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About Sylosis

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  1. The reason was really just to accelerate the process of finding him. As I have almost no gear collected, deleting the character and/or dying is a possiblity in order to find him more quickly. I walked quite far inland, so backtracking to him could take some time. So ya, really just a question of saving some time. But! I am not saying I will do it, was just curious to see if there was a "delete" button somewhere. I understand that there isn't. Thx for the info.
  2. Thanks all for the tips! But can you delete a character? Or you just find a way to die?
  3. Hi all, As I said in other posts, I am super new to the game, so I don't know my way around at all. My brother and I wanted to play together, but I was wondering how we'll be able to find each other? I guess we will not spawn next to each other right? Unless we are SUPER lucky? Moreover, since I've already started playing, can I sort of, delete my character so that I restart with him (I have almost no gear)? Cause I am really not sure I'll be able to backtrack all the way to him, since I don't know my way around yet. Or is the only way to kill myself? Let a zombie kill me or something? Thanks for the help
  4. I think more zombies and making them more dangerous would make the game more of a survival game (and not just a Player vs Player shooter). If the player had to make the choice between fighting zombies, or fighting other players. For now, it seems to me that players just ignore the zombies and find other players to kill them. I would love it if there was also a need to actually try to group up, play as a team with people you find, in order to also fight the zombies. It would just make the game even more realistic. My feeling is that, if a situation like that were to ever happen (zombie invasion), I doubt that every human would start shooting at each other and ignore the zombies... For sure some would try to steal from you, try to kill you, but I think most of us would team up against the zombies. It's all a question of what direction the developers what to take. This suggestion is one possible direction, that I think would make the game even more fun.
  5. So hum, I am new to DayZ. I haven't even played the Arma II mod. So, I am really new. My first impression is that yes, the game is fun, but items respawn are inexistent, right?. After 2 hours of play time, I only was able to found a bunch of sunglasses, bunch of pants, etc. I was on a server with a "decent" population (20ish) The main reason was, and I understood after checking some videos, that the houses I was looting had already been looted. That is, every door was opened. I was finally able to find something (an empty backpack) when I decided to change server and select one with not too many players. As of now, is the only way to find stuff is to change server until you have decent equipment? If so, I guess the developers are working on something right, loot respawn maybe? I get the idea that gear should not be too easy to find (it's a survival game after all), but still, I don't think server hopping should be encouraged, which is kinda the case right now. Thanks for the input!