn only at military locations, mostly hangars, but ive already found some of them on the beds in barracks buildings.
  12. jurionov37

    So my gun wouldn't fire so what was wrong with it?

    This. You can load it, but it wont fire
  13. jurionov37

    A Typical SKS story

    Yeah you can adjust scope but this is not the problem, its a collision bug as have been already said
  14. jurionov37

    A Typical SKS story

    it happened to me with SKS too, i saw a guy crawling near the berezino hospital so i came to him and asked if he needs some help with broken legs... he wasnt responding and after few seconds pulls out his Blaze, so i shot him to the head from point blank standing right next to him, and I just saw a dirt coming from the air in front of me as the shot didnt came thru, i then unloaded whole magazine to him while moving because i thought theres some kind of invisible wall bug, and none of the shots came thru, he missed the first shot luckily and the second shot ruined my pants, but neither broke my legs and neither i was bleeding, i then managed to run away until he loaded again.... long story short, SKS is bugged as f*ck(even tho i like it so i hope its fixed soon), this never happened to me with another gun
  15. jurionov37

    Long range scope Question?

    i dont personally think its a bug, and if so, they should add some 'damaged' feature to it like its on PU and other stuff Edit: also it doesnt happed with worn and pristine scopes like OP asked
  16. jurionov37

    Long range scope Question?

    They have fixed the reticle position on screen i guess, but i think you will have this problem even after the patch because its caused by the scope condition which is as you said damaged and it doesnt ocur with worn and pristine scopes, its same feature like on damaged PU(broken glass).
  17. jurionov37

    Trading an LRS

    i think i can provide something
  18. jurionov37

    Trading an LRS

    what do you need lrs or those m4 parts?
  19. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    I found worn LRS and ACOG if somebody is interested, on reg edit: I dont really need anything, surprise me if so :D
  20. jurionov37

    Im Lost in DayZ

    Yeah looks like chapaevsk
  21. jurionov37

    Is morphine really that rare?

    I found like 6-8 on both reg and hc chars together just today afternoon. Mostly at military jail buildings, but some at hospitals and police stations too... I guess i was extremly lucky because i never found a single morphine before(after the loot patch)
  22. jurionov37

    Mosin painting

    Hey guys, just a quick question... are you able to paint mosin and still load 5 rounds? or is it still bugged to 1 round? thanks in advance.
  23. jurionov37

    Mosin painting

    Nice, thanks a lot, i dont wanted to ruin mine by testing it :D
  24. Found one today in the military base buildings(the ground floor barracks with shower and 4 rooms) but it was my first LRS ever since the loot patch, theyre rare as f*ck.
  25. jurionov37

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hey guys, im Juri, 23 male, former soldier, now police officer :D Im from Czech(central Europe), heard about the mod and bought standalone. Free to team up with anybody who wont shoot me on sight :D