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Everything posted by jurionov37

  1. jurionov37

    Ghillie suit and separate parts.

    Hey guys, is it possible to paint the separate parts with a spray can? because you cant paint the full suit, thus making it kinda useless with the basic tan colour
  2. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Have: Long range scopes, PU scope, MP5 mags, camo face mask, nettings, both suppresors, ak74 mag Need: 5x burlap sack/strips
  3. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Have: NATO and EASTERN suppresors, Long range scopes, nettings, shitloads of ammo Need: Burlap sacks or strips
  4. jurionov37


    Dude, just in case you didnt know, with the current weapon sway system, its nearly impossible to shoot behind 200m with Scope...pretty retarded ...and for smartasses, no i havent been running or whatever, and yes i have been in a prone position...
  5. jurionov37

    Best camo pattern

    I agree with Derrock, autumn gorka, dpm vest, dpm hat, face bandana, brown gloves and imp. backpack is propably the best possible combo out there at this moment for overall camo. But i still see TTsKO doing good when sitting in a trees or lying on the ground in forests
  6. jurionov37

    Were Gorka camo jackets ever implemented?

    some of them actually look good(even tho i wonder why theyre not full camoed, but there are those diaper cuts in one colour on trousers like BadAsh said) i dont know what pattern i had yesterday before i died, but for example when i was prone in grass it actually blended in environment better than TTsKO. TTsKo is better in woodland areas because its too dark i think. on the topic, yes they are already implemented and pretty easy to find at milbases
  7. jurionov37

    poll what is best

    Dat english :D
  8. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    I have, HARDCORE: Binos, magnum with ammo, black hi-cap vest, ak mags,rice, mosin ammo REG: AK mags, fully modded FNX with 5 mags, magnum +ammo and loaders, mosin ammo
  9. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    I have Fully modded FNX with 4 mags, magnum with tons of ammo, mosin with PU and comp+tons of ammo, and AK mags for trade on reg, and LRS,magnum,ammo on HC
  10. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Anyone came across a LRS recently? i cant find them since patch, i know im just unlucky but they used to be everywhere :D
  11. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    best way to make succesfull trades is to 1. choose some place 2. drop down items you want to trade 3. overwatch it 4. loot your stuff when the other trader leaves/kill him if he takes your stuff and wants to leave
  12. jurionov37

    was attacked by AKM

    Note that it has no dispersion, but terrible recoil, so if he gone full auto on you he could have easily missed all when zoomed in at 10m
  13. jurionov37

    Where do I find the AKM?

    They seem to spawn in barracks and jail buildings for me, never found one elsewhere on both reg and hc. The mags are pretty common for me. I kinda like the increased rarity in loot, but i cand find LRS anywhere
  14. jurionov37

    FNX45 MRDS

    using a flashlight at night is like shouting 'kill me' to the mic :D i know that night is mostly unplayable without a flashlight right now, but lets hope they eventually fix it
  15. jurionov37

    FNX45 MRDS

    its bugged, you currently dont need battery and turning it on, and yes it has a red dot
  16. jurionov37

    My Tacticool 360 No Scope Predator Hacksaw

    Much WoW, so Predator
  17. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Yeeeeey! thanks for pinning :D I am now trading on both regular and hardcore servers =) just PM me what you want and what do you have to offer
  18. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Will get you one :D
  19. jurionov37

    Trading Post

  20. jurionov37

    Murphy's law and DayZ

    Im encountering murphy's laws while playing dayz too... especially this particular one: The chance that you will die is directly proportional to the rarity of the things you own = i get a LRS after a week and BAM! deadly stairs strike again :D
  21. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Anyway im willing to give up the M4 for whoever comes for it, the person i had it for doesnt want it and me neither :D im at cherno now
  22. jurionov37

    Ingame text unreadable

    Hey guys, im having a problem since the day i started to play dayz, but i now found out the ingame text is supposed to be better quality than I have it :D I mean, i got used to it after the 4 months i play dayz, but the inventory text is unreadable for me. See the attached image Edit: its an old image but the ingame text is still the same quality for me
  23. jurionov37

    Trading Post

    Yeah i just took it to give it to somebody, i gave up carrying 2 long weapons, because im tired of dropping it every time i need to do something from inventory or go melee... :D so i always pick it up, mod it and then give it to friends or trade it :D, also im scared to go to military areas solo so i tend to trade higher value items for the ones i really need so i dont have to go there :D Edit to qww: i need the vest to be greenish or camoed so i dont need press vest, althought its highly valued theese days and many people want the press vest, so im pretty sure you can trade it for something even better =) altought i think i have an acog Edit for awesumnisrawr188: the vest should be pristine and not black, and i would love atleast worn box =) and i think prot case is easier to find than ammo box if you ask me + you dont have to go to mil areas
  24. jurionov37

    Ingame text unreadable

    It matches, that was the first thing i tried. Also if this helps: when i switch to integrated GPU(Intel HD) the text is normal, althought the game is unplayable... and when i switch to HD Radeon it messes up like that on screenshot
  25. jurionov37

    Trading Post
