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Everything posted by jurionov37

  1. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    HC servers Have: 1911 engraved, LRSs, full MP M4 with 60rnd mags, MP parts, RIS handguard Want: ammo box, protector case, ttsko jacket/pants, assault vest (not black)
  2. jurionov37

    whats the strongest melee

    Currently not the strongest but the best weapon is machete, it can be worn on your back as somebody already said, it has like 2 times faster attack animation than axes = more hits in same time, plus it seems to hit nearly exactly on the cursor so its incredibly easy to kill zombies( one hit knockdown and then kill them before they get up), axes has so retarded animation its nearly impossible to headshot moving zombies
  3. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Anybody needs anything? althought i can only try to find it on hardcore, i cant play on reg servers
  4. jurionov37

    Leg in pain.

    It has effect on weapon sway even if its a leg pain, morphine or splint works like somebody said
  5. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    currently every spawned weapon is in pristine condition ;) just weapons in backpack can be damaged if you shoot somebody
  6. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    I can say the same about Dreypa, friendly and trustworthy :-)
  7. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Actually im in desperate need of sewing kit right now :D i cant find one whole day.... :D some mosin ammo would be cool too, or pristine comp/bipod
  8. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Hardcore Have: ammo boxes, LRS,ACOG,red dot, MP parts, 1911engraved, pistol mags Want: nothing i guess :D
  9. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    You cant be serious dude :D its not that valuable and im willing to trade it much cheaper/or even give free since im not using it... :D
  10. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Yeah i try to bump it atleast when i find some of the more rare stuff :D
  11. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    These are pretty old posts my friend, howewer i happen to have some coupled stanags and im in need of camoed assault vest and ttsko jacket. I also have: pristine magpul parts, some pistol mags, engraved 1911, LRSs (like 3 or so, i got lucky in a few sniper battles :D), i think i should have some ACOGs too.
  12. jurionov37


    Vesta ti stejne 7.62x54r nezastavi pokud to neni z velke dalky a musis sem psat anglicky jinak si asi moc nepokecas :-D
  13. Just filter servers hosted by vilayer, gameservers, and other reliable hosts, this happens when you join some f*cked up private server
  14. jurionov37

    Will we have acog and red dot combo and etc.

    Chill out boys....its a fkin post apocalyptic survival, not a special forces simulator... you should be grateful when you get a gun, not whine about not having super sights -_-
  15. jurionov37

    Weak Melee weapons

    Yeah the zombies are now finally a threat, and not just one-hit punchbags... just fix the immediate respawning and im okay with them
  16. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Just got an engraved 1911 + some mags, and still have all the optics, MP parts and stuff. looking for TTSKO jacket
  17. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Update: I dont really need anything right now, but still have many items to give away or trade =)
  18. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Just found a pristine black riders jacket if anybody is interested =) PS: i still need the items from previous post
  19. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Hey guys, im looking for TTsko pants(condition doesnt matter), assault vest(not black), i can offer every scope in game in pristine condition, some pistol mags, or ask me for the thing you need ;)
  20. A. Juri B. Leg in pain(dont know how to fix it but it prevents me to regain blood which i lost) C. NWAF forest D. Green camo and balistic helmet would appreciate some help, thanks
  21. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    i got compensator,bipod and acog, could use the LRS, even tho i have one badly damaged and it seems to work just fine
  22. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Anybody needs anything on hardcore? iam currently hoarding everything i think somebody might want to/is harder to come by, so i have full backpack of s*it i dont need, just ask if you need something.
  23. jurionov37

    What You Get Attached To...

    Iam personally starting to get attached to my charracter at the point when i find LRS, everything else is just a matter of time but that s.hit is a freakin lottery.... when they add some kind of binoculars it will get better but at this time LRS is essential.
  24. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Bump, still looking for hardcore LRS, just tell me what you want for it =)
  25. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Hey fellow survivors, im in need of LRS on hardcore, just say what you want for it. PS: I died on both HC and reg so im gearing up again. Cant provide much stuff on reg at this point, but its just a matter of time Edit: I have many Ammo boxes on hardcore if somebody is interested in having 10slots of ammo in a 4slot box :D Also .45 supressor, PU, some magpull parts, R.I.S. handguard, bipods, everything pristine