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Everything posted by ThirdHorseman

  1. The debug monitor is pointless. You don't need to track zombies killed, headshots, murders, or bandits killed. There is also no need to know how many zombies are on a server. Stats have no place in a zombie survival mil sim...there would be no real way for you to know these things in RL. You want stats, go play COD or BF. As for blood and temp numbers, you can just place the numbers inside the existing icons for blood and temp. There is no reason to have servers with varying levels of difficulty. NO server should have 3P or crosshairs enabled, and they should all have the same difficulty. There is no reason someone should be able to farm equipment on easy servers...everyone should get the same experience. And I'm not for removing sniper weapons. It is pretty realistic to find a scoped hunting rifle in a civilian location. What is unrealistic is seeing tons of people running around with NVGs and M107s or AS50s. I would accept the occasional M16 found on a dead soldier or something, but they should be so rare finding one should be a life-altering experience... Again, I am all for PvP and I am all for banditry. But they should exist for a reason...survival. Popping the heads of unarmed and newly spawned players using your AS50 just to watch your "murder" number tick up is not survival.
  2. "There have been some good suggestions here in this part of the forum, but noone has the holy grail of ideas to prevent players killing each other for a can of beans." The problem is that the deathmatchers AREN'T killing each other for a can of beans. Like I said in my post way back, there is no problem with players killing players for ammo, or beans, or matches, etc. The problem is players who kill other players to watch the Murders: stat tick up one-by-one and see that "NOOB was killed" text scroll across the bottom-left. These players are not bandits. Bandits kill because they need stuff, and they kill you to get it. These players kill dozens of other players and never even bother to loot the bodies. They put up YouTube videos of themselves sniping from the third-person. They are not bandits, and they are what is ruining the game. Remove the debug monitor. Remove the kill text. Make ALL servers veteran difficulty. Remove military-grade weapons. That, in my opinion, will go a long way towards fixing the problem.
  3. ThirdHorseman

    Playing Sniper In Elektro Till Helicopter Ruins It

    Wow. Third Person sniper on an easy server. Totally epic. /sarcasm
  4. Hey all. I'm looking to put DayZ on an older laptop so I can do some gaming when on vacation. I have ARMA2 CO on my gaming rig at home, so I was going to just install that on my laptop. But since it's an older laptop I thought I should use ARMA 2 Free instead, since it has lower system requirements and uses the lower resolution textures. Is all this true? Will I get better framerates on my laptop using ARMA 2 Free, or should I just install OA and dial down the graphics settings?
  5. ThirdHorseman

    High Stakes Ambush - M203 Double Kill

    Wow...third person view and gamma boost. leet.
  6. "It's easier to steal than share." I hear this excuse all the time on the forums, and it's bullshit. The problem in this mod is not PvP. PvP is awesome. If I get shot because a player is starving to death, and needed my beans...well I'm okay with that. If a player has nothing but a crowbar and beats me to death for the winny on my back, again that's okay. What is NOT OKAY is the guy sitting on the hospital roof with the DMR just popping people to see the "Murders:" number tick up one-by-one. That, boys and girls, is a douche. There is nothing wrong with lone wolf play. There is nothing wrong with PvP. But you need to make the killing more meaningful. 1. Remove military grade equipment. No NVG. No thermal-sight assault rifles. No freaking 50-cal sniper rifles. This is DayZ, not ARMA2. Only weapons should be civilian. 2. Ammo needs to be incredibly scarce. When I find that Makarov mag I should dance a happy dance, not leave it on the ground and spit on it. Every pull of the trigger should be a hard decision. Do I put a few rounds into this guy, hoping he has replacements? Or do I let him walk past me? Or ask him if he has any rounds to spare. And hunting rifle rounds should be so rare they might as well be mythical. 3. Food should be more scarce than it is, but you should be able to go longer without eating. You should feel the hunger more. Rather than losing blood you should lose the ability to run fast, screen should be blurred, etc. Water works fine as it is...IRL you need to drink far more frequently than you need to eat. This is the big one: 4. Remove the debug monitor and the kill notices, and don't release k/d stats for anyone or put them on the leaderboard. The only reason douches kill is to get that e-peen stroke of seeing their murder count tick up and that "joe has been killed" text. Remove both of those and you will see them run for the COD hills. It's also much more realistic...you shouldn't know if your shot took that guy out...or if he's circling behind you right now to pay you back. You make these 4 changes and I promise you'll see less douches and more real PvP. The kind of PvP we can live with...
  7. ThirdHorseman

    Shoot on Sight

    My problem is not really shoot-on-sight. I mean, if I come around a corner and come face-to-face with you and you put a slug in my face as a twitch reaction I completely understand. You should be more careful, but "its-the-end-of-the-world-I-can't-trust-anyone" so I get it. I myself have put a few pistol rounds into players who surprised me while I was putting down a crowd of Zs. They DCed before I could apologize over direct chat, but these things happen when we surprise each other in the heat of battle. My problem IS people who actively hunt me down with the full intention of killing me for no reason besides stroking their e-peen. I have been killed several times by players who chased me down, who obviously knew I was there and could easily have avoided me...or told me to leave...but instead came at me with the express purpose of adding another murder to their stats. And don't give me that "Oh! I was hungry and needed food" argument. These were players with Alice packs and high-powered assault rifles, there is no way they were killing me for my beans. Disclaimer: I am in no way advocating for any kind of PvE server. The mod should stay exactly as it is. I'm just saying that we shouldn't be worried about shoot-on-sight as much as we should be worried about douches who play this game like it's BF3.
  8. ThirdHorseman

    DayZ Ninja hideNseek :D

    I can't wait until they remove 3rd person view from all the servers...
  9. I can't wait until they remove 3rd person view from all the servers...
  10. It shouldn't be DayZ anyway, because Rocket has said they aren't zombies but infected people. So it should be called DayI. I like that, actually, since you die so frequently in this game you see the "Day One..." scroll on the screen a LOT!!
  11. ThirdHorseman

    Need a better explanation of Storage

    Also don't forget that the moment you spawn you should pop your flashlight out of your backpack and put it into the pistol slot. It's not like you have a pistol anyway! That will free up all those slots in your backpack...at least until you find a pistol and need to choose what to keep!
  12. THIS!!! I expect to see piles of loot scattered along the beach tonight when I play, as all you hardcore survivors drop all your spawn gear because you are all so hardcore.
  13. Because people are dicks. This
  14. ThirdHorseman

    Why is the life expectancy going up?

    How the hell does a person only survive for 5 minutes? I am really surprised the life expectancy is only ~30 min. Do you really have hundreds and hundreds of players dying every day after only 5 minutes of running around? That smells like a bug to me...
  15. NO. Remove morphine and painkillers perhaps. Fewer mags. But there needs to be a starting weapon.
  16. ThirdHorseman

    Why is the life expectancy going up?

    Yes, but if that scene had been DayZ then the instant the two guys came into the bar everyone would have started shooting each other. Instead, the FIRST response was hope. Look, here are other survivors! Maybe they have news? Maybe they are friendly. It was only until the two strangers gave AMPLE warning that they were up to no good did the situation resort to violence. Every time I have been killed by players in DayZ it has been instant shoot-on-sight. I enter a barn...BAM. I turn a corner...BAM. I get to the top of a stairwell...BAM. They aren't spotting something in my gear they need, they aren't making any moral decisions, they aren't making any emotional choices. They are just shooting cause it's easier. And that is as far from the Walking Dead scene you describe as can be. If anything, it's more like the end of "Night of the Living Dead" with armed men just shooting and not checking first. "that's another one for the fire."