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Everything posted by RoterBallon

  1. RoterBallon

    Ethnic Discriminations

    Well, it's not only the germans :P Got shot 3-4 times after telling the other one that I am german ;)
  2. RoterBallon

    loot spawns. Rocket please read!

    As far as I know this is already planned
  3. Sorry for making a new threat, but I couldn't edit title. Just PM me here if you want to trade. LRS is prestine, looking for Acog(prestine) I'll give you the information for meeting point then. I will be protected by my group, we are not interessting in killing you, just trading and going each others' way
  4. RoterBallon

    [EU]Traiding: Got LRS, LF Acog

    Regular, no need anymore. Found an Acog myself.
  5. Hi, For potential traders interrest: I won't be alone, means my people will have an eye on me in case something happens and will carry my main gear just in case ( at safe distance ). Some people know me already, I/we have no interrest in killing you. Just trading and going each others' way. If you want to trade with me and have a supressor (for M4 ofc) and ACOG in prestine just write PM your steam nick and I will add you and give you server and my position. It will be a house/farm somewhere where I will be waiting then. greetings, Roter
  6. RoterBallon

    Hackers in DAYZ

    @TsAnrey: No names, no fame ! :)
  7. RoterBallon

    Morgan Freeman - the god

    Just.. YEAH !
  8. RoterBallon

    It's like the zombies never end!

    Shooting them makes it even worse :D You draw all their attention :D
  9. RoterBallon

    Morgan Freeman - the god

  10. RoterBallon

    A story of trust

    i would say u met the wrong guy.
  11. ohh dear. Can't away returning from Thailand in 4 weeks when patches are pushed to stable :D
  12. ok. Gonna try it out tomorrow or when I return from Thailand :D Didn't know that RV Engine can use this. Usually games on SSDs are quite useless, the only benefit is loading time.
  13. SSD has nothing to do with FPS. You need 2-5 min to join a server? WTF how slow is your computer? Better buy a new HDD and test things our again.
  14. RoterBallon

    A Concern

    A modder had a deep look into game files 2 months ago. Regarding to Zs he said that they will probably plan 10x Zs which means like 13-20 Zs each crossroad in electro. They are done when they are done, but so many Zs would be great :) Imagine only 5x Zs and you shoot a single round right outside a city.. thats like 100 Zs aggroed on you :D Hope this dream comes true :) There you go, found the screenshots :) http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3492/tjiovdcb_jpg.htm http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3492/ask2hpcr_jpg.htm EDIT: He ran a LAN-server to test things and have a deep look into the game. This was between xmax and new year ;)
  15. RoterBallon

    A Concern

    Zombies are not #1 priority, but they are beeing worked on.
  16. RoterBallon

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Let the ragers rage. They will keep playing anyways or will come back in some months
  17. RoterBallon

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    @LaughingJack They mistake you make is believing people all people are educated and intelligent ;)
  18. NOTE: I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT PATCHES BEEING RELEASED EVERY WEEK. I AM MENTIONING PATCHES THAT ARE BEEING PUSHED TO EXPERIMENTAL OR ARE ON EXPERIMENTALS ALREADY Making things more clear: Case [1]: "We want a patch every week" <- This means "making" a patch every week ( THIS IS NOT WHAT I AM MENTIONING) Case [2]: "Patches beeing pushed from experimental to stable (or skipping experimentals)" ( This is what this poll is about ) The difference between [1] and [2]: [1] is a patch every week [2] can be a patch at any time, as it fits best for the devs, but with more/less/no testing on experimental servers Hi, simply vote for the patch frequency you prefer. Note that after "only" one week of testing on experimental and then beeing pushed to stable could break your game up. I personally don't care about that since it is an alpha. I hope more than 50% of people want patches more frequently with the risk of breaking the game up. Not because it might break the game up, but to test a lot faster since I didn't care that I was unable to play for one week. Sorry for bad english ;) Greetings, Roter
  19. RoterBallon

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    I really hope he stops arguing now with all thise ... on reddit and stuff. He is going the right way now, releasing videos :) Have fun watching:
  20. RoterBallon

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    @ flawed concept: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1yszoj/to_everyone_being_upset_about_the_flawed_game/cfnj4r6?context=1 @ all the rage: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1ysdow/dean_hall_to_leave_bohemia_and_step_down_as/cfnjzwj?context=1 Well, this is how people are.
  21. RoterBallon

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Hysteric kid :D
  22. I feel like nobody is understanding what this poll is about.. This poll is not about "faster" and "more" patches. It is about patches beeing tested 3-4 weeks on experimental before beeing pushed to stable. My opinion is: Why do we even need fking experimentals? Well ok, some days of "testing" before pushed to "stable" is ok. But 3-4 weeks.. too much time. It is god damn alpha, not a fully released game.
  23. Ok, tried to make it as clear as possible now. Edit and quite function still not working.. maybe its my chrome..