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Gandalf the White (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Gandalf the White (DayZ)

  1. The regular response to such a question would usually be : "ITS ALPHHHAAARRRRRR HURRRR RDURRRRR IM RETARDED HURRRRR ALPHHAAAAA"
  2. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Reaction On Dying

    Mine is absolute blind rage. Especially when I have a guy completely decked out and die to BS things. I mad bruh
  3. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Reaction On Dying

    Paranoia is a healthy way of thought in this game. It keeps you alive longer.
  4. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Look At My Crotch

    Looks like the game thinks what's in your crotch is a joke.
  5. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    So I Just Shot A Man.

    I couldn't have said it better myself. My beans are yours.
  6. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Reaction On Dying

    Speedloader bruh. Also a lot of players don't like aimint with the irons on the magnum or mosin. They got spoiled with scopes :rolleyes:
  7. Gandalf the White (DayZ)


    - Don't bother with a mosin if you can't shoot moving targets from a great distance using kentucky windage. - Depends if you think he's worth the wait. Some people play better in groups, others play better alone. - It is possible to get a fair amount of loot at night, as long as you remain vigilant and don't expose yourself. The thing about night looting is that you might miss a few spots or items in the dark, I HIGHLY recommend not using a flashlight or light source to give away your position. Especially in Electro. That is a death sentence.
  8. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Reaction On Dying

    That would assume me taking the high road. To act like a civilized human being and to remember that it's only a game. Nevaaaarrr!!! :P
  9. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Reaction On Dying

    Lol that's actually pretty accurate.
  10. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Night vision needs to be implemented ASAP

    Turn up Gamma to 100% Bam! Night vision. True story bro. /thread
  11. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    I'm now killing on sight.

    Perhaps you are too easily led to trust people. I always remain on guard around strangers.
  12. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Food Is Too Easy To Find, Srs

    Haha some people are complaining that food is too scarce. It's because you ate it all :P
  13. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    I have a complaint.

    I had the same complaints and questions as you did until I saw this video : It explains in depth about the health/hunger/blood system in the game. Helping instead of alpha-ing. B)
  14. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Add blood type to inventry

    Great Idea. One of those little things that make a huge difference in quality of gameplay.
  15. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    You forgot to reload the damn gun

    That story made me chuckle :P Pretty funny.
  16. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Loot in military camps.

    It makes finding/having a weapon all the more of a precious commodity. I like it :thumbsup:
  17. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Where do you chill at night?

    As the topic asks, just wanted to see where people chill at night? I sometimes find myself with a gas lamp lit at a store hanging out if i feel like inviting people over. Other times I set up camp in a room or abandoned house, but usually always with a gas lamp. I find it brings a nice mood to the game.
  18. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Where do you chill at night?

    Ummm... sure ... safe zone.... :rolleyes: I will only say that having a gas lamp in a obvious place attracts both heros and bandits. There where many a times when 4-5 guys had us a nice camp going on only to be shot at by some bandits. But it was so awesome, a fire fight at night is pretty amazing. :thumbsup:
  19. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Where do you chill at night?

    Drag cannister unto gas lamp, they merge and then right click to turn on. Boom. Instant pro status. I even drop mine on the floor while it's lit so everyone can enjoy it. All the noobs admire my gas lamp B)
  20. When I made my way through the residentials in chern I got greeted by a pack of them. 3 waves of 5-6 at a time, don't know that happened, but I decided to use my axe instead of my gun for maximum zombie destruction.
  21. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Mysterious 100

    I wondered for the longest time as well. I thought it was latency or something at first.
  22. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Mythical 'Healthy' Status

    You have to wait a good 15-20 minutes to let your health/blood regenerate to full. It takes quite a while, but I have never not gotten it.
  23. Gandalf the White (DayZ)


    The KoS mentality is something that is very hard to change. So many guys have been shot on sight that it becomes hard to trust other players. Realism at it's finest. I do it more for survival reasons than sport really. if I feel threatened by another player or if he threatens my resources I will kill. I try to make friendships first though ofc.
  24. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Friend Tracker, Friendly Marker

    I would love to see a Tracker or some kind of marker for a "friendly" player. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, it can be just a little marker or something above someones head that shows either their name, or just says friendly or something. It gets very confusing when you're in a skirmish and don't know if you're shooting at a guy which is a friend or a foe, in the heat of battle things get messed up quickly. I've both got shot at and shot friendly people by accident, and it's very disappointing. It would just be a simple invite thorugh the player menu or something, and the other player can either accept or decline, simple as that. Would love to hear inputs on why or why not this shouldn't happen :D :thumbsup:
  25. Gandalf the White (DayZ)

    Friend Tracker, Friendly Marker

    No problem, I just stumbled accross that thread and read through it. I found it to be a unique way of actually adding a feature of recognition/friendliness, without "dumbing it down" or runing the game play. It just fits. Raising awareness to make this happen.